When did American eating habits start to get really bad?

When did American eating habits start to get really bad?

Was it WW2?

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It was just post WWII during the 50s.

>Americans do anything
>Britcucks follow in our footsteps
every time

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We aren't really the most obese European country, we just say that to take the piss out of you stupid fucking yanks

I know you're shitposting but yeah actually the world wars, especially the mobilization for world war 2, caused a bigass shift in diets for most of the western world due to shortages and rationing. Canned food, which had already grown even more popular due to its low price during the depression, was spread more, which is why you have all those 50's casserole recipes that call for a can of soup dumped over something in a dish. Fast food's increase and reputation for being huge started around the late 80's early 90's when I think Taco Bell's marketing division realized that 80% of sales came from 20% of the fat fucks, and to appeal to them directly with larger portions and better "deals" (ie cheap bulk).

WW2 and the resulting rationing is also why you get all that weird ass british food like toast sandwiches.

ever since the interstate highway system was completed and car companies started lobbying against public transportation

Even before that, when paper companies lobbied against hemp manufacturing and cultivation.

That's a British man.

Let him have his thread.

Automation, consumerism, gmo/fertilisers, longer lasting foods/preservatives, cheaper food and products (tinned foods), mass production, convenience (grocery stores rather than local shops and drive thrus/fast foods), addictives/more chems to make it taste better and unhealthier, machines like the fridge and microwave and mixers and such.

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You're all a bunch of commu-
*enters cardiac arrest*

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That's one
fatass bong

It's the price of freedom.

okay without using broscience or a mommy blog explain how canning food makes you fat....

capitalism forcing workers who don't work like slaves 10 hours a day and work from home for 4 more to be passed over for promotions or even fired made cheap, quick foods that are often bad for you the only things that fit the schedule

The only fatter European country as of last year was ironically Hungary.

>chicken and mushroom pot noodle


Hmm, tinned food was one of those cheaper and longer lasting alternative compared to normal food, also the tinned foods were usually already cooked and needed a good reheating.
Not gonna say eating only tinned foods make people fat but i wouldn't consider tinned food to be that healthy either, most likely full of salt/fat/carbs. Worst ones are probably spam and similar sorts of their kind.

America was always capitalist, but not always fat.

>words words words words words

White flour and corn syrup. Literally, that’s it.

Did Kuwait already join the EU?

90s was when junk food advertising was at it's peak, they tried doing damage control in the 00s with healthy options but the damage was done.


I'm not taking chances on this one.
Being a caretaker of such a fat person should be a criminal offence. Obviously that guy can't get 12k+ calories daily on his own.

old guy here, back when I was a teen the 32 oz big gulp came out and it was practically scandalous. Who would drink that much ? Of course people loved it. Now you can get 64 oz cups Some places even sell the 128oz jug that you can refill. Serving sizes have gotten bigger.

Also there wasn't HFCS in everything, just sugar. It was practically another scandal when Coca-cola switched from Sugar to HFCS to save a few pennies a gallon. No one really preferred the taste, but economics won out.


This is a great show

>make a thread shitting on americans

god i wish that were me

What does his asshole smell like, bros?

sweaty cheese


80's is the turning point where people started giving up on balancing their life.

But that describe Japan as well and it's one of the fittest country in the first world.


Around the time the gold standard was repealed.

The government knows if shit gets bad enough, the American people would rise up and overthrow them. So the government made it their number one priority to make sure the people had limitless access to cheap food. Because there has never been a political revolution on a full stomach.

Nigger please, you faggots are fat as shit. Hope you fucking die anyway.

When the sugar lobby started manipulating public opinion. Candice Choi explains in the September issue of Chatelaine magazine how this came about.


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>WW2 and the resulting rationing is also why you get all that weird ass british food like toast sandwiches.
You're wrong, a recipe for toast sandwich is known from 1861

After WWII. Military-industrial conplex turned into food-industrial complex. All the bomb factories -->fertilizer factories. All the chemical weapons--> pesticide/herbicide factories. Throw in subsidies for large monocrops and you have a system to destroy traditional small diversified farms that rely on the sun's energy and human labor for large industrial farms with machines that produce mountains of corn, wheat, and soy from petroleum energy. These crops go into the vast stores of highly processed food that is giving everyone chronic illness (bad food + lack of farm exercise + no sunshine from ur inside desk job). The rest is fed to animals in feed lots. Wa la

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this 80s-90s
theres a movie called Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, the woman in it doesn't even look that fat compared to some hamplanets around now

Walkers, Maltesers, Dominos.co.uk... He's not American?

>we only got obese to troll yanks! jokes on you amerifat!

Do bongs really humor this?

>we're not fat we were just pretending!!!

>Posts Amerilard thread
>Pic related is Britlard

Shiggy diggy.

Also, post-WWII.



Jesus. 26% is a lot. And I thought Germany was the fattest european countrt.

