Sopa de sushi

Uma delicia

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Why is Brazilian food so terrible?

Because it's a destitute poor country full of political corruption, creating a culture that basically eats prison food.

At least it's not some lame raw fish on rice that a arrogant jap wants to charge 300 dolars.

300 DORRAH!!

because more than half the population is black+natives

their IQ and shoe size are often the same number

Wherever this is, It deserves to be nuked.


This is prison food, right?

it's obviously a zuccinni


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Look at the sign

ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this

t. brazilian


Is that actually something disgusting? Because it *looks* pretty good.

I would probably eat it just to say that I'd had it.

Nah, it tastes pretty good, especially with tabasco

brazilians can just climb over the wall and rob the entire country


When I was living in Brazil, I went to a Chinese buffet, and there were black beans in the steamer tray next to the white rice. It was weird.

Some Brazilian food is really good, though. The whole country has no idea what the fuck pizza is supposed to be, but honest to god, I get a craving for their weird cream cheese and hot dog flatbread roll-ups every once in a while. The ham, scrambled egg, and olive one was good with enough ketchup.

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the problem is that it's probably just a way to get rid of the former days sushi. so it's stale fish to begin with

Traditional brazilian cuisine is great, especially from Minas Gerais, everything from elsewhere we try to mimic sucks though.
Rio also has the worst food, btw.

They say you can get good pizza in Sao Paulo.