Fill er out, Veeky Forums.
Fill er out, Veeky Forums
imagine being fat enough to have eaten all this shit
>no lays stax
>no cheetos jalapeno cheddar
>shitty brackets with no rhyme or reason
for those reasons, I'm out.
It came down to Fritos vs. peanut m&m
elite 8
>slim jim's vs hot cheetos
>oreos vs reeses pieces
>bugles vs chex mix
>doritos cr vs pringles
final 4
>slim jims vs oreos
>chex mix vs doritos cr
natl champ game
>slim jims vs doritos cr
slim jims are your national champions
found the patrician
I love cool ranch doritos dipped in french onion dip. but on their own REESE'S PIECES have always been a favorite
I'm not a huge fan of sweet things and always get different flavors for the lays and doritos but of the choices available cool ranch is best
i concur
Why did I take so much time filling this out.
awful taste
>mixed nuts wins over all those other snakcs
I hate you
all you need to do is sprinkle some nacho cheese powder if you want to kick it up a notch
Pizza rolls are cheating, IMO, because it's more substantial than the other snacks
>soggy grease pockets
>winning anything
>soggy grease pockets
I know this was meant to be an insult, but that literally sounds appetizing to me. Fatty, greasy, salty foods are wonderful.
awful taste and awful job in paint
im guessing ur not very intelligent
>im guessing ur not very intelligent
I'm incredibly smart, as well as fairly successful.
r8 my tastes m8s
putting jerky up against all this other shit is just unfair desu
not bad but not great
maybe 20 years ago, but they are really awful these days
>tfw so fat I was sweating profusely and almost cried as I filled this out
>tfw had to drive down to the gas station to get 2 flavors of fritos and 3 flavors of pringles to make sure I made the right choice
To be fair, I haven't had one in over 10 years. Have they actually changed?
yes compared to years back. now they have more "pepperoni seasoning" than actual pepperoni and it is different
Dat championship match must have been a back and forth.
nuts are the most calorie dense thing on the menu
yea, all of a sudden you hit a delicious nigger toe and you're back in the game
mein nigger
pizza snack smacks all other snacks for whats they lacks
>everything about this post
facts comin thru
imagine being a brokefag with a smart phone
Maybe it's just because chex mix isn't sold in Canada so I haven't eaten it as much as most of these other things but god damn I love that shit.
cheez it vs ruffles. i say cheezit, more complex flavor.
best final four so far, just replace slim jim with flamin hot cheetos
roasted salted cashews > anything else on the list
I'm a salinophile. 5'5" and weighing 170 lbs, yeah I'm trying to eat healthier and drink more water. Sodium is a silent killer, gonna get you with heart attax.
I hope you're a grill
if not I am so sorry
cool ranch honestly tastes like nothing to me, any other flavor would be superior
>actually picking cheese heads ever
why do you like ingesting plastic?
>picking hard tack over cheez its
>not bothering to copy paste the pics in
Last two were tough but most of it was pretty easy I have to say
>Unironically liking fucking Chip's Ahoy
just because I choose them over oreo doesn't mean they arn't both dogshit
Oreos are better than fucking Chip's Ahoy though. Chip's Ahoy are just bottom of the barrel trash cookies.
Shit that should never win
>rold gold
>string cheese
>slim jims
>plain m&ms
>chips ahoy
>Regular bugles
>Not pic related
Would win hands down
I think I'm gonna puke.
get over it bitch
oreos are worse than chips ahoy, they are that bad
Oreos are just fucking okay, they're overrated but they're okay
Eat my asshole faggot, only poor people like Cuck's Ahoy because they couldn't afford the superior cookie
If it was chewy chips ahoy then that would be another story
>M&Ms vs M&M peanut
>M&M peanut wins
I'm gonna lay some cold hard facts down on you faggots.
Flamin' Cheetos are objectively better than regular.
Stringcheese is shit, Goldfish wins automatically.
Nu-CheezIt sucks ass, it can't compare to Beef Jerky.
