Soyboys don't ruin everyth-

soyboys don't ruin everyth-

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>drinking IPAs in the first place
user you’re the only soyboy here right now

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You wouldn't say that if you actually liked ipas.

Funny how you're calling me a soyboy but you're the one who doesn't like the taste of a primary ingredient in all beer

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grab yourself a nice *insert rick and morty reference here* juicy ipa. reddit riiiiiiiick!!!

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Never heard of that beer company and it looks shit tier. Drink dogfish head instead.

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I don’t mind the taste, I mind the huge amounts of estrogen in them compared to other beers and I mind the faggots who won’t shut up about them(exhibit a) you).
Also not every beer is full of American Hops, which is what make IPAs taste the way they do. Drink a beer with a shit ton of European hops, it’s just very floral smelling and tasting, not like if a pine tree had a sphincter.

>likes soyboy thing
>is surprised when other soyboy like it

God fucking damn it, why is everything so goddamned faggotty nowadays?
>dogfish head
Good man.


What's with this trend of putting craft beer in cans? Isn't canned beer the worst storage method? I get that it's cheaper than bottles but isn't it compromising on quality a little? Saw some being hawked for like £7 a can at the place I went for dinner last night, funnily enough there was some sort of androgynous thing at a table nearby drinking one. Strikes me as a bit dumb when they have plenty good beer on tap for a better price.

tbqhf, I like both ipa and rick and morty, but this shit is retarded. it’s not even a fucking good or relevant reference to the show.
fan boy shit like this was a mistake

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this word for word could be a comment on reddit

literally any string of characters could be a comment on reddit.

Not that user but no, he's right. What you posted here is extremely bizarre, please go.

It doesn't affect quality as can's now have a lining inside which prevents that metallic taste being imparted to the beer. They save storage space, are lighter, are more airtight so they keep beer fresher, and don't let light in which also has adverse affects on beer.

not me, faggot

And the lining is made from BPA.

Enjoy your bitchtits and mood swings, soyboy.

Do you have any studies that show how the phytoestrogen contained in IPAs has had an effect on male fertility and testosterone levels? Please don't mention that one 1998 book by pic related that seems to be the only source people have for this.

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Though I will say, this guy does look very credible. A self proclaimed "herbologist" who studies the healing and spiritual powers of plants. Thank god we have people like him to tell us about redpilled plants.

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I was just explaining why breweries use cans over bottles, don't get emotional.

Well you did instantly reply to the comment chain. Also ur the faggot, faggot.

>are more airtight so they keep beer fresher

See I'd heard the opposite of this and am inclined to agree considering cola in a glass bottle tastes way better than when it's in a can. I'll try some canned craft beer some time to see what it's like, hopefully I can find one that's not a fucking IPA because I find those give me a dicky tummy from the acidity.

I doubt you'd get that just from the beer, I'd imagine those with higher estrogen have other dietary factors at play.

Jesus christ

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>joosey IPA
the best IPA you'll ever taste

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>And the lining is made from BPA.
probably not

Wait no, I’m the faggot!


>preferring one variety of hops to another is somehow political
you seem a bit obsessed, friend

>mfw Joji himself stopped

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do you want me to slap the fuck out of your face nigger? go back to plebbit fag

because it was a retarded, king faggot

The people who push the "soyboy xD" shit are /pol/sharts who've leaked out. Nothing to do with politics, all to do with the type of retard that breeds there.

Hate to break it to you sweetie but soyboy has become a pretty mainstream term. It has very little to do with /pol/ anymore.

The ironic part is that IPAs do more to decrease testosterone due to the fuckload of hops than soy does

>everything I don't like is /pol/
Jesus, it isn't even summer yet

>primary ingredient in all beer
you mean water? malt?


soyboy doesn't really have to do with paul joseph watson anymore. it's basically synonymous with numale now

>tbqhf, I like both ipa and rick and morty,
you know what to do, grab a noose and do us all a favour lad.

Yet whenever somebody associates it with /pol/ it seems to get a rise out of people. If there was no truth in the statement you people wouldn't get so assblasted about it.

