Talkin bout deenz? Whatever you say boss ;)
/deenz/ thread
Fresh sardines were like a whole new world. Didn't even like the canned ones before I had fresh, but now I just drizzle the canned with olive oil and reminisce.
Ayy, them deenz
>saute a clove of garlic and some onions
>add a chopped potato, pre-cooked a bit
>crack 2-3 eggs over it all
>salt and pepper
>Finish in the oven if the top needs it
Sounds good senpai.
what are some beginners deenz? do I go in oil or plain?
Oil for sure. Water is completely inferior.
was just about to ask for this, thank you user.
had my first serving today, my life has changed
I have it as my ring tone.
Welcome to the deenz.
Should I pan sear my deenz first time eating them?
No, just eat on toast/crackers with a bit of hot sauce.
Thinkin bout those deenz, my lad ;)
I have bought some King Oscar sardines
I don't buy sardines often, any suggestion on how to make make this a bit more interesting?
they really pack it full so I can do multiple styles.
You can pepper to taste, eat them dudes plain...
You that they safe
low on that food chain...
Can I get a power listing of the best brands of deenz?
Best /deenz/ info depository IMO
I've been listening to this for 12 hours now please stop me
I don't like sardines they made me puke
Came here from /pol/
I thought it was a /r9k/ staple. Anyways you guys are awesome
Sounds like something Ween would make.
talkin bout the D, you know what he mean
>he doesn't combine deenz-infused olive oil with balsamic vinegar to make a simple, tart & savory salad dressing
never gonna make it
i blend these up with oil or greek yogurt and use it as a pasta sauce
My favorite deenz are tomato. I also eat the olive oil ones with sriracha mayo sometimes.
But deenz are cool dtoo :DDD
Think King Oscar or Coles? King Oscar is expensive buuut worth
Bar Harbor > Raincoast > King Oscar > the rest, but King Oscar has a bit more variety. I like the Mediterranean style sardines/mackerel, but Raincoast is superior for sardines in water. Bar Harbor is superior for the jalapenos, and the smoky taste is extraordinary.
Are you a real life Nirvanna The Band?
>eat deenz for the first time today
>get a rock hard boner ~3 hours later
>cum buckets
are there any other magical properties?
GOAT deenz? Yes.
Anyone else feastin'?
I pose a question to thou anons: if you could come up with a new variety of canned deenz, what would it be?
I ponder that a bacon flavour wouldst be exquisite
My darkest desire... the sweet deen
Those don't really look like the picture on the box. Just saiyan.
Just picked these up today. Will I make it?
Saw pic related a few weeks back and thought about you deenz cultists. Decided to buy it on a whim.
I am now addicted.
These are on sale at costco, are they worth it?
Im making this for breakfast tmro
A few Asian deenz distributors pack their fish in some kind of sweet soy sauce.
I think canned sardines are pretty good (smoked oyster master race), but these threads are ultra comfy.
There have been like 4 packs of these in my girlfriend's parents' fridge for like 3 months, should I steal them? They worth it?
The patrician choice
Might interest /deenz/
>canned food in the fridge
Really? Those were the first deenz I tried and it almost turned me off them they were so bad
Aright, what's your deenz dipping sauce?
>Grey Poupon
>Horse Radish
Had their skinless boneless variety that is packed in Morocco, was really satisfy only four to a tin though
Any other dutchmen that enjoy a can of deenz? Where can i buy them in bulk for cheap.
A friend of mine has a Makro pass where i guess i could pick up a stash for a lower price, but he rarely goes there, let alone he doesn't forget to invite me, but so far it's my best bet.
>start eating deenz
>get horny as shit, rock hard erections and huge loads multiple times a day
>set new PRs when lifting
Honestly this shit turns you into superman. Tasty too.
This thread is blessed
Can you blend deenz?
I don't see why you couldn't, but i don't see why you would either.
Right next to the bread and peanutbutter. They're black btw, is this a "black" thing?
>/deenz/ shakes
Love my Deenz with some garlic, ginger and chilli.
'deenz, saltines
i used to date a 40-something china-tina who ate the shit out of them. i wish i could go back to those degenerate days.
Brunswick in peppers, had to use chink sticks but great nonetheless.
get with the can or get the can
deenz & teenz
I know a small German store around here that keeps their canned fish in the refrigerated section. I guess some people like their deenz cold.
Maximum gains for the madman willing to try
I've found some brands to be pretty inconsistent, the cheap ones in particular. One tin will be nasty fish mush and another will be nice and tasty. When you pay a little more they get more consistent.
Yes get the oil but drain most of it first.
the beach cliffs are a gamble for me sometimes you get some nice bristlings other times you get three big ones that just end up dry and not as tasty.
its a crapshoot you never know whats in the can like I said sometimes tasty little ones other times bigger dry tasting ones.
Best post I've come across in several months
i love you
Do you guys really love deenz as much as you say? Because I love them quite a lot, but your love blows mine right out of the water.
Deenz with english mustard for breakfast boys
Deenz baby
Do you guys put these babies in the fridge or in a cupboard?
Who here /mack daddy/?
I bought three of these since they were on sale planning on eating them throughout the week but ended up eating all three sunday afternoon. The fish was very very small, there were I want to say fish in 106 grams.
Can we have it as a .flac and can you also make a full album of deenz songs like this
I've always kind of liked deenz and eat them when I crave them, but I fucking hate how they leave the shit in them. Even dirty chinks clean out shrimp so there isn't a shitvein. I'll start breaking up the fillets and see this line of black shit and it always makes me lose my appetite.
Sorry boss. The MP3 is the only file I was given after the recording session and the guy who recorded it (the drummer) is in Ecuador for like 3 months so I can't get in contact with him... but if /deenz/ is still around then, I'll get my hands on an uncompressed recording.
I'm glad people enjoy the song enough to repost it. It makes me truly happy :)
>eat deenz
>buy a bunch of random cans
>accidentally buy anchovies
They're fuckin delicious. I can see why people get them on pizza.
we need a full song. this is so authentic and laid back, it could even go viral
So fucking excited about /deenz/ and what the future holds
I usually get the mustard deenz.
Cupboard, i take them to work and the gyn!
>tfw when you actually did this
I was trying to make deen dip and I accidentally liquefied it. It was like a thick, light beige milkshake. I dipped my crackers in it anyway and ate every bite of that shit, though I don't suggest it.
save it for the /mack/ threads buddy.
Bought deenz with mustard, big mistake, will buy normal regular olice oil deenz and add my own
In thailand they feed muay thai fighters deenz+raw milk protein shakes
imagine being reincarnated as a 'deen
Lel, what an odd song
What are some good deenz to take when hiking with a girl over the weekend?
Had some deenz for dinner last night, having another can when I get home from work!
do you guys take the spines out of the deenz first? sometimes i don't and barely even notice them
Generally I do, but yeah sometimes I've eaten them and not noticed. I suppose you should eat the spines for bonus calcium.
Let's all love deenz!