Pizza Rolls are objectively better than tiny pencil-dick "jerky"
Oreos are better than stale crunchy nasty ass dry cookies
M&M's and sour patch kids are a tossup, personal preference
Skittles are good but M&M peanuts are just better
Reese's Pieces are objectively better than nasty ass gummy bears
Ritz Bitz > fucking shitty microwave popcorn
Bugles and Funyuns are both good, but I could eat a whole bag of Funyuns and want more
Chex Mix is trash, never heard of Rold Gold before
Ritz crackers are shit, peanuts are better
Sour cream and onion lays is fucking GOD TIER
Barbecue lays are SHIT Tier, but regular pringles are just kinda eh (if it was pizza pringles it'd win, hands down, period, cancel the whole tournament, pizza pringles are GOAT)
Cool Ranch is fucking overrated and tastes nasty the more you eat it,you can never go wrong with classic lays
Fritos are only good in frito pies, although nu-doritos suck ass since they aren't as cheesy, but they are still better than fritos (if it was chili cheese fritos though this would be a completely different story)
I was with you until you started being a faggot about sour cream and onion lays
this doesn't need to be in a bracket. you can just rank them.
Sour cream and onion lays are good, you mongol
Especially compared to fucking
If i wanted to fuck up the roof of my mouth I'd eat a fucking cactus
Pringles beats sour cream and onion all day every day though, those chips are fucking designed to fit in your mouth perfectly
Just place it on your tongue, push it against the roof of your mouth, get that satisfying crunch, it's great
what a shitty chart op
i don't even like sour patch kids that much
sour skittles are the patrician's choice
Not even him, but I agree. I don't need to fill out the chart to know that I'd choose Sour Cream and Onion chips as a snack any time.
I'm allergic to nuts so it might be skewed a bit. Reminder that if your taste doesn't resemble mine that's okay because people like different things palatelets
>Snack thread
>Neither of these are on the brackets
Discarded. Try again, OP.
Found the white nigger.
Funyuns are fucking shot. Would be cheaper to down a fucking bottle of garlic salt than drop $3 on a package of chip dust
1. Funyuns & Haribo Gummies both got horrible seeds.
2. Had Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream made the qualifying bid for the Chip division, they might have gotten to the Final Four.
3. Totino's vs. OREOs was by far the closest match-up of the tournament, going into overtime before the pizza rolls eeked out a win.
4. Cheetos Flamin Hot got cocky thinking they could stomp the OG right out of the starting gate, but ending up suffering the biggest upset of all the match-ups.
5. The long-running feud between division rivals Doritos Cool Ranch & Nacho Cheese was especially bitter this season, more so than even Lay's Sour Cream & Onion v. Barbecue if that is possible.
Totino's, Totino's
[spoiler]How did you know?[/spoiler]
yo man what the fuck is that shit
The truth
I drank a bottle of wine and smoked a bowl in the past 90 minutes, and I honestly cannot figure out how to follow your bracket. Why couldn't you just select -> copy -> past -> position like everyone else?
And be one of those weirdos who spend an hour filling out a March Madness bracket for snacks at 1AM on a Mongolian puppet show theater chatroom? There's got to be more to life than this
As opposed to what? Making a bracket for snacks into the digital equivalent of a corkboard covered in post-it notes and pins connected by multicolored strings? Because that's what you did.
Gimme a flavor on lays and fritos and I can make a decision.
Obviously they're the unflavored versions, you fucking retard.
who in the FUCK seeded this?
number 1?
chips ahoy that low?
you gotta be fucking kidding me
Ive only ever found these in 711 but gardettos are the ultimate snack. Think a superior chex mix
Lays only comes in one flavor. OP is just a retard and put them in his pic three times for some reason.
This. Seeding sucks OP.
I'm 32 and American and what is seeding?
This is just sad and gross...
>mommy buy snicky snacks for charty! !
I second this entire bracket.
This is my nigga
why are you booing me? i'm right!
hard decisions
As if there was ever any doubt
How do you feel about this, Veeky Forums?
there's really not nigga
fight me, sluts
I am angry that I only now figured out it's Rold Gold not Royal Gold
There's only one correct way to fill this thing out.