I think that user means its return to popularity.


Also coincidentally when everything else went to shit


How to spot a retard: He thinks GMOs are bad


I think it was in reference to produce more food faster and there by making it cheaper too.


Recovering obeast here, seeing shit like OP's pic I wonder how the fuck a guy can let it get so bad. I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted until I was 30 and still only made it to 300 pounds.
How can a guy maintain a body that big? I ate so fucking much before I decided to lose weight, I'd stop at gas stations for snacks several times a day plus ate like entire pizzas for a meal

>We're not fat we're just pretending to be retarded
This was probably much smarter in your head I assume.

Bad is relative to the life you lead. If you look at what farm families ate in the Midwest or South at the start of the 20th Century you'd find people regularly consumed 3000-4000 calories a day. But a 12 hour day of farm work would burn that off. One cause of obesity in America is that fewer and fewer Americans did physically demanding work, but they kept eating as if they did. I piece of pie with breakfast and lunch is just a drop in the bucket if you labor all day, but it's a quick way to obesity if you don't.

Then there was the Depression and WWII. Food was rationed and some people starved to death. This coincided with the rise of industrialized food production as well as the discovery of and the ability to synthesize vitamins. By the time the war was over poor quality industrially produced food was cheap, and it could be enriched to make up for its lack of nutrition. Sugary cereals could be marketed as healthy for your kids because they contained X number of essential vitamins and minerals. Squishy white bread could be a staple. War rations like canned pasta could be sold as economical ways to feed a family using the emerging advertising industry and the television. Convenient and modern were the buzzwords used to sell all kinds of garbage tier foods to those just happy to have enough to eat. And of course parents who had experienced food insecurity made children "clean their plates". And over the rest of the century food continued to stay cheap, convenient and crappy. Then they figured how to make cheap sugar out of corn and suddenly sugar was in everything.

So you basically had a nation that had traditionally eaten like laborers moving to office jobs at the same moment lazy, bad meal choices became cheap and widely available.

Late 80s and early 90s.

Japan lives in a constant state of scorn and shame to keep fatties in check




This is making me ill. Please stop.


Have you ever wondered how these super-obese people can be bed-ridden, unemployed and yet have enough food to feed a family of 12 or more? It's because "the system' decided it was cruel to only give them enough foodstamps for a normal size person, so they give them the equivalent food supply that would normally feed several, and I mean several people a day. And they keep increasing the allotted food supply and that's why these people keep getting fatter and fatter. 600 lbs, 700 lbs, 800 lbs, etc.

Sauce or I call bullshit.


>15 tonne blob of fat found in sewer
Thought that was going to be another video about James K.

went on a vacation in Europe
after seeing zero fat people on the mainland, I ended in the UK and you lot are chubby as hell
not up to proper US standards, but you folk were sure trying

Pop off James

I can't risk it.

There's a specific year and it's not debatable and that year in 1980. Not 1981 or 1979 or the 70s or 80s. 1980.


When the sugar industry blamed the fat, huge huge mistake
Also the food pyramid

>UK spends least amount of income
>US is first
Glad all these hang-wringing scientists, journalists, and fighters for the poor give zero fucks about this statistic

*UK spends 2nd least

How would a European country being fat “take the piss” out of a noneuropean country you stupid ass nigga

It’s actually his girlfriend and daughter who took care of him when he was still fat. His daughter dropped out of fucking school just to take care of him. Fatties should be used as live fuel. Imagine all that energy you could get out of them

what the fuck is wrong with his legs??!!

>Western Europe
>Remind me, how many countries are there to the WEST of Europe?
>Fucking ONE, you dipshit

PoP off james!



>skin cells duplicate
>never wash the dead ones off
>soon yeast comes and starts eating the dead ones
>then bacteria eats the yeast
>then this happens

The moment the US was convinced carbs from bread is more important than from fruits and vegetables.

When baby boomers grew up and still had the mentality of needing to consume more and cleaning their plates because of the depression era and their parents teaching them said mentality.



They started breeding us like cattle and convincing us to eat as much as possible.

damn your iq must be through the fucking roof

Probably shortly after the Food Stamp Act of 1964.

Because comfort eating because you're poor is America's favorite pastime.


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the real question is how do they afford to eat that much? even if its cheap shit it still adds up

When women entered the workforce. No more time to shop and cook daily so it was tv dinners, high calorie, high sugar content frozen shit. Then fast food came along for a double dose. I still remember when most women were at home, it was all about preparing dinner, sometimes most of the day. Around the late 70's things really started to shift. Even then into the 80's going out was a novelty. When I was a kid we went out maybe two or three times per year. By the time highschool came along it was way more common.


Also how the fuck do they show this on regular television

>the South would rise again
>but they can't get out of their scooters

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There were issues due to the processing, habits and proliferation of fast food and such during the 50s, but it all spiraled during the 1980s when the NeoLibs killed food regulations.

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