Going to this shithole next week, what food should I get?

Going to this shithole next week, what food should I get?

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How about you fuck off?



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Pennsylvania as a whole sucks dick, turn back while you can.

Literally r*ddit: the city

one of the worst american cities.
might as well go to detroit

I live near there so can confirm shit hole.

Most people want a primanti brothers sandwich from the strip district. Basically a sandwich with French fries and coleslaw. I like them and I'm not a coleslaw person.

Also if you can find homemade potato cheese Pierogies then do that. Also Mrs T's are disgusting.

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Go to this shithole instead.

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Italian American and Greek American food are safe bets, particularly more old guard places in The Strip or nearby. Also pastrami or any old school Polish American meal. If you're feeling more hipster or upscale there are plenty of other places to satisfy. Otherwise expect to find fries jammed in places they don't really belong. You could do a lot worse for a small city on the edge of the Midwest.

A bullet to the head, served hot.

Don’t listen to the fags in this thread. Pittsburgh is great, definitely try to eat at noodleheaf and visit dreaming ant. While you’re there be sure to go to some shows. There are a ton of cool diy spots if you’re into punk or noise. All that being said, it’s still a hot dog and pabst type of town so you can’t be expecting the variety you’d get in philly or nyc.


>you can’t be expecting the variety you’d get in philly or nyc
topkek, comparing philly to nyc.

I have never been to Pittsburg, but seeing as how it is automated car central there are probably tons of overpriced hipster resturaunts to choose from.

Yeah, there is a few expensive areas, but overall Pittsburgh is backward and old.

>going to Pittsburgh
>not football season
There is literally no reason to go to Pittsburgh when it’s not football season, but during football season the only reason I ever leave home is to go to Steelers games. Sometimes it’s nice to go to away games tho.

>go to Mario’s on the south side bro
T. Every Pittsburgh expat

Fuck off with this terrible sandwich.

Op go to nieds hotel for the best fish sandwich of your life

Curious leaf: what's so bad about the city?

Yeah I was about to say the same thing. No idea where the Pittsburgh hate comes from, and I'm not even a Pennsylvanian.

I have to second the recommendation of noodlehead. Burgatory also has some dope shakes.

It was really terrible for a while although like a few other rustbelt shit holes the reputation got so bad that it depressed property values enough to make it actually a bargain hunter's dream. So it's had a bit of a rebound in the last 10 years

But the stereotype is it's full of unemployed, angry, semi-literate right wing former steel workers. Zero culture, shit food, and nothing to do but gripe about minorities and dream about the factory opening again

>Zero culture, shit food, and nothing to do but gripe about minorities and dream about the factory opening again
This is not at all true though. Even 20 years ago Pittsburgh had a live music scene and a reasonable amount of nightlife for such a small city. Being something of a college town kinda helps with that. It never sank to Detroit levels. And because of that some Portland/Brooklyn hipster types were drawn by cheap real estate in actual neighborhoods. Of course that's a mixed blessing. You can find a good cup of coffee and cute little Asian fusion places. But it brings a little preciousness to a town that was resolutely blue collar enough to put fries in their sandwiches.

Pittsburgh sucks, pa sucks, there's nothing good in that hellhole state.

I went to P&G diner when I was there for an engineering intern conference

Was right next to a Rolex shop, god food man

poconos are nice

pittsburgh is great you fucking faggots

I went to this bar in Pittsburgh where you eat peanuts and throw the shells on the floor, got really drunk and can't remember what the place was called


I aim to make my comments about Pittsburgh as interesting as the city itself

Look at what's on HappyCow :-)

Go to Sheetz, standard after drinking food. Never knew Gas Station food in America was actually good.

its a mame on Veeky Forums to hate every city in the entire world

seriously, name a city Veeky Forums likes


>name a city Veeky Forums likes
Just shows how much damage /pol/ has done to this place. Any place where you're likely to find liberals, immigrants and minorities is automatically shit. I'll admit it was almost funny for a minute five or six years ago, but it's really gotten tiresome. Especially here, since most good restaurants are located in cities.

San Francisco because we are all faggots on this site.

>Don’t listen to the fags in this thread. Pittsburgh is great, definitely try to eat at noodleheaf and visit dreaming ant. While you’re there be sure to go to some shows. There are a ton of cool diy spots if you’re into punk or noise. All that being said, it’s still a hot dog and pabst type of town so you can’t be expecting the variety you’d get in philly or nyc.
if i were in charge, this would be a famous copypasta
i sold DMT to kids like you in college
nigga, i had 3 bitcoin in my wallet when silkroad got busted. if only i had just chickened out. but no, i had to sell you emo fucks your acid rain or shine. i'm a fuckin saint you know

primanti brothers if you want in on the meme

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Pittsburgh is a tolerable city and by us city standards that puts it in the top 5%

pittsburgh > filthadelphia

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>be american

Both are shitholes

Primanti brothers
Local bar food is always top notch since this entire state is fat as shit
Anywhere you can get a sandwich on Mancini's bread
The city itself is full of restaurants and bars, all of them are good, but very few are excellent. That being said if your palette isn't too refined then this place is perfect because the worst places around here are mediocre.

