Need some cooking cookingware for when I move into my dorm next year. Suggestions?
Need some cooking cookingware for when I move into my dorm next year. Suggestions?
Stop posting anime and maybe you will have a chance at making friends and touching vagina (or penis if that’s what you’re into)
You're right :(
Don't listen to him. University is basically your best time to be youself and still get pussy. Just get a good pot, pan, knives, cutting board, grater, spatula, tongs. Keep a sticky on your fridge for when you think of an item you could use a lot... Like a bottle opener. Don't over invest at the start.
Good. Now I suggest a starfrit rock pan. They are decent as far as non-stick goes, not too expensive, and very forgiving when it comes to what you use in them. Very hard to scratch. Get a good chef knife as well. You don’t want to go crazy living in a dorm, since other people will probably be fucking with your shit. You want something low maintenance and versatile, but durable. That’s why the rock is the best bang for your buck.
>University is basically your best time to be youself and still get pussy.
I’m not talking about fucking 300 pounders with a closet full of cosplay outfits covered in food and sweat stains.
You didn't actually go to uni did you?
I went to college. It’s different here in Canada. University is for people who are getting a doctorate, or getting a worthless degree while they waste their parents money doing liberal arts classes they actually enjoy. I took a 4 year engineering technologist course compressed into 3 years. I didn’t go to school to have fun and make friends. I had friends and fun before and after college, but during college all I did was study my ass off and work. I didn’t have mommy and daddy to help me.
Why didn't you just sell some of your bitcoin and do it over 4 years so you wouldn't have to work and still have time to party. No understand.
I never owned bitcoin before. Kind of tucked up on that one...
>Faggot leafs have to go to college and work hard to get a decent paying job and some feel good I matter technical degree
>Went to university, fucked everything that moved, drank all the time, made good grades, got a liberal arts degree and worked for a public policy think tank straight out of college at almost 6 figures and paid for it all without my parents help
Canadians are the fucking worst. No one cares how it's done in your irrelevant shithole, you maple syrup chugging assbandit.
>Need some cooking cookingware for when I move into my dorm next year. Suggestions?
Next year? This is some planning ahead, I guess.
Most dorms don't let you cook. Too much a fire hazard with dumb idiots that leave things plugged in unattended or burn food. Dorm living also means they expect you to have the university meal plan and dine with them.
I think the best thing you can do is a keurig newest edition to do hot drinks, and a microwave. You might be allowed a kettle for same kind of thing. A small appliance you can put away easily might be alright like a 2qt crockpot or a rice cooker, but likely prohibited. So, no toaster, toaster oven, or sandwich press. Just eat a lot of sandwiches and canned soup. You might have a kitchen you can go to in a shared space sometimes.
>neet weeaboos telling lies on the internet to justify their existence
A good stainless steel pan, a good chef knife, a good pot, and a good sheet pan. Keep these things behind something you can lock and only you can get to because you WILL have people that will not respect your shit. They will ruin your cookware and be apologetic until you request they help replace what they ruined.
Use it
Clean it
Lock it up
Every. Time.
Don't live in a dorm. They are disgusting.
a hotplate
Collegefag here. I watch anime and still get lots of pussy. Be yourself user.
>having sex was such a big achievement for me that based every part of my life around it
lmao imagine being this sad
Except I didn’t. I based my life around getting an education when I was in college because I didn’t want to be a poorfag my whole life.
yet you're still a mental poorfag
>likes girls
>better make fun of him because I’m a fat shit who’s 3 years past wizard status
Kill yourself
I'm pretty liberal, but still don't entirely believe that asexuality is a thing, especially if you have a penis and at least one testicle.
getting this mad because you know its true
its not about asexuality and more about the fact that i dont like that every person needs to have had sex with 100 different people
>I’m too fat and ugly to get laid so I hate everyone who does get laid
Why would I be angry? I love my life, and the fact I have ruined so many girls for you by having one night stands with them makes it all the better. Good luck finding a kissless virgin like yourself to marry. Faggot
Wow. You and people like you are literally why Trump got elected.
>the lies you must tell yourselves
>you love your life so much you NEED to convince someone on an anonymous imageboard that you arent considering killing yourself
its a good thing trump got elected
Who am I trying to convince? You’re just some faggot on the internet. Do you honestly think any conversation I could ever have with you will affect my life? I give a shit about what you say about as much as I think you give a shit about what I say, but maybe I’m wrong and you do care. In that case, literally kill yourself. Also, how big are your man titties?
Yes, we get it. Him being president makes you feel less insane than you are.
cry more nerd lmao
dont you have some bloody smegma to eat out of a whores pussy?
doesnt affect me but it made you mad so its a win anyways :)
Oh man, I was just fucking around calling you a virgin. Now I almost feel bad. Not actually feel bad, because I honestly wouldn’t care if you killed your self right now. But the fact you really are a virgin is just sad. Not in a “it makes me sad” kind of way, more like an “it’s fucking halarious how pathetic your life is” kind of way. Fucking girls isn’t an accomplishment. It’s just something to do for fun. It’s not something I’m proud of. I can’t even begin to imagine how pathetic your life is...
Oh ya, you can just feel the rage in my posts. Anyway I’m going to go to bed now. Good luck finding your virgin Korean bride, and try to stay off reddit. It’s not doing you any favors...
lol imagine getting this mad from some guy shitposting
Why would I be angry that you’re a virgin? You’re the one who seems to be angry at me for having casual sex. I’m not the one who’s worried about someone like you fucking my bride-to-be...
i thought you were going to bed?
i guess you just cant stop trying to salvage your fragile ego
I drank a lot tonight and had to take a shit. Also debating if I should wake up the Chinese girl sleeping in my bed and see if I can get another round out of her. I probably shouldn’t. It’s 3:35 and she did drink a lot tonight. God damn I love that hairy Asian pussy. Not the super hairy kind, but the whispy kind that you can still see their skin through their pubes, but it doesn’t grow much around their pussy lips. You know the kind I’m talking about? Girl is skinny as a rake and no tits, but she let me hammer away for over an hour until I busted a nut. I’m just brushing my teeth now. I will probably wait until morning to fuck her again, then make her a nice breakfast. Maybe I will ask her to spend the day with me in bed. Who knows. Anyways have a good one. Sorry about the whole “I hate women who have premarital sex because they are whores” thing.
this guy FUCKS