An habanero

an habanero

Attached: Habanero_closeup_edit2.jpg (1070x1800, 221K)

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el hotpod

Literally all peppers taste the same. What a waste of time.

When I cook with them I have the song Guantanamera in my head, replacing the chorus with "one habanero"



lmao nice. I love that song. Top lad.

Attached: charly atcha.jpg (750x937, 122K)

An habanero,
one more tomato

Have a great day, senpai.

Attached: disgusting.jpg (403x612, 80K)


A.... habanero, not AN habanero

The 'h' is silent, dumb gringo

It's only silent when proceeded by a consonant. It's called a liason.

It's a Spanish word, the h is always silent.

Romance language = H and J and S and sometimes even C are liasons sometimes depending on arbitrary bullshit rules and dialect etc

In Spanish, H never makes a sound.

then explain why "an" comes before an abbreviation not separated by periods whether they're consonants or vowels

the english language is fucking bullshit, taking pronounciation customs from spanish, french, dutch and danish on a whim
"a highway" but "an hour"
"a hero" but "an heir"
"an herb" but "a herbert"

just accept that english doesn't make any fucking sense and move on

T. Wimps who can't handle spicy food. Jalapenos, habaneros and ghost peppers all have a different flavor, but you tastelets just can't handle the heat.

It does in "ch."

English is designed to weed out brainlets.

it doesn't have gendered articles, it doesn't have as many cases as for example german or slavic languages, it doesn't have complicated declination rules
it's an extremely easy language grammatically when compared to other european languages
the only thing that is retarded about it is the spelling that doesn't follow any uniform convention or spelling rules and just follows the rule "anything goes"

Exactly. If you're too stupid to remember all the special cases and anomalies, then you're a brainlet. Also, for such an "extremely easy" language to learn, there are a lot of people with an extremely poor grasp of proper grammar on this very website.

Attached: 1516560101545.png (586x578, 37K)

>If you're too stupid to remember all the special cases and anomalies, then you're a brainlet.
no, the english and american people are just too dumb to come up with a rulebook on how to spell words in their language, something every other civilised nation has managed to do
>Also, for such an "extremely easy" language to learn, there are a lot of people with an extremely poor grasp of proper grammar on this very website.
no shit you smug fucking retard, it's a second language for us
i want to see you learn german for 6 years in school and then try to communicate on a german board lol
the fact that people who are poor at english can come here and make themselves understood in the first place is just more proof of how easy english is

and again, there are objective measures that indicate how hard a language is to grasp
number of cases, nature of articles, tenses, declination
these are all fields in which the english language is inferior to other indo-european languages

>I need a book to tell me how to write correctly.
>I want to see you learn german for 6 years in school and then try to communicate on a german board lol
Good thing I'll never have to do that, since the only discussions worth reading happen in English, and all you subservient faggots learn our language anyway.
>this language confuses me
>b-but it's not hard to learn!

i'm sorry that your language was designed by brainlets, user, but please don't vent it out on me

Why did you delete your post lol

we use a or an depending on how it sounds aesthetically

I think his point is that we don't have a consistent H sound.

it consistently sounds aesthetic

Huh? Why is "Herbert" with a pronounced H sound more aesthetic than "Herbert" with a silent H? Conversely, why is "herb" with a silent H more aesthetic than "herb" with a pronounced H.

dont question haesthetics