Just ordered pic related because I'm craving instant noodles and they are two of the highest sellers in Japan...

Just ordered pic related because I'm craving instant noodles and they are two of the highest sellers in Japan, along with Ippeichan which is amazing. I wish shipping from there didn't take nearly a month though, currently waiting for a mystery noodle box of 3 as well. Anyway, there have been so many ramen threads lately, where is the instant yakisoba love?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>ordered directly from Japan
Are you retarded? They sell these on amazon and from other domestic retailers

I ordered my mystery box from Amazon, and those from eBay. All third party from Japan and were an amazing deal so it's worth the wait. I'm far from retarded sweetie.

I find many asian wheat noodles can be somewhat mimicked with regular pasta boiled in water with baking powder. Then all you have to obtain is a big batch of yakisoba sauce.



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That is more than what I spent faggot, what are you not understanding?

Why you bitch about the shipping time when you could buy them from US sellers.

I wasn't bitching, it was merely noted. Thank you for the input though, any personal preferences to share concerning yakisoba?

Weebs are disgusting

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Yeah the spicy chicken maruchan yakisoba

Looks good.

You could just go to any asian market and get these, they are trash here and there. If you're going to get something imported make it boss coffee rainbow

What's the one on the left called?

It unironically translates to "bitch noodles"

So how exactly would I find it on Amazon or ask for it in the chink shop?

"I want bitch noodles"

It's basically indomee mee goreng but japanese.

Is this true? I was going to make a run to the Asian grocery store tomorrow and pick up a couple packs of this, but if it's indomee tier I wont bother.

Where you replying to this? If so can anyone still tell me what it's called?
Also indomee mee goreng doesn't come in it's own receptacle and I ain't bringing a bowl to work

Both of them literally translate to "fried noodles" and are derived from Chinese fried noodles that use sweet soya sauce. And even though they are called "Yakisoba", they don't really use "Soba" (buckwheat noodles), they use wheat flour-based noodles which is again, the same as Chinese noodles. The Nissin UFO red one has that Japanese spicy mayonnaise thing that I dislike so that's something different I guess???

Just because the name translates to something generic doesn't mean it's all the same. Might as well say Top Ramen is the same as anything else called ramen, but that's apparently also Chinese so...

I don't always eat instant noodles, but when I do I mostly prefer Korean and Chinese brands; might have something to do with the Japanese store being much further away. I don't even really like any dried yakisoba type things I've ever tried, but it's the second time in just a couple of days that I saw it mentioned, and was planning on going to the Asian grocery anyway and thought, why not?



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Did you feed your dog the garnishes packets and then have him throw up on the noodles?

I like UFO yakisoba.

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They do have cup versions in select regions but it's a hassle (3 items sealed on 1 satchel) and don't have as much garnishing compared to Korean/Japanese dry instant-noodle brands.

Which is why i say it's mee goreng BUT japanese...

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Nevermind you useless bunch of cunts I found it. It's peyang yakisoba

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>he got upset because nobody was even talking about the noodles he was interested in

I'll pick up one of those too if they have them at my local Asian mart and report back. Just for you, user.

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>image search this because why is someone posting these random pics
>from some japanese guy who mixed them all together for no reason


Turns out that Japanese youtubers are just as insufferable as American fast food youtubers.