ITT: progressively worse looking food

post a dish that looks worse than the previous image

Attached: a8oLxgo.jpg (500x432, 17K)

Why not start with something that looks halfway good, instead of the worst possible "food" imaginable? That would make the game far more playable.

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i would eat that

That looked alright until I realized that's ramen noodles

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good job based ratto, you become crunchy

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That looks bad but you know it tastes good

That looks bad but you know it tastes good

Gonna be pretty hard to top OP's image.

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That looks bad but you know it tastes good

Oatmeal looks good imo
Like old school farmers food

Food 5/5
Plating 0/5
Foul shit right

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Attached: 20-strange-foods-from-around-the-globe.jpg (1024x683, 96K)

that looks bad but you know it tastes good

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I only posted once

user this is not a food this is an anime.

wtf is it?

Corn nuts on a belly.

Well, damn. No wonder Google's image recognition algorithm couldn't figure it out.

flavored ticks

that looks bad but you know it tastes good

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this braised chicken tasted worse than it looks

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Looks good.

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notice me user, i miss your drunk cooking

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good luck next poster, I've been saving this one for awhile

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purreed rat loaf

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i would eat that

If the white shit is just fat and not jizz, it doesn't look that bad.

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that looks bad, but you know it tastes good
he said, you know it looks good, but it tastes bad

>A French take on a traditional Italian dish

burger king foot lettuce

what is this? refried beans and egg yolk?

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WTF is that?
Is that a tongue coming out of the side of it?

cow stomach

how does any of this look bad

damn white people are sissies

>niggers are retarded.
white people cooked it.

im white you retarded nigger

that looks bad but you know it tastes good

do people actually eat this? or is it unprepared? i've never seen a tripe looking like this.

sure you are. people believe you user.

suprised sopa de macaco hasn't been posted yet

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this is what cesar millan does to the bad dogs

That looks bad but you know it tastes good.

I would still eat that

It's raw unbleached tripe, intended for dogs.

> tuna crepe
> fckn portugese

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that looks bad but you know it tastes good

>tfw you accidentally put your kid's science project in the microwave

from the set of hellraiser

that looks bad but you know it tastes good

So is this the hot new Veeky Forums meme or what

Reminds me of that goosebumps book where yellow eggs that are sentient get made in a lab and rape a kid and he shits out one of their eggs.

it is just one user being retarded as usual.

I remember something like this, but with raw eels. Some old video or something.

Looks good.

I would eat the fuck out of these. Fucking homos on this board scared to try anything they can't buy at walmart.

I won't eat it, but I'd watch you eat it.

help... me...

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do you not enjoy satanic inferno souffle?

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are they smelting iron ore?

That reminds me of Nurgle Chowder

I've eaten worse.

they have those in new york
i think they call them "garbage plates"


Is there really one with egg laying?

wtf is that black thing in the bottom left?

this one looks tastey

Well, I'm from Utica and i've never heard anyoone use the phrase "garbage plates"

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It's a Rochester thing.

How can I make an inferno soufflé?
>you will never eat the body of Satan in the form of a pastry

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It's a rochester/buffalo thing, try being from a real city.

Seriously though I toured SUNY Utica once, place is a shithole.

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Looks like a slop o shit to me Bob

no, not in utica, no. it's a rochester expression

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Is that a shit sandwich?

Germans are strange people

It's the shit the morning after you drink beer all day and eat BBQ sandwich

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looks pretty tasty compared to the rest of this thread tbqh

What the fuck am I looking at? is that gelatin on top of tuna? looks fucking cool

>eating disgusting looking food solely because it looks disgusting is somehow an admirable trait
Spotted the basement dweller

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