Al/ck/ thread

>woke up too drunk to do any of the things you planned edition

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Shit, it's almost 6 in the morning and for some reason I haven't passed out yet. Probably just end up doing my grocery shopping right before the store closes and I shouldn't be driving anywhere.

>wake up
>reddit discord is angry at me
>check my posts
>literally nothing
>go back to my day

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>when you're on the verge of blackout drunk but want to continue anyway

>wake up check posts
>no (you)'s

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here have a (You)

I drank for 12 hours yesterday I was sooooo wasted haha :P

Sober for now 16 days... I have nothing planned today and will spend it thinking how much I want to go to the bar to watch the college basketball games

>not just buying food and slowly becoming a fatass

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>wake up
>remember i sent nasty texts to my coworker milf
>worry i said something bad
>rush to phone
>i did
>she actually liked it
>mentions shes gonna try to get me weed from her kid
>also sent me a pic
>lucky she is nasty like i am
sometimes it turns out ok

congrats, working out usually helped me stay off it. i would workout hard in the morning and feel too guilty to drink later. sometimes i would just go do cardio late and get back too late to drink myself to sleep. keep it up

it can be fun being a degenerate but you know, you are a degenerate in the end

last night i could feel myself starting to pass out so i got the best idea and made myself vomit.
then i passed out in my bed and woke up 12 hours later with vomit in my mouth
this has to be the rock bottom right?


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I'm sure we can reach even deeper depths. At least we're not shitting the bed, right?

i know, but you dont care when you are drunk

>not shitting the bed yet
has al/ck/ gone maximum pleb?

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its rock bottom for me
yesterday was pretty peaceful but the past month or so things have been pretty wild

>has al/ck/ gone maximum pleb?

Seems like it if you're actually proud of shitting yourself.

i've been constipated all my life so i don't think its even physically possible

Your rock bottom is vomiting?
Pretty shallow hole, imo.

I mean everyone has their own "rock bottom"
Mine was a day I spent dry heaving every 2 hours, and couldn't eat for 3 days. I had emailed an old girlfriend some real fucked up shit and cut myself pretty bad on a glass I dropped, plus I kinda shit my undies a bit. You put all that together and I decided "yeah, we gotta not be doin with this again"

fuck this puritanical country, i want booze NOW, not at 1 PM, NOW

>pic unrelated

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Congrats user

piss poor planning, partner

no, my rock bottom is drinking daily for months.
blackout drunk everyday and smoking pack of cigarettes in like 2 hours every night.
i rarely leave the house while drunk so i haven't done any crazy shit, other than occasionally sleeping on my cars roof while the temperature is below freezing.

We doing a rock bottom thread? Let's party.

>drinking 24+ beers a night every night for last 7 months
>living with parents
>every 3rd or 4th night forget where toilet is (apparently) and walk into my dads room and piss either on the corner or a little onto him as he sleeps
>wake up so fucked with bits of pizza smeared all over bed
>don't change sheets
>mother drives me to liquor store because i can't walk and am too drunk to drive
>watches her 31yo son go through a carton in 5 hours and then ask her to drive him back to liquor store 3 mins before they close
>multiple trips to ER due to heart rate 170+ for hours
>pissed the bed a few times
>sitting in shorts soaked with piss because i forgot to pull them down at the toilet just then
>somehow still able to type. years on MSN messenger is my only living motor function.

oh and lets not forget waking up every day with that much beer in me i won't be sober til the day after in the PM. Right now i was going to be sober exactly 1 hour ago but 8 hours before that i drank 24 beers and am down to my last 2.

rock bottom is when you decide to stop digging, or die. You can always go deeper, user.

Alright then.
>drinking a bottle of vodka every night for last couple of months
>living with parents
>changes clothes once or twice a month and sleep in them
>smoke a pack of cigs in a night
>had to throw my carpet away because i kept vomiting on it
>lock myself out of the house almost everytime i go out for a smoke
>"nap" on my cars roof occasionally
>weekly have some kind of psychosis
>friends terrified of me because i attacked one of them
>also drinking industrial ethanol if i run out of drinks
I'm pretty sure it could get worse.

Rock bottom doesn't exist. You can always go deeper sadly.

strong hand.

Let's delve deeper.