>There are a ton of cool diy spots if you’re into punk or noise.

OP didn't specify that he was a homosexual

You know why its called Pittsburgh? Because it fucking sucks pitts

this tbqf. There's plenty of relatively famous places around that make good food. Once you get 15 miles outside of the city limits you're in fucking Deliverance so plan accordingly. If you go to Primanti's only get a lunch meat sandwich, add egg and onion. The steak sandwich there is abysmal.

t. Liberal Faggot

Thanks for making my point

Unironically kill yourself


Some groceries, some peanut butter

This is literally the highest level of dialogue /pol/ fags are capable of.

Veeky Forums used to be ironically racist, pools closed etc. It was about generating butthurt. Stormfront was/is one of our enemies. Now, after the original /news/ got shut down and replaced with /pol/, combined with the massive influx of newfags, the trolling has reached new levels. People are unironically parroting ideals born here; the FBI investigation on Russians interfering with the 2016 elections? They're "investigating" memes!

I'm phoneposting or else I'd post the picture.
>banned for Dsfargeg

Fuck you faggot


I'm sorry how many 80% nigger neighborhoods do you trot through again of your own volition?

If you are in the PA area drive to the gas stations until you see a Sheetz. It has the best gas station food in all of America. Try the Dr. Pepper sauce you'll thank me later.

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>ironically racist

Do you think Bix Nood and A. Wyatt Mann comics were being ironic too? Get over yourself retard. Niggers can't even tell that you're trying to be ironic when you call them a nigger, they don't understand irony! Were Omegle and other webcam chatroom raids that were full of niggers chimping out by a mere utter of a word ironic too?

Get out, faggot. Take your phone and that classic meme that you got off of kym with you.

>Any place where you're likely to find liberals, immigrants and minorities is automatically shit.

A city filled with actual liberals is a city full of whites, so it's not a shit city. They just have no clue about why it's good.

Find yourself a nice girl to settle down with

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id eat that

who cares

Never seen anything nicer looking than DETROIT pizza

>for the lulz


that looks bad but you know it tastes good

Two. One when I'm in the mood for Caribbean food and the other when I'm in the mood for soul food.

get this

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What a great name for a burger joint.

primanti bros is the most overrated overhyped shit out there. i always laugh when some out of town retard asks to go there. they put all that shit on the sandwiches but somehow they're the most bland tasteless sandwiches ever.

*tips fedora

Hey OP get a cheesesteak that's what the state is known for

I live here and i agree it's a shithole

Pittsburgh is gorgeous. The mountain areas north of Pittsburgh are the most beautiful places in the country I've ever been to. I lived there for 2 years.

Primati's is overrated garbage. The italian bread they use falls apart and their sandwiches are a mess to eat. If you want a good sandwich go to DiBellas, which is a chain, but their sandwiches are far superior. The pizza at Primantis is way better so get that if you still want to go to Primantis to just see what its like.

Theres also the Haufbrauhaus in Pittsburgh if you want to eat at a german biergarden styled place.

Also, you have to go to Sheetz since they have walk-up kiosks where you order the food and they make it for you fresh like sandwiches and pizza, etc. The chili macaroni and cheese is amazing for a gas station.

Pittsburgh also has the United State's largest furry convention so I'm assuming that's why you're visiting.

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>t. projecting revisionist newfaggot
Been here since '06. Living in a mostly black top 15 city made me hate cities and blacks.
I get good food just as easily in the rural suburbs area I'm at now. I just have to drive instead, which overall is more enjoyable without the traffic.

If you're a vegetarian or just curious try the impossible burger at brgr its p good.

I went went and had pimantis sandwich and it was a messy peice of shit.

>Pittsburgh also has the United State's largest furry convention so I'm assuming that's why you're visiting
I thought that wasn't until June or July?
I have a friend who's a furry and he was asking to stay at my apartment during the convention then.

Nice quads fren but swearing is r00d

Go to church brew works. It was a condemned catholic church that got bought, renovated, and now brews beer. They have good pierogis and sandwiches. The seats are the original pews

oh I get it, all the vitriol is because there was that election that made the republicans look bad a few weeks ago.

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t. self hating white


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>Pennsylvanians pride themselves in their gas station food


There's nothing more eye roll inducing than reddit posts like these.

Meant for

Iron City beer if you can find some, user

Why would anyone willingly go to USA on purpose?

> eight years of Obama
> unconstrained leftist bullshit
> #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, etc
> it's... it's /pol/ fault!

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the burnt almond torte from prantl's bakery is the absolute shit

go back to your /pol/ hugbux faggot

Good heroin there.

famous for coleslaw and fries on sandwiches at Primanti bros.
If you go to a grocery store get Isly's chipped ham for sandwiches.
Go to the strip district for all kind of different ethnic food stores. Southside is generally the party/beer drinking/club area wouldn't recommend it tho. Pittsburgh has a lot of areas that are considered to be dominated by specific ethnicities.

pittsburgh is a shit hole

wrong pittsburgh is shit, lived here my entire life, there are a few pretty areas but overall it is shit

no its filled with shits and is shit

u would be better of going more north to farming areas where u can get awesome backed goods and fruits and vegetables but its not the right time of the year