Infuses your food with carcinogens

>infuses your food with carcinogens
>provides a way of exercise during clean up and heat up because it takes so long
>might as well skip arm day at the gym because of how heavy it is
buy your cast iron pan today, goy

Attached: Cast-Iron-Pan.jpg (3900x1850, 1.92M)

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I don't understand this board or its users. Shouldn't you be doing anything else, OP?

Nope, this is an old wive's tale. It will increase the iron content of your food but that's normal dietary iron.
>Also it's really heavy

Attached: 555.jpg (600x375, 15K)

>every single fucking time the SO uses the pan
>puts it in sink, puts soap in it and lets it sit and soak
STOPPPPPPP I've told you 100+ times!!


Women aren't very good at stuff.

the literal state of soyboys

Attached: laughing pepe.jpg (540x534, 67K)

>might as well skip arm day at the gym because of how heavy it is
Low T beta detected

If soap damages your """""seasoning""""" then your pan was never actually seasoned. It takes far more than a little dish soap to do anything to a pan's seasoning.

Why the fuck do you clean the castiron pan but dont wipe down the microwave when your soup explodes everywhere reeeee!!

I got 3 cast iron pan from amazon for 24 eurobucks. Find me some decent nonstick/inox pans for the same price.

It's always soap and a bit of copper/steel wool and set to soak overnight.

real men use stainless steel

Attached: 1948233.mmv.jpg (2000x1378, 72K)

>he doesn't neutralize his tomatoes with CaCO3


Housewives a century ago handled large cast-iron pans and dutch ovens without a problem. How weak are you?

>tfw skillet sitting on the hob with old fat in from a couple of weeks ago

I'll wash it eventually, it'll get rust spots, I'll wipe them off then fry up a steak. Big fucking woop. You faggots need to man up a bit

The absolute state of soygoys

op here using my phone
i am a fucking soyboi and what
suck my low T nuts
leave em hanging out your bussy
also cast iron not really made from iron


It gets fucking hot and is god tier for searing

It takes half an hour of preptime to pre-season and it takes 3 hours after cooking to post-season.

Why the fuck are you hipsters spending so much time on that shit?
It's literally retarded.

Enjoy your chromium

Do what??? You just use the pan and wipe it down...

go get your social worker.

I'm over cast iron, nice stainless steel pans are so much more versatile, the only benefit of bare cast iron is that it's cheap, but most of the cheap shit brands also have terrible factory seasoning that flakes off and makes it hard to reseason, might buy a nicer CI pan at some point but then there'd be little benefit over getting another SS pan