>medical for work required
>strong stipulation not to eat or drink for 12 hours beforehand
>go out the night before on the piss drink AUD $200 of beer in bangkok and take 3 viagra
>go to medical in morning some how
>bp so high they can't read it
>resting pulse rate 130 bpm
>eyesight so bad they had to check if the sign was lit up
>pass somehow
>back on the piss.
>not allowed to drink because helicopter to work requires zero alcohol policy
>drink a little bit
>wake up helicopter delayed until tomorrow 6am
>go out at 5pm for 'a couple'
>last thing i remember is being in a bar called "sunup" in china and them dragging me naked from the hotel with half my shit missing from the bag throwing clothes on me and being on the helicopter

Holy fuck why haven't they dropped you and have a do over?

Just discovered some booze in my fridge. God I love this feel.

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Quit drinking a month ago and my shits feel like bowling balls coming out. What do? My virgin butthole cannot take much more.

drink more water
add more fibre to your diet
less meat and more veg

Sometimes I wake up drunk and am actually productive. Boring tasks suddenly become bearable.

Not an alcoholic like the rest of you. Is the withdrawals really as bad as you are describing it? I only drink on weekends, binging from saturday night to sunday afternoon.

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Proud of you bro

I think you'll be just fine. Post more of those fantastic juggles

>drinking from saturday night to sunday evening

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nice tits

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Any anons have advice?
I'm on day 4 and the urges are always the strongest when I am driving home from work. Wat do?

>not an alcoholic
>drinks from the night before to the day after
lol, k.

al/ck/ has been pretty slow for the past week for some reason

>physical urge to go out on a fucking sunday night to some bar in order to drink and possibly meet someone new

is there a more useless feeling bros and how the fuck do I get rid of it

Fucking cock sucking phone have to force it to forget Wi-Fi passwords and disable autoreconnect this is like the third time my roommates router is going to leave a history of me browsing pol and then trying to act like I'm not racist by immediately searching something like "why is Veeky Forums so racist" hahaha God I hate living in a world of snoopy liberal fucking normies and squares.

Multiple times it nearly connected to my works guest Wi-Fi while I was going to open this thread, my own piece of shit illuminati controlled phone trying to out me as a racist and alcoholic to all these fucking people, my square liberal jew roommate and my Christian boss. Holy shit it's things like this that drive a guy to drink. Fuck this gay earth.

12 PM, no job and crashing on a couch. Am going to get drunk once everyone leaves.

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>go to the local bbq bar just to interact with females
>they do the usual flirty tricks
>still fall for it and tip 5 dollars

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Here nobody tips and it's not customary at all. I geuinely don't know how would I handle that shit. How do you even decide?

Life would be so much easier if I would just muster the balls to be a fucking normie and take like 5000 pics of myself, cherry pick 10 decent ones and make instagram or some shit. I oppose it so hardly and I can't even explain to myself why.

christ I need a beer

Spoken like a true drunk piece of shit.

Fuck off chad

You could have died choking.

What are yall drinking this beautiful sunday to escape your feels

pic related. i’ve grown an affinity to pecan flavored whiskey.

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Who actually opens up their wi-fi and looks at people’s browsing history? I didn’t even know that was possible?

Doing the next four days sober so water then later some tea and a dose of nyquil cough so I can sleep.

What about that had to do with being drunk?

Anyone who is tech savvy enough to care can look at the browsing history of everyone through their router. My dad was pulling that shit on me all through high school and I just stopped caring. But employers and roommates are worse because they'll start treating you different unless you're super careful what you browse over their router, I know from experience. This time I am trying my best to stay spotless and yet my phone has still tried to sabotage me so many times, I swear to God it's like having a narc on you at all times.

You made it an excuse to drink.
>My WiFi connections sucks . . . this is what makes people drink, therefore I'm not a drunk piece of shit.
Just keep lying to yourself, it'll make sense when you're shitfaced.

Right now some /alc/s are having an epiphany that their internet activity has always been snooped on. It's the real black pill. Stay frosty my dudes.

I don’t think most people are tech savy enough to do that user. I would think most people wouldn’t think to do that in the first place. Your dad just sounds like a control freak.

You seem like a drag.

I work in tech and so does my roommate. Tech employers absolutely monitor their router histories or have a lackey doing it so they can fire cunts for surfing porn or watching YouTube instead of working.
The odds my roommate is snooping is 99%, whereas I had non tech roomies before who I was sure had no idea how to check their routers.