>one of the 100,000 different craft beers being made in America references a show I don't like because reddit says it is bad now

Oh no, how tragic, we should definitely be mad about this

Nice meme words faggot

protip: every just wants you to stop whining about your /pol/ boogeyman

Muh soy bogeyman

>everyone who doesn’t like what I like is /pol/

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You pretty much hit the nail on the head, it's just cheaper, especially if the brewery is tiny. Also, some music festivals get really asshurt if you bring glass, so cans are pretty much the only thing allowed.

Order of freshness:


You're an idiot.

Yeah, knew I was on the right track, cheers.

I think he means the difference between a tap at a bar and one of those kegs you Yanks seem to wheel out for your "frat parties".

I don't use the "soyboy" terms but this is some high level soyboy nu male bugman retard shit.

You redditors are extreme level retard normalfags and you need to die.

No, he's basically just retarded.

Kegs aren't just for frat parties you mouth breather, the best use is at a bonfire with your bros.

Well pardon fucking me for that being the only time I've seen them is in films used at frat parties.

This. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to yell soy in a different thread now.

This entire post smacks of reddit

>Le snarky sarcastic Comment XD
Normalfags are cancer, every time someone with knowledge tries to improve this world normalfags have to come along and destroy it. Progress is bad to the normaltard, it scares them, they want to be enslaved and told what to do. This is 4chinz, not your fucking retard sandtrap where everyone has to be confined to a box of limited speech and Ideas. Welcome to Veeky Forums, now get the fuck out.

Cans are actually better than glass.

>difference between a tap at a bar and one of those kegs you Yanks seem to wheel out for your "frat parties".

Literally the same thing.

Well, even if this product is repugnant, the fact that the market for microbreweries can support such a diverse array of products is heartening.

Cans are objectively the best way to sell beer off premises

>tap at a bar and one of those kegs you Yanks seem to wheel out for your "frat parties".
they are literally the same thing, though college parties will rarely buy good beer

Cans are good for storage and less packaging and waste and no light gets in but I prefer glass bottles.

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pretty sure soyboys are the very people leading the reddit backlash against Rick and Morty's popularity

>but I prefer glass bottles.
lol why?
Cans are better in literally every way. And you should pour into a glass regardless of how the beer is shipped and stored

you can find a beer named about basically anything. There is a fucking lot of beer

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I don't care about cartoons anyway, I have important things to do. I am so fucking tired of seeing my bullshit feminized lazy brainwashed generation. I am 25 years old and the young people around me can work hard and do complex things. Those city kids are hopeless though, They don't know how to change light bulbs, use a ladder or a hammer. It's disgusting. They talk about their cartoons and video games and $12 coffee milkshakes as if that is the peak of life.

neck yourself

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>I have important things to do
Like post on a Cambodian Agriculture Enthusiast board?

this + breweries are constantly suing each other for unwittingly copying each other's beer names so basically you have to go out of your way to make up wacky names that no one would have been lame enough to have already used

Yes, very important, the more normalfag retard vledditors gone the better.

>oh no soyboys are invading my candy pop fizzy "beer" meme

craft beer was a mistake

This is a bad take

No, nu male soyboys were a mistake.

>You wouldn't say that if you actually liked ipas.
no but then he'd be a soyboy to begin with

IPAs are for soyboys. Beer culture in general is for soyboys.

What is the recipe equivalent of this webm?

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/out/ is a good board

Huh, fair one, I figured you had these keg things that were kind of like a big version of the things we get over here for that (pic related) that is very different from a keg used in a bar.

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I see those at liquor stores occasionally but never seen someone buy one
College parties generally buy the exact same kegs that bars get. You can buy them at any liquor store or grocery store, you pay a deposit on the keg itself

The kegs used at keggers/frat parties/bonfires/etc are the same kegs used in bars usually a 1/2 barrel or occasionally a pony keg of import/craft beer.

ITT: hipsters collide

I agree.

god i love this image

What the fuck?

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These are absolute shit. I tried the bubba keg years ago when it first came out, it’s just full of flat beer. Regular kegs are nothing like this.

Fair one, thanks for the info.

Yeah I'd never bother with them, look like a gimmick.

anything adding bacon

t. CEO of Soylent

what are those faggy things on top the cans?

have you never seen a four pack?

holders so animals can’t get stuck in the holes of thrown in the ocean



I'm here to talk shit about sandwich condiment choices, not about peoples' thoughts on "people who don't look very similar to me." Save that shit for /pol/ and reddit.

I'm sure all those "city kids" are very real and not imaginary at all.

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