Today we make the steak dinner OK?

Today we make the steak dinner OK?

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Your mom is thick cut

Steak and a side pasta? =/


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We stuff the leek with carrot, cilantro, mushroom, provolone, ginger, tomato, and cover the ends w/ leek

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oh and garlic, there is garlic in there too.

I'm kind of intrigued and want to know why you're stuffing leeks and shit but those paper plates just tell me that this is going to be fucking terrible

stock, ginger, leeks, carrot, mushroom into the pan let it get nice and hot OK

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what wrong w/ putting ingredients on paper plate ha? 900 plate for 5 dollar.

OK we start to make steak

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See, I told you... You already majorly fucked up. Paper plate test never fails.

Why is your meat unfucking seasoned

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OK mr 17 yr old, just hold your horses there.

We going to lightly sear each side before final cooking tactics.

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why would you season meat at the start of the cooking process? just burns the seasoning.

We can now drop the stuffed leek into the sauce desu.

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He means salt dude.

This seems like something a weird chinaman would do


not needed as butter is salted.Chefs think they need to over salt everything, it's pretty terrible, and makes the steak taste like mcdonalds fries.

we finish off a quick sear on each side and reduce heat and cover for now.

this is going to be soo good big boi

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salt doesnt fucking burn you moron.
throw everything in the trash where it belongs and start over again
or better dont and throw yourself in the trash as well

looks shit
throw it away and start again
you fucking gay nigger

When you flip the steak you add the garlic, butter, and herbs. Know what I'm saying OK?

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Looks tasty desu

>Someone is super jealous

two salty teenagers that think they know how to cook ok ok, no problem. we continue w/ the thread.

can even add some mushroom in there as well.

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*adds three mushrooms*
that shit will look so embarassing when plated
better throw it away now and burn yourself

Check on your stuffed leek at this point, add some more stuff to it, need more flavor OK.

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never before made me a plate on Veeky Forums throw up
congrats i guess

Spamming desu

now we are going to rest the steak on paper plate for fun, maybe add more flavor.

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see: what did i tell you?
i wouldnt even dare to give this to a homeless person

looks good bruh

oh look little girl doesn't know what rest means hahahehehe.

now we start to plate on paper plate, add more flavor OK

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now what you going to want to do is toss your penne in store bought pesto because you can't find enough basil in the store to make it yourself with out paying 99 dollar.

I forget picture, sorry.

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i think i just fucking puked again m8

And then it's time to enjoy! Please make it yourself, it's good!

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go away fast foody nobody want you here.

on a fucking

hahahahahahaha, real nigga knows his steak

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This looks good. Thumps up.

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I'd eat the fuck outta this
I loved to stuffed leak idea
gonna try that soon. ANy tips?

This is the steak dinner I made last night. Probably gonna make the same thing tonight, though grill it rather than sear it on the stove.

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Use feta instead of provolone, or even better some kind of flavored goat cheese; stuff it with things you like, make it your own. Don't bother keeping the leek intact, always remove the outer layers then slice it to put the ingredients in (spices as well) then stick it back together w/ bamboo skewers. I used tooth picks cause I was out of bamboo skewers.

The spices I like in it are turmeric, cayenne, black pepper, and paprika

>steak from food lion
are you a nigger?


are you a dumb ass pile of shit that no one will ever love?

Nah. Steak sucks. Overrated.

Where’s the war chester shire?

Learn how to peel garlic boo bie

you just showed that you are underage, there is literally minced garlic next to the whole garlic, and whole garlic is required for cooking steak. this site is worse than reddit.

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I care. OP is a disgrace for using a paper plate (sorry OP)

Show me on the doll where the paper plate touched you.

only niggers shop at food lion. jussayin'
go to HEB and get a decent steak, you faggot

forty laughing units

You still need to remove the peel. Sorry, but OP is a stupid negro.

this desu

there is no garlic peel there lol what are you looking at? even if there was a peel it doesn't matter when cooking steak.

>food lion

my nigga

Food Lions closed in my area because of tainted foods they sold

Idk if you're still here OP but I liked your cooking lesson.

Thanks bro.

This turned out much nicer than I expected.

I'm so hungry

please send this to me

Seriously, how does OP even cut it without tearing the plate and making a huge fucking mess?

OP was a pretty cool guy and I liked his steak a lot
But I thought the penne was kinda pointless and I don't really like generic pasta + pesto. Also pasta with steak feels wrong anyway.
Just my opinion. I'd do roast veg or gratin or something.