Redpill me on the Rothschilds. Do they still have any sayso in the banking community? Etc
Redpill me on the Rothschilds. Do they still have any sayso in the banking community? Etc
I'll never understand why people were freaked out about 19th century jewish banker families ruling the world from the shadows when there was a jewish head of state leading the most powerful empire in the world in the same damn time period
>jewish head of state leading
I'm retarded, who are you referring to?
There a very rich family and they have influence accordingly. I don't know how people don't still get that money=influence and freak about about some conspiracy shit.
Rothschilds are pretty tame anyways, they've been conservtive with their money.
I think some British PM.
>I don't know how people don't still get that money=influence and freak about about some conspiracy shit.
Two points.
1. People do get that.
2. Conspiracies exist.
Disraeli I guess
Fuck oath they do
Where the hell you been?
Bohemian grove
Trilateral comis
Council foreign relations
I think that they have been at G10 & G8
>1. People do get that.
>2. Conspiracies exist.
To some extent but people don't seem to realise that most things moneyed people do is completely above the board, legal and well documented. You don't need global satanist cabals to explain why the world is the way it is.
Yeah, I don't believe in any of the horseshit conspiracy theories associated with them. I read they either lost the majority of their wealth, or have mainly turned to real estate with their investments over time.
Bohemian grove is a summer camp for rich people.
The next two are just meetups and shit that the government does not have to listen. Essentially, like thinktanks.
Business leaders are welcome to sit in to G8 and G10 meetings? I dunno.
>most things moneyed people do is completely above the board, legal and well documented
That seems beside the point.
> You don't need global satanist cabals to explain why the world is the way it is.
Nobody has made such an assertion ITT, conversations about banking and the systems and families associated with it would be a lot easier to have if people like you didn't try to countersignal before anyone has even started signaling.
That being said, consider what Satanism is in the minds of the conspiracy theorists: most of the time, these are fundamentalists. You say "Satanism" mockingly now, but you may refer to the same phenomena with different words that have a similar meaning. Honestly, you shouldn't be so quick to write off the idea that people in positions of power have rituals that you don't understand.
no, the super-rich consist of 10000s of people not a single family
Because there was no believe in racial Semitism during Disraeli's period. While Disraeli was of Jewish descent, so were the early Christians. In the eyes of most European gentiles, a Jew who becomes Christian is no longer a Jew.
This is why there were essentially no Antisemitic arguments made against Marx until the 20th century. While he was an ethnic Jew, he was raised Christian and grew up speaking standard German.
It could be argued a belief in a Semitic race only emerged due to the high rate of conversion in Germany during the 19th century. A substantial portion of Germans were of full or partial Jewish descent, some without knowing it. This caused Adolf Hitler and other ethnic nationalists to formulate ideologies based on purity of blood rather than purity of religion.
The Rothschilds are still very rich, and many are still high-ups in the banking industry, but the modern finance industry doesn't support families in the way that it used to. Rothschild Group still exists as a bank, but wasn't able to compete with the many other financial institutions formed after their high-water mark in the middle 19th century.
Funnily enough, many of the Rothschilds are Christian today.
From what I've heard they got FRANKED pretty hard
A family of 30 can exert influence far easier than a family of 3,000. Their growth as a family killed them.
They should've just followed a policy of getting only one or 2 male heirs and hoping for the rest to be females so that they could be married off to some rich guys
there are different levels of conspiracy theorists.
Nobody here talked about satanist cabals.
Like the other user said, conspiracies exist. Unfortunately, the mere affirmation of conspiracy theory is linked to the kind of stuff you immediatly refer to.
The fact is that there is undeniably groups of old money families of bankers, big american and european capitalists and related classical-liberal minded academics and politicians that have been pushing the western political status quo for the last two centuries. This is a conspiracy theory that is hardly in cuckoo land.
Satanist cabals/illuminati/whatever are just mythos that deal with real stuff.
there are actual private clubs for very specific influence groups, where some are indeed involved with Freemasonry and occult stuff. Is it anything more than some weird, ultimately innocent traditions used as meeting excuses for private discussion between these private groups? Quite probably. They still exist though, and are very well documented.
Links that defend any of those assertions? And no, a meeting that has ZERO confirmed transcripts or recordings from it does not count.
Benjamin Disraeli, PM of Great Britain.
You need a link to prove that Freemasonry exists?
He wasn't Head of State.
pic related is a good place to start.
Its an academic work from a reputable source
From the same author, this book is also pretty good:
About private societies that dabble with occultism, with a lot of influencial people in it, you really just need to google about Freemasonry in general, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove...
What's the deal with the Bilderberg Group?
There's all you need to know user
Was just going to bring up the bilderberg group. I'm not a fan of spouting out conspiracy theories. But I doubt the most powerful people get together in secret to shoot the shit.
>tfw the jews kept financing the british against napoleon
I will always hate jews for that
They funded both sides. The French Revolution was funded by "Freemasons" (i.e., Jews and their pet goyim), for Christ's sake. You have never heard the story of how Nathan Rothschild defrauded the British Empire?
Disraeli didn't make it past the 1880s and wasn't Head of State. The Head of State is the Monarch and the Head of Government is the Prime Minister.
>About private societies that dabble with occultism, with a lot of influencial people in it, you really just need to google about Freemasonry in general, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove...
It's all based off of Kabbalah, which is Jewish occultism. Johann Reuchlin and John Dee are the links that connect Kabbalah to modern secret societies. Many of the Kabbalistic writings appear to be cryptography and steganography. It is highly likely that the so-called occultists didn't believe in magic—that it was just a way of transmitting political information clandestinely.
This man, Moses de Leon, supposedly "found" (wrote, most likely) the Zohar, which is the biggest portion of the Kabbalah, sometime in the 13th century. My guess is Jewish finance needed a code to carry out their subversion under the guise of religion and a secret society. It is doubtful the quasi-secret societies of the Ancient Near East were anything more than political intrigue, as well. Not all members are conspirators, but the members that aren't serve as a veil for those who are. It is also possible to conceal information from unwitting members, due to the hierarchical nature of secret societies.
Fair points. I was being flippant and didn't mean to paint everyone on the extreme end of the spectrum.
I've just noticed a trend where people learn about these rich folk, their eccentricities and their shaky morals and turn them into a spectre turning the wheels of everything. I don't know why they're so surprised, to the point where their world view changes to a more "conspiratorial" one. I've seen it happen among a couple of my friends. I also have another friend who's into the occult and knows a lot of people in those circles. It's all more banal than you'd expect, nd most occultists are gentle middle-aged folk with romantic tendencies.
tell us wise antisemite
This was upheld in court, so don't tell me about it.
>Bohemian grove is a summer camp for rich people.
Probably. Alex Jones was the one who infiltrated them, and everyone knows he's a shill.
The "juiciest" things he supposedly found (like the huge poster of an old man sticking his finger up the ass of another bent over and someone propositioning him for sex) were conveniently the things he didn't manage to get on camera, just as he exaggerated and outright lied about the delivery of fetuses wrapped in gold foil to Bilderburg when in reality that was an entirely unrelated case across the country involving one man. Of course, the ceremony was there to decorate the piece, but there's really no harm in it unless you're a conservative Christian who thinks everything pagan or symbolic is the work of Satan.
Man this thread brings me back to the days of reading conspiracy theories all day online. Not that I ever thought they were true, but it was always fun to read and think about them.