Former lifelong vegetarian turned meat-cooker here again, this time I made quesadillas

Former lifelong vegetarian turned meat-cooker here again, this time I made quesadillas.

What do you think?

What are some other foods to ease my transition into the meat world as painlessly as possible?

Attached: quesadilla.jpg (3264x1836, 522K)

Stop blogging.



If mods aren't going to stop that guy who drinks PBR and posts pics of his cats wallowing all over his food, then they're not going to do anything about me. Sorry.

Now would you kindly rate my quesadilla or suggest me something else that's easy for someone who's just getting into meat to prepare?

wow thx for the blog!


Fine, I'll rate it. The chicken looks both juicy and properly seared. 10/10 if served with some hot sauce and soured cream on the side.

He does cook alongside though they are different than this

Get some ground beef and bread with some veggies and make a meatloaf.

Thank you :3
Beef is my next's still a bit hard for me to even eat as it has a lot more of a meaty flavor than chicken.

>Thank you :3
Fuck you, kys yourself. go back to rëddit kid.

Don't talk to my bf that way! >,

I've been here all summer, hon owo

Not bad. Not the way I like to fold my quesadillas though.

Attached: Quesosillas.jpg (4032x3024, 1.98M)

Lunchables. Also avoid red meat for a while. That shit fucks with your guts if you haven't been eating it for a while.

What's going on here?
>Also avoid red meat for a while. That shit fucks with your guts if you haven't been eating it for a while.
That's what people said about meat in general, but I didn't have any problem.

>What's going on here?
You've never seen quesadillas with sauce before?

Grind smoked bacon and coat boiled eggs rolled in a little chilli. Flour them, egg them, breadcrumbs then deep fry till golden. Great tasty scotch eggs. Always grind your own meat. Packet mince can have a gross texture that might put you off. Try chinese crispy duck in pancake rolls.

meat is bad m'kay

I guess I haven't. What kinda sauce is it?
That does sound tasty.

I switched from vegetarian to more lean meats for Veeky Forums reasons. Eating red meat wasn't bad. It just took me a long time to digest for some reason. After my first steak I didn't have to shit at all the next day. I didn't experience that with all the chicken I was eating.

Just hand ground peppers, onions, garlic, and tomatoes. Cooked down for hours.

I finely mince the onions and peppers. Cook the onions until brown before throwing in the peppers and tomatoes and enough water or broth to cover, and simmering for about 4 hours. Then I add a significant amount of pasted garlic right at the end.

I don't exactly have a recipe; but we're talking 2 yellow onions, 8 decent size hatch peppers, whatever gets you the equivalency of 28 oz of tomato product, and 4-6 cloves of garlic.

Sounds good, man. Thanks.

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Even the jews know chicken is a vegetable

Looks fine. How does it taste?

I like to put veggies in my chicken quesadillas. Bell peppers, onions, corn.

It was delicious. I spiced the shit out of the chicken with cayenne pepper, chili powder, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and oregano.

Beforehand I brined it for about 2 hours.

I'm still working on my brining technique because it keeps coming out too salty, and I can't tell if it's because my brine is too salty, or I'm brining for too long.

Try slow cooking the chicken so that it falls apart like pulled pork. Makes a better quesadilla.

Don't listen to this fag. Shredded chicken is literally the most inferior of all forms of all meat. It's the virgin of meat. Grilled chicken is, however, acceptable. Carry on, OP.

What do you have in mind for beef? Burger, steak?

Your body is just really efficient at digesting red meat, to the point where hardly any of it is wasted. People who do zero carb diet often shit less than once a week because they just mostly absorb everything