Pizza Delivery stories?

>11 o'clock
>Feeling the urge for the za'
>Order some za' from the Pizza Hut
>For special request, have them cut the pizza into a pentagram
>Pizza boy isn't getting here on time after like 30 minutes
>Set up a circle of candles on the floor
>Get on robe, dim lights, put on some reverse humming on a speaker
>Ding dong
>Pizza boy opens up
>That'll be 20.56 plus tip please
>Hand him only the cash
>Tell him the tip is in the circle
>Open door wide enough for him to see the poorly made ritual circle
>Kids probably like 17 and believes it
>Just gives me the pizza and leaves
>Realize i just ordered from pizza hut
>Diarrhea the next morning

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yeah you caught me. it was a 30 year old man who ignored the lazy set up and was still holding out his hand for a tip. fun didn't go as planned.

You just gotta sell the scene a little harder.

Drag him screaming into the circle, bind him to the altar, raise up the sacrificial dagger while chanting in Satan's name, and just as he expects you to plunge the blade into his heart, instead give him the tip and thank him for the pizza.

Shit, that would've worked. I just had another pizza story happen, not as climatic
>Order some 'za
>Forgive the hut and try again
>Pizza comes
>It's the wrong order
>Call The Hut and tell them
>They say they'll give me a new order
>The guy comes back
>Expect the 'za
>Sorry i just forgot the drinks. i've been having a rough 8 hour
>Tell him thanks and he leaves
>Mfw i didn't tell him it was the wrong pizza
>Mfw he's probably gonna get fired as soon as he gets back
Dude looked exhausted. Now i have all this extra pizza and whatnot and i'm waiting on my actual order

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You've teased the Devil one time too many and he's cursed you. Gotta give him a proper human sacrifice or you'll never get the right order delivered.

well i ordered a personal pan pentagram za and it came finally. and i also got 25 dollars to the next order so it'll be free.

>well i...
you sound like an enormous faggot. stop drinking soda and killing yourself with expensive garbage and innocent people wouldn't lose their jobs. fuck people like you who live in the shit places they do.

>delinquent cousin orders pizza
>has a
>pizza guy arrives
>knock knock knock
>there's a note
>"just gone for a walk, money's in the letter box, just leave pizzas on doorstep.
>Guy leaves pizzas on doorstep and goes off
>Cousin opens door, takes pizzas, shuts door
>Pizza guy is furious, bangs on door
>Cousin munches away on free pepperoni slices

Could the pizza guy have called the police for that? Isn't that robbery?

Apparently not. Nothing happened. That cousin of mine was a real piece of shit.

For not leaving a tip? Hardly.

I used to deliver pizza when I was 17/18. One night I did a delivery and this smoking hot chick answered the door completely naked. She was laughing though and it was obvious that there was at least one other person inside, so no I didn't fuck her, but for a second I thought I'd stumbled into the Brazzers dimension.

>ma'am... you're umm... fupa... seems to be dragging on the floor...

We all know this is how it went user.

From the story I'm assuming he didn't actually put the money in the letter box.

>Be vegan
>Have extreme craving for pizza, also hungover
>Order thin crust cheeseless pizza (yeah I know), 30 mins before dominos closes
>Delivery guy gets here, seems really annoyed
>Tip him well because I realize I'm being shitty by ordering so close to close
>Open up pizza, extra cheese instead of none
>Delivery guy has already driven off
>Call dominos, they're closed

Ended up giving it to my roommate, but they gave me a replacement pizza the next day

What a limp dick you are

Thats what you get you vegan fuck.

pure faggotry.

They didn’t call the cops they probably just took it out of his pay. That’s pretty fucked

>in college
>find $50 bill on the parking lot of a gas station
>buy a 2 cases of beer
>go home, surprise roommates
>order pic related
>almost 3 hours later
>me and roommates are drunk and stoned
>completely forgot about pizza order
>pizza delivery guy arrives
>"sorry for the wait, pizza is free and here's a coupon for a free large pizza for next time"
>we want 2 more larges
>mfw he actually gets us 2 supreme pizzas and wings out of his car that were a cancelled order
>smoke him up
>play mario kart double dash on gamecube and drink whiskey and beer and eat pizza all night

It was a great day to be honest

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sounds like a perfect day

They usually always realize if a mistake is made and if you're not a cunt customer they usually hook you up and make it right
>order based Marco's
>half sausage and pep, half sausage and feta
>knock on door ~40 min later
>large peperoni and xtra large supreme
>whatever both are good
>1 hr later
>knock knock nigga
>original correct pizza delivered, not even expecting it
>2 larges and an xtra large for under 30 bucks
Was a good day, and I've never had an order delivered incorrectly where I didn't get what I wanted eventually plus the mistakenly delivered order

I liked so much about this post


stop saying "za" you retarded meme loving faggot