About to start a quick chicken tortilla soup and crush some beers. Who’s coming with me

About to start a quick chicken tortilla soup and crush some beers. Who’s coming with me.

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I love all kinds of chicken soup. Walk us through this one, OP.

I'm in.

Not pictured was rotisserie chicken, which was shredded and currently browning in the oven with some olive oil, butter, and various seasonings (Cumin, paprika, onion powder, cayenne, chili, oregenk, salt and pepper)

Got the onion and garlic chopped and ready to be browned in pan along with corn and jalepenos. Hominy and tomatoe ingredients will be thrown in slow cooker in a bit.

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>slow cooker

But I want soup NOW

How’s Corona Familiar? I want to try it, but I got other beer to get through before I should buy more.

I use the slow cooker so I can have it ready when my girl gets home. Not taking all day though, will be good to go in around 3 hours all said and done.

The familiar is good, usually drink ipas but this is enjoyable while cooking and snacking on the various ingredients.

I haven’t snapped a pic of all the fresh toppings but in a while y’all will see the completed soup. It’s all about the toppings.

Bout to toss it all in the pot and let it relax for a bit.

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Is’alll in. Let cook in the slow cooker for 3-5 hours, more time is richer flavor. Now just gotta prep the mise en place for topping the soup, lot of components to deal with.

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Monitoring this thread, hombrè. Cook on.

Cut some small flour tortillas into strips and fry up in some vegetable oil.

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It’s so cool that you’re making the chips from fresh tortillas.

Not gonna lie, those avocados look pretty hard.

Will post photos when I crack em open. Feel pretty good though, one has a massive bruise I can tell. We will see if you are right a little later :^) a trick I have for avocados that aren’t quite ripe: I mix in some crushed up pepitas and a good portion of lime juice. The pepitas have a very rich buttery flavor and makes the avocado taste butterier in the case it’s not as ripe as you want.

>About to start a quick chicken tortilla soup
>Let cook in the slow cooker for 3-5 hours

Also, you took cooked chicken and "browned" it in the oven, and then you're slow cooking it for hours. lol'd

...and now you're frying FLOUR tortillas???

How's that sculpin? Haven't tried it yet.

Rotisserie chicken, taken off bone, shredded by hand, tossed with melted butter olive oil and seasoning put in over for a few minutes to absorb said stuff, develop more flavor.

Flour tortillas have a better flavor imo, already have a lot of corn going on in the soup, trying to have something different for the crunchy component.

Sculpin is good, prob the best out of all the variations (habenero, pineapple etc.) haven’t had a stone yet.

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t. gringo

Considering how long some soups take 3-5 hours is relatively quick. How would you have handled the chicken aspect?

Don’t shame me. It’s good, you should try it, I get sick or corn tortillas.

I got some epazote, do I get points for that? Any tips for less gringo style? I’m a white guy born and raised in Los Angeles so I try to appreciate and respect the flavors and styles of Mexico and Central America.

People, life is about compromise.

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>boxed chicken broth
You failed before you even started.

What would you have used? Where would I get what you would use? Input?

Make your own chicken stock. You even had a fucking rotisserie chicken to make it with.

Well fuck. I guess you missed the part where I said “quick”.

I wouldn't have put it in the pot until right before service.
And really, I think that what OP (if it's not you) meant was that it was quick to throw together. But this is Veeky Forums so... gotta be a dick in OC threads, y'know?

Tortilla soup should have corn tortillas as a thickener IN the soup. With all those garnishes it's going to be good anyways. Maybe call it something different. Don't really give a shit, just flipping you shit.

I like the grapefruit a lot, the pineappl every once in a while. Haven't had a stone best before in a couple years, but it's stone so it's probably gonna be good.

>slow cooker for 3-5 hours
>not keeping homemade stock on hand to begin with
Fucking idiot, enjoy your failed abortion of a """""soup""""".

Chuckled softly to myself. This fool going zero to rage over this thread, your life must be AMAZING. Lol head back to /b/ man child.

Ya I read about a thickening agent, but said fuck it. Just want some input on how to improve it. Got some cotija cheese to add as well, any other recs or is that cheese usually the go to?

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I think cotija is a better choice than queso fresco.
I'd recommend some cabbage, but you already got so much stuff in there that it's probably going to eat like a stew as it is. Plus all the radish, FLOUR tortilla, green onion, cilantro, cotija... I don't think it needs anything more.
Just in general as improvements? buy fresh peppers (I'm sure you can find the easily in L.A. no?) and roast them yourself instead of canned, frozen corn (if not fresh (I know it's out of season)). Nothing really wrong with box chx stock IMO.

We get fresh hatch out here, just had a can on hand and figured I would toss them in. Cabbage would be good, but ya it is already gonna have a lot of shit going on. More pics at the end.

Yeah, def post a plated pic plz.

Who ever questioned the state of these avocados, they were perfect.

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Final bowl shot. Thanks for sticking around, thanks for the tips and advice, will be back with some more in the future.

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>aloha sculpin

Fucking hell, is there anyone not falling for the hazy ipa meme? And why "aloha"? Hawaii is as far as possible that you can get from NE.

Cause it means hello and goodbye brada. Idk it has something to do with the yeast they use. Hazy has two meanings brada, both the look and the vibe. Heavy island vibrations.

Never thought to use hominy in a tortilla soup
Usually kept that for Pozole or Meundo

Why bother with the yellow corn tho?

A little sweeter, a nice balance with the heat of the soup and enhances the cremas sweetness. I like the texture and flavor of hominy, it’s unique and adds a different texture to the dish. This is all imo though.

>buh buh they LOOK hard
yeah, that guy was retarded.
Thanks for the final shot! Fucking grub for sure. Gj.
NOT into the hazy shit. Yeah sure, but people are adding wheat flour to their beers to make them "hazy". It's gone that far. It's a thing. And it's totally fucking commercialized.

>I like the texture and flavor of hominy
I've been a hominy fag since I was a kid.

Anyway, thx for OC, not sorry for flipping you shit, faggot.