It's not REAL Japanese food

>It's not REAL Japanese food
>It's not REAL Chinese food
>It's not REAL French food
>It's not REAL Italian food

What the fuck is "real" food supposed to be.

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Maybe we‘re not REAL people?

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How can cuisine be real if our eyes aren't real?

Define "real".

It's made in the country of origin by a native, preferably on the street.

Are we human? Or are we dancer?

its a variant of the No True Scotsman fallacy

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>what do words mean?
shitty gas station sushi is not real japanese food
orange chicken is not real chinese food
panera bread french onion soup is not real french food
olive garden does not have real italian food

I hope this has helped you in your quest to defeat the predominant hindrance known as AUTISM that is your life

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It means a person is desperate to seem cultured by telling everyone that what they are eating is not authentic. It's like when a person insists on telling you that soccer is actually called football everywhere else.

Authentic, like it would be made in that country by that country's natives.

A better metaphor is if someone changed the basic rules of baseball and insisted it's still the same game and it's still baseball.

Fair point.

In Sydney a guy from California liked to complain often, and loudly that Mexican food in Sydney was not as good as it was in California, butbhe would keep eating Mexican style food just to complain. He was obsessed.

As someone who lived in california most of his life I know his fucking pain. No one gets it right. I'm in vegas now and found some passable mexican food but it's not the same.I don't say anything though. Just suffer in silence.

I know what you mean, I live in Boston but I just got back from San Diego. I made sure to enjoy the Mexican food while I could because there is nothing similar to it in Massachusetts.

According to the obsessed it's just a term for non-American (as they whisper in the same breath that America is nothing but immigrants and brought everything it has from other countries).

Like anybody in Sydney expects it to be anything like it is in Mexico. Hardly any Mexicans even come here, and when we want to trade for some Trump bitches about it.

I liked this reply the most desu

It's something I didn't even anticipate. I don't understand why other states can't do it. It's fine though. I'm enjoy the cheaper housing here.

It's not about expectation. It's about being blindsided because you didn't think about it. I'm sure sydney is a good place to live but if you can't get a decent taco that sucks.

nah, authenticity is a conspiracy to make me feel uncultured

Yes but is it professional food?

Worse, but harder to make due to almost impossible to get ingredients or tools.

No way

This coming from a board that make shitfits over beans in chili or chicago pizza.

Because it isn't. For it to be real it needs to be made in the country of origin.

>Azn pride faggot children of chink immigrants
>"Ugh takeout and buffet food is so disgusting it makes me want to gag I hate it its not REAL chinese food"
>Actual chinks in China love western Chinese food and want to eat it more

"It's not REAL x food" cunts need to be culled.

When you're talking about a cuisine that's from a specific place "real" means it's made the way it would be made there, using the same ingredients. This would differentiate it from the food immigrants make in a new land, adapting their dishes to what ingredients are available and local tastes. Chinese food is a perfect example. In China there are a number of different regional styles. But the Desi Chinese food in Kolkata, the Chinese American takeout menu, the Chinese food in Mexico City and the Chinese food served in Japanese banquet halls are are different than the Chinese food found in China. They're not "real" Chinese food, but rather real Indian Chinese, Mexican Chinese, Chinese American and Japanese Chinese. They have their own unique history and flavors that go beyond China's borders. That history gives food writers something to write about.

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t. fries in burritos

What the fuck? Do Americans really do this?

Californians do, and it's disgusting. I'm from the south where we have ACTUAL mexican food.

when did Cyndi Lauper start taking gook hormones?

Japanese people think western influenced Japanese dishes like hayashi rice, omurice, or Napolitan are actually western dishes.

The point is authenticity counts the very little.

The only time I give a shit about authenticity is if I go to a restaurant that invented a dish, I'd be interested in trying it in its original form.

Authenticity might not mean much but there's a purely conceptual issue when something you call A changes so much that people do not recognize it as such. Pic related is a japanese take on western beef stew. Sure it might taste nice, but would you not be confused if it was called an examle European cuisine?

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Yes, I would be, which is my point, and why getting hung up over details is dumb.

It's not real when it's been culturally appropriated by oppressive colonialists

They mean authentic, but who cares...

The best sandwich

Enjoy your Americanize """"""""""foreign country"""""""""""" food

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Fuck you. The california burrito is god tier.

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authentic and traditional

are you autistic?

You guys ever see that Buzzfeed video, where they give American Chinese food to both old people and young people from China?

The young people are pretentious as fuck, they're all like "this sucks, real Chinese food is so much better" "Hahaha stupid white people"

Meanwhile the old people were like "This is good" "I like it" "Not bad"

Funny as fuck

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>America is nothing but immigrants and brought everything it has from other countries.
Well, yes, in the same way EVERY nation is immigrants that have brought themselves from somewhere else. Unless you want to name some spot in the primordial soup or first known homo sapiens skeleton location the start of humanity, national identity is a really nebulous thing when considered non-legally.

I have a roommate that puts this on near goddamn everything. He's from Argentina.
That's because old Chinese people are used to shit-tier food. We literally made up or stole antiquated dishes and added mass-produced flavors to them. It's not supposed to be high cuisine.

>It's not REAL Japanese food

Why would anyone want this? Japanese food is pretty bland unless they use more seasoning than america

Lawsons>family mart>711

>go to japan with friends from europe
>hardees/carls jr on akihabara strip
>show them the jalapeno burger and other stuff
>they instantly fall in love

>go to country
>have the food there
>"wow this is fucking garbage"
>Hey user how was food over in X
>pretty shit actually
>"what, that's not what everyone says they said it's the best thing ever!"
>yeah well probably because they can brag about their trip more because of that and you can't prove them wrong because you never been or likely to go


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>old people who are given free food
>2nd gens who don't want their identity to be associated with takeout
Big surprise.

more like
>young generation knows they are on video for reactions on a major internet site, want to give epic reactions for that 100 bucks "EW GROSS UNCULTURED CHINA #1(plz no hurt family back home)" Now let me finish full meal, yes yes it shit let me have more please.
>old generation, doesn't understand buzzfeed meme and stuff gives reasonable assertion after living in china so long not doesn't understand they aren't suppose to put on a show so they call it as they see it


holy shit you are hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>What the fuck is "real" food supposed to be.

It's just an arbitrary quality people attribute to food that doesn't meet the imaginary expectations they developed either out of nostalgia or whatever cultural obsession they happen to be suffering from.

idgaf about being super authentic made in the country of origin but alfredo isnt fucking italian and pasta is eaten on a plate with a fork, not a fucking spoon

A lot of people think it's changing ingredients or "the rules". Here's the thing though, people literally substitute ingredients all the time. You think Pierre's mom doesn't make better French bread because of some secret ingredient than the rest of the French kids' moms? You bet she does. Just like Hero's mom has a sick spam or avocado sushi recipe, while the other nips get sick of whatever bean sprout and tuna shit their mom's making. You want "authentic" and "original" creation? Just bite into an animal or dirty plant, retard.

seeing that the average poorshit chinaman makes like $3.54 a day I'm pretty sure "real" chinese is utter shit so who cares

Should've Capitalized The First Letter Of Each Word

the old people were respectful and recognised that americanized-chinese food is different to regular chinese food but is still tasty. the young people acted pretentious for the camera

they made less but their food cost less too.