>Eat a mostly vegan diet with some fish: Strive for a 100 percent plant- and fish-based diet, but limit fish consumption to two or three meals a week and avoid fish with high mercury content.
>Consume low but sufficient proteins: Consume approximately 0.31 to 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.
>Minimize bad fats and sugars, and maximize good fats and complex carbs: The diet should be rich in “good” unsaturated fats, including those from salmon, almonds, and walnuts, but very poor in “bad” saturated, hydrogenated, and trans fats. Likewise, the diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates, such as those provided by whole bread and vegetables, but poor in sugars and limited in pasta, rice, white bread, fruit juices, and fruits containing carbohydrates that are easily converted into simple sugars. Finally, the diet should be low in animal proteins but relatively high in vegetable proteins, in order to minimize the former’s negative effects on diseases and maximize the latter’s nourishing effects.
>Be nourished: The body needs protein, essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), minerals, vitamins, and sufficient sugar to fight the many wars going on inside and outside cells. To be sure you get enough nutrients, every three days take a multivitamin and a mineral pill, plus an omega-3 fish oil soft gel purchased from a reputable manufacturer.

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>Eat at the table of your ancestors: Consume a variety of foods to take in all the required nutrients, but choose the ones that were common on the table of your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, so long as they are included in the Longevity Diet.
>Eat twice a day plus a snack: Unless your waist circumference and body weight are in the normal or low range, it is best to eat breakfast plus one other meal a day and one low-calorie, low-sugar, nourishing snack. If your weight or muscle mass is too low, then eat three meals a day plus a snack.
>Time-restricted eating: Restrict your eating to eleven to twelve hours or less per day. For example, if you eat breakfast after 8 a.m., finish dinner before 8 p.m. Shorter periods of feeding (ten hours or less) have been shown to be even more effective in promoting health, but they are much more difficult to comply with and may increase the risk of side effects, such as the formation of gallstones.
>Periodic prolonged fasting-mimicking diets: People who are under seventy years of age, not frail or malnourished, and free of certain diseases should undergo five-day periods during which they consume a relatively high-calorie fasting-mimicking diet (see chapter 6).
>Follow steps 1 through 8 in such a way that you reach and maintain a waist circumference of less than 35.5 inches for men and less than 29.5 inches for women. This is higher than the ideal 33 inches and 27 inches cited earlier, but it is more realistic and should still be very effective in reducing disease risk while avoiding malnourishment.



how many /sips/ can i work into this diet?

Any diet that doesn't take into consideration your meal timing is snake oil

This one does

based on OP's postings, as many as you want as long as it's low carb

it does, but please explain why

If you eat constantly you're not going to get the benefit of autophaghy which is the only biological process known to actually extend lifespan.

can this be done with larger bones and thick obliques?

show size 13 strength lifter here

>>Eat a mostly vegan diet

Enjoy your heart attack.

Attached: Epidemiological_data_and_cheese_consumption.png (1151x785, 312K)

Do all dis shit. Get hit by car. Struck by lightning, shot by crazy bitch. Die anyway.

>posts a graph where the lowest rate of heart disease and diabetes is an almost vegan diet
Good one

what's the point of this?

is life so valuable in itself that it's worth extending for it's own sake?

isnt what makes life worth living the enjoyment of it, which includes good food and drink?

this all seems like nothing more than people terrified of death doing anything they can to prolong the inevitable

moderation sure, but including moderation itself. don't be a fat fuck, get some exercise, eat mostly unprocessed food if you really care

like this guy says
it's a crapshoot whether it will even make a difference anyway. eat /sip/ drink be merry friends

Thanks for taking the time to post that, kid. Got any other tips?

Lol go jump off a bridge twat

ur mom has a bridge twat and I cross it everyday lol

>Consume low but sufficient proteins: Consume approximately 0.31 to 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.

Have fun being a flabby twink. They probably recommend hours and hours of medium intensity cardio too. Wouldn't want to do anything brutish like lift weights now, goy. Too much testosterone!

>The body needs protein, essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), minerals, vitamins, and sufficient sugar to fight the many wars going on inside and outside cells. To be sure you get enough nutrients, every three days take a multivitamin and a mineral pill, plus an omega-3 fish oil soft gel purchased from a reputable manufacturer

>ideal diet
>requires supplements

just lol

lay off, sucker. the dude is a PhD of FOOD

I am on the I don't give a shit and don't want to live to 90 diet. It mostly consists of alcohol and tabacco.

Eat twice a day plus a snack: Unless your waist circumference and body weight are in the normal or low range, it is best to eat breakfast plus one other meal a day and one low-calorie, low-sugar, nourishing snack. If your weight or muscle mass is too low, then eat three meals a day plus a snack.
wrong wrong worngg
bad advice
consider the following "formula"
where M=meal ; S= Snack
the ideal combinations are usually the following
the smaller your meals the better OP.
Which combination you get depends on how much time you have to prepare food and eat.

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Check em
My Granny lived to her mid 90s. Honestly, she didn't seem to happy about it for the final 10 years...

Cheers m8!

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>Low but sufficient

Oxymoron, make your gains lads low protein diets are for ladyboys

>Restrict your eating to eleven to twelve hours or less per day.

>high-calorie fasting-mimicking diet

japans rate is high when you consider how thin most japs are

I was with you until it said you should be eating complex carbs like bread.
Have fun with your joke diet.
That shit will fuck you up.

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Enjoy dying in your bedsheets you cheese eating fuck.

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>bread is bad for you
Haha ok

Yeah it is actually.

>Have fun being a flabby twink. They probably recommend hours and hours of medium intensity cardio too. Wouldn't want to do anything brutish like lift weights now, goy. Too much testosterone!
>The diet is based mostly on how the longest-living people in the world ate.
>Up and including the ones built like brick shithouses in outh.
>Especially the brick shithouses, they lived longer than any other.