>drink 1 drink on an empty stomach
>be staggering drunk
Is this a good thing or bad thing? I'm not even through this drink and my teeth feel numb.
>drink 1 drink on an empty stomach
>be staggering drunk
Is this a good thing or bad thing? I'm not even through this drink and my teeth feel numb.
How much do you weigh and what did you drink
That's actually really weird. What was the drink, and how much soy do you consume on an average day?
I usually wake up and start drinking vodka on an empty stomach, and only a few hours later make a sandwich or something before going into work. I'd love to get staggering drunk on 1 drink again.
Are you keto
Your liver is either failing you, you are Asian, a sheltered teen or an anorexic living soy. Which is it famm
I’m 145 pounds and I drink half a 26 before I start to feel a buzz even on an empty stomach.
>Posting with literal skeletons
Probably like 135 lbs. Bourbon
I actually avoid anything with soy in it, lol
Hes thin. But unless you work out being overweight is much worse
Fatasses always try and pull shit saying theyre healthier than skellies
I think its one of the reasons girls are so fucking fat nowadays
Or maybe they're not a fucking lush like you?
Not everybody is a goddamn alcoholic that's used to pounding down fifths of hard liquor in a single afternoon.
>Everyone who calls out skellies for being weak skellies are automatically fat and not just normal
1) Everybody's eating high-cal convenience food
2) Everybody's working jobs where you sit down
3) Nobody is working out anymore except people who are either dedicated or have lots of free time
There, modern American obesity in a nutshell
Hit a nerve I see
Fuck off. I'd say I can't wait for the wet brain to set in but you're a gibbering retard already.
If you're drinking liquor, prepare for a murderous stomach ache.
congrats you're an alchy loser
I’m actually not skelly. I’m only 5’8. More like a manlet ottermode.
Actually not an alcoholic. I’m very social, and drink a lot in social settings, but I certainly don’t need to drink, and I never desire to drink on my own except for a beer or two after a long hot day at work. I drink with my friends to make a good time better. Just because you can’t drink doesn’t mean those of us who can are alcoholics.
Nice. Hi.
Holy fuck kid i don't care
I'm nearly the same weight and hardly ever drink. I know the feeling of getting a good buzz from one on an empty stomach. like one of the anons said, they wish they got a buzz from one drink. enjoy it OP
>he thinks being 200 pounds is normal and not fat
Fucking kek
I strongly doubt your manlet ass can drink half a 26 before feeling a buzz on an empty stomach. Maybe if you chug it within a minute
I have a high tolerance for alcohol. I won’t say I can drink the most out of my friends, but I’m definitely near the top.
You lost?
Its always better to have something on your stomache when drinking. Alcohol takes longer to get to your blood stream but at least you won't feel hung over in 3 hours.
is this one drink from a bar or did you pour yourself "one drink"? if you're at home making drinks without a jigger you probably put like 5 or 6oz in one drink which is like 4x as many as a bar would pour.
135 lbs of bourbon? Dude, you're a lightweight.
It seriously doesn't make any difference. 6oz is how I get my morning buzz.
it does considering 1.5oz of liquor is the standard bar pour.
I get a little buzz if i take a double shot on an empty stomach.
what the fuck it's actually wrong with you
>ITT: A couple of spooky skeletal lightweight drinkers and a fat load of smug teetotling losers that think that not taking part of a cultural tradition that stretches back for thousands of years somehow puts them in rarified air
is Veeky Forums so small that it’s just one chronic alcoholic posting 24/7 or are there actually this many alcoholics on this board? Or is it just some ironic meming I haven’t figured out yet? Either way you need help.
One time we had a comfy happy alcohol thread and 1 guy went in and replied to himself over and over about his depression until everyone else left the thread and archived it
>Drinks a beer or two a day
>binge drinks when out with friends
>Has developed a tolorance to alcohol
Nah, you're fine
190 pounds
I get pretty buzzed off 6 beers
135 pounds is probably what I weighed when I was 13 or 14. Probably normal for you to feel drunk after 1.
I was an absolute skeleton and did Cross Country/Nordic Skiing/Track in high school and I still had 10-15 pounds on you at 5' 10"
When you're a faceless mediocre nobody simply getting along in life, it can be gratifying to fantasize about having something special about yourself. Lies about success will not be believed, so lies about being utterly pathetic-- a level of absolute worthlessness that you're afraid to sink to in real life-- make a reasonable substitute. See also the many cuck fantasies played out across Veeky Forums boards.
Then there is the small selection of actual alcoholics.
manlet i presume?
Is this supposed to be a joke? Is it not obvious that like a third of this website is drunk as fuck at any given point during the day? You think people on al/ck/ are lying? lol
Idiot, there are a number of restaurant workers on this board who by definition are fucked up on one thing or another to deal with the high pressure, shit hours and shit pay in addition to the not insignificant number of the ubiquitous crossboarded Veeky Forums NEETS who deal with their isolation through alcohol and lunatic ideas.
I don’t drink a beer or two a day tho. I sometimes drink a beer or two after a long hot day at work, and my friends and I don’t always get loaded drunk. We do go on camping, dirt biking, and snowboarding trips, and we usually get pretty drunk in the evenings. I’m Canadian, we are proud binge drinkers.
I find it very amusing that a bunch of pill popping basement dwelling shut-ins automatically assume someone has a problem with alcohol just because they can drink more than others.
I find it amusing that people still allow cultural norms to enable their alcoholism.
If you've developed a tolorance to alcohol, you have a problem. Next time you're out with friends, try not drinking and see if you can.
>Probably like 135 lbs
Show us your titties bitch
Maybe they are cultural norms because so many people enjoy it. There are plenty of cultural norms in Canada that I don’t get on board with, like getting dog blowjobs, eating French fries with cheese curds and gravy, and wanting to ship Muslims into our country.
I doubt you would understand this because you probably have no friends, but going out and being around a bunch of drunk people when you’re sober is about as much fun as going out and being drunk around a bunch of sober people. What you suggested is stupid and a way to waste what would otherwise be a very enjoyable evening. I don’t give a fuck if you think I have a problem with drinking. I think you have a problem with people enjoying things you don’t like.
I have no problem with people drinking and drink quite a bit myself. All I'm saying is you're definitely an alcoholic. Enjoy your alcoholism.
I’m fully aware of what an alcoholic is. Clearly you aren’t tho. Alcoholics drink for specific reasons, and that doesn’t include “getting drunk with their friends.” As you said, you drink a lot, and probably not in a social setting. Does calling everyone who binge drinks with their buddies an alcoholic make you feel better about your own alcoholism?
OP here, I have a set of glasses that have ounces marked on one side and mL on the other. I've been going off the rule of thumb "1 drink = 1.5 ounces of liquor"
Yeah I am pretty thin. I don't have crazily low bf%, just no muscle.
6 foot
I'm [spoiler]not[/spoiler] a girl btw
Keep being defensive and making excuses. I bet I'm not the only person to say something about your drinking.
God damn man, a man could be sucking another mans cock while reading your post, he would remove the cock from his mouth, and audiably call you a faggot. So my choices are to ignore you and not reply, or reply and it automatically makes me an alcoholic defending himself? I think you have a problem with being wrong. Guess what? Just because you’re some faggot redditor who is used to circle jerking with a bunch of other fat faggots on the internet who all have the same opinions as you doesn’t mean you know shit about anything. Maybe if you made some friends, you would understand the purpose of drinking is to enhance a fun time in a social setting, not wallowing around by yourself drinking scotch and craft beer you can’t afford wondering why you are still single considering you’re such a nice classy guy.