Know thy enemy, for his name is normie.

who gives a shit
I watch too much porn and google random shit

whoop fucking do

Everyone is a control freak and everyone is nosey. It is nice when you live or work with retards but it's becoming increasingly rare. It's not 1999 anymore.

>who gives a shit
Whoever owns the router you're using

Have you ever blacked out and woke up in the hospital or a jail cell? What happened between blacking out and waking up according to others?

Tldr: if you care about your privacy be careful what you browse over other people's routers and forget Wi-Fi connections including passwords and disable autoreconnect from your phones

>gonna spend the next 5 days sober until i could go back to the cycle of drinking
>coworkers always praise me for my reliability
>then it hits me
>good friday and easter monday off
>gonna fucking be wasted the whole 4 day weekend

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Once, jail cell. Cops caught me pissing on a tree.

remember how shitty work will be tomorrow morning if you get smashed its like 4 hours of fun for 8-10 hours of shit. buy some bomb ass food or sweets and just grub like a fat shit

We're all gonna make it lads. I believe in all of you.

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So true about getting wasted. It's just never worth it.

also i like building legos when sober to keep my mind busy its simple and engaging enough at the same time just put on some tv show or something you like in the backround

Shit is pretty good

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Yeah. I was wasted and Police wanted to help me or some shit idk. I refused (I knew they wanted to stick me in a cell overnight), I started pushing them and shouting at them to fuck off. I got stuck in a cell anyway and I'm pretty sure I pissed myself whilst out. Had to pay a fine.

So many replies to alcohol threads, are most chefs alcoholics?

your mom

haha fucking losers

spot us a beer lads

>buy case of 7% beers Sunday morning
>drink all day without eating
>enjoying my degenerate life
>pass out at 8 PM
>wake up at 1 AM just in time to take the dog out for a shit
>pissed that all the stores are closed and don't have anymore beer left
>check the fridge and realize there are still 4 pints left to hold me down until the store opens

Anyone else know this glorious feel ?

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>4 pints are enough to hold you down until the store opens


I wish you weren't an irresponsible dog owner, m8

How do people just 'discover' alcohol??? I know where my alcohol is and how much I have at all times and can't imagine just finding anything.

The store opens at 1:30AM

lmao fucking mutt

>not discovering it in your parent's liquor cabinet in grade school

I love my dog and he loves me, my dog is the only one I have never let down

being blacked out and going out to the store. had my friend drive me. also when i blackout i tend to plan ahead. sometimes i wake up to pre-boiled eggs on my counter.

I have a bunch of handles, flasks, and random metal water bottles stashed all over the place because if someone comes over by surprise I don't want all that shit laying out. The problem is that I hide things when I'm drunk so I never remember where everything is, and usually just end up buying a couple new handles when I get close to running out whatever's right in front of me.

My father is an alcohol, once he goes on a bender you only need just a little bit to keep yourself functioning and feeling drunk. Everyone knows this.

Finished a bottle of wine I still had from last night. Time lie in bed and listen to A Confederacy of Dunces audiobook.

i have to sell my computer. good news is i have takers, bad news is i have like seven of them and may have priced it too low to begin with. not sure how to proceed.

feels nostalgic as fuck going through old files and photos, looking for things to save before i wipe the drive. i'll miss this fella. sometimes i think i feel more sentimental about physical objects than actual people. probably a sorry reflection of my life right now

>also when i blackout i tend to plan ahead. sometimes i wake up to pre-boiled eggs on my counter.

I know what you mean. I clean like crazy; I'll get blackout drunk after cooking all sorts of stuff and clean the shit out of the kitchen, sweep the floors, do the dishes, etc. I'll wake up the next day to a spotless kitchen, which is very, very nice.

What do you use to wipe your drives? I tried creating a bootable USB with DBAN but it just wouldn't boot and I literally had to stick magnets on my HDD before the cops came.

I just made a pot of linguine with bolognese and I know it will be soggy but I know hungover me will love it, started cooking and drinking and when I drink I just don't want to eat at all.

Nice fire pit, user

i was planning on just reformatting it with the built-in disk utility. truthfully, i hadn't really given the "how" much thought yet

I'm always interested but nervous to see what I cooked for myself the night before and where I'm going to find the evidence.