
Please share your thoughts and feelings on Kimchi.

Attached: Kimchi.jpg (1920x1080, 415K)

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Some people like it, some people don't


I have never been in the presence of kimchi, but it sure looks pretty.

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I love it but I will only eat it in restaurants because it truly smells like garbage when you pop a jar at home.

I make my own and it's leagues above anything I've gotten in a jar.

I like it, however the radish variety produces a stink you wouldn't think a vegetable could make.

fresh kimchi tastes great

im korean and i dont eat kimchi. i used to eat a lot of it but i get diarrhea whenever i eat it now. i also dont like the taste. korean food sucks, its all about fermentation which is smelly and gross. koreans are very unimaginative, thats why they copy so well

>fresh kimchi

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it's amazing but so expensive here.
i can't wait to move to japan. they had tubs of it for only a couple yen when i visited.

Gut bacteria determines your nationality

me too

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nope, my eyes and small penis do

that's just radishes in general

it's great, but not the watered down version for white people. the one in the pic looks okay.

delicious side to steak or kalbi or chicken or whatever. the best part are the thick crispy slices of daikon

There are many different types of kimchi, mong, and some are unfermented for example "mul kimchi." Furthermore, a fresh batch of cabbage or pickle kimchi meant to be fermented is goat af fresh as well.

Korean neighbor brings me some every winter...

I just made my first batch and I was wondering why it smelled so awful. Thought I'd fucked up or something

Nah it is peak taste about a month in and it doesn't smell or taste like how it smells when you burp the jar

What all is included your marinade? I made a thread a few weeks ago of making some cucumber kimchi which came out good but I'm going to let it ferment another week or so (my garlic was a bit too thick so it needs more time to soften up a little), I'm not up to making it yet but I have a 2 month recipe I'll probably make soon and snap some photos for my process and post here

Make my own

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He's trying to fuck bro

>built slight of frame
>small penis
its a shame more asian men dont become cute girls and white men

well im 6ft and around 180 pounds so im above average (for asian)height and build wise. just my face is fucked up. i would be an ugly girl desu

post face while wearing mascara and lipstick


aw come on, I just got my dick out ready to jerk it
you cant leave me hanging like this bro
come on bro

no way

I guess I'll just have to blueball

kimchi warui

big if true

Dude it's so watery. Did you add water?

First time I had it, I was drunk and thought it was amazing

I tried it again sober, and it almost provoked vomit

You're not Korean.


When I lived in Seattle for a time there was a great Korean place I liked to go to even though it wasn't a big deal place. A lot of college kids in there and shit when I was already done with school, that kind of a place, but I thought the food was so damn good. It seemed pretty fucking Korean to me, but maybe it was Americanized or something. There were tons of Asians in there always though.
Only told you this to try to figure out your story of being a Korean who doesn't like Korean food and put a positive vote in for the cuisine.

What stuff did they serve there? Korean BBQ or something else?

looks liek a chinese lasagna

>remember waking up one day hung over
>craving weird food because electrolytes depleted
>see the kimchi in the fridge "OH FUCK YES"
>open the jar and almost gag from the smell
>eat 4 or 5 fork-fulls and savor the brine taste
>thirsty, so I pour a glass of milk
>tastes like the second coming of christ
>30 minutes passes by and it feels like a cement mixer is in my stomach
>the pain was bad, but the smell was worse

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Listen to this wise user

I live near Seattle. What's this place called?

>fresh cooked rice
>fried chicken, no need to get fancy with coatings either, just straight flour, salt, pepper
>side of kimchi

Absolutely fuckmazing.

does liking kim chi make me a soy boy

breathing automatically makes you a soyboy

its ok

store bought kimchi is usually shit

>not mu


Not going to go through and make a dozen images. Here are three that I've been to: (Pink Pony)

Pink Pony is fairly decent. I didn't eat there and don't think I even saw a menu. It was hard enough to find that $5 menu online. Went here with my boss a couple times because he didn't want to go to Cheetah. Cheaper but still pretty okay overall.

Clermont doesn't have shit posted online but I wouldn't recommend doing anything but drinking there.

The Cheetah on the other hand is very very nice and I've always had a good time there. Very clean, classy joint with friendly staff and really just a lot of fun for a night out. Usually go about once a year or so and have never had a bad experience. Girls are always top notch as well.

Attached: The Cheetah.jpg (670x545, 128K)

Yeah but how's their kimchi?

It's spicy, tangy, funky. What's not to love?

Sarma is better

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Im Bog and I know all about cooking, fight me!

y'all niggas ever cook/grill your kimchi or add it to your instant noodles? sooooo good

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It's ok gookshit.

Cats do this to their food not just their shit btw.
Source: a couple of my cats do this at their food dish when they're done eating

I like it, but I wouldn't eat it every day

>im korean
highly doubtful
>koreans are very unimaginative, thats why they copy so well
yeah, that's the reason, and not because decades of systematic cultural cleansing by the japanese

try harder zipperface

do you know how kimchi is made?

>buy premade kimchi at korean grocery store
>make some rice
>fry rice with kimchi, green onion, eggs,
>add chicken or beef if desired
>add gochujang

poof easy korean stir fry

Some people like it hot
Some people like it cold
Some like it in the ground,
Three days old

(My dad used to say this about kimchi. He leaned Vietnamese in '62 and spent two years there.)

>Some like it in the ground three days old
i don't get it

I like to put it in my mouth, chew it, and then swallow it

One traditional method of storing Kimchi is putting it in a container and burying it into the (cooler) ground

Not that guy but I just make the chili flakes into a paste with fish sauce (usually about 1:1 volume wise) and mix it into the cabbage


I think it's great and try to eat a few servings minimum every week for my shitty gut

korean food is so disgusting.

I haven’t got a pic but it cost me $3 for a large jar.
Asking for personal financial information is a bit creepy, user.

Is this the reason so many spoonfaces are named Kim?

It's just cabbage and it smells really bad.

It was called Green House.
Don't blame me though if you think it's a shitty little place with too many kids, or if it's not up to your standards, but I remember liking it several years back.

If there’s one thing, I fucking loathe Koreans and Filipinos who hate their cuisine. Have some fucking pride

ur mum is disgusting

Bro... Kimchi... Kims Chi!

Yeah but making varza murata is so much more difficult to make than kimchi. Kimchi takes two days to ferment but whole head cabbage can take a month or more. Also kimchi fits in a jar of any size, varza murata requires a huge crock.

most countries where it snows for any portion of the year utilize fermentation in their cuisine. at least it isn't lye-pickled whitefish or rotten shark.