Why do people hate on Guy Fieri? Seems to enjoy what he does and has fun, has a style of his own and enjoys food

Why do people hate on Guy Fieri? Seems to enjoy what he does and has fun, has a style of his own and enjoys food.

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I unironically love his tv show. I have doubts about his aptitude as a chef though.

guy fieri's shows are ultimate hotel cable binge material.

i mean, the guy is nothing but nice. he brings so much free press to these restaurants and seems legitimately chill.

i recommend anyone who claims to hate guy to watch his interview on hot ones.


He has the best food show around. Why do I want to watch some guy cooking for a half hour? I want to see a few different finished products instead. Most chefs tend to be jerk offs anyways, while food journalists or whatever you would consider fieri seem to be pretty cool

I hate that fuck, I'll bet his clothes aren't even really on fire.

>the guy is nothing but nice
Literally proves nothing other than, at the very least, that he knows how to handle his public persona VERY well.

i mean, do you have any evidence to the contrary? i haven't heard a single bad thing about him, other than that his hair sucks.

He has a persona that excessively calls attention to himself. Yes I know many famous people do I don't like them either. His style isn't unique it is just way out of date and wasn't good when it was in.

everyones just jealous they dont get paid to go around the country eating food.
and that concept having been played out already he just brought an energetic personality to go with it.
which then created the millennial foodie who wants to try every restaurant in the city and be some sort of professional yelper. in return created this same generation who struggles to make themselves a sandwich for lunch or simply wont cook for themselves.

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Because babish exists and it much more professional than some meme

I can tell you first hand that his burger joint chain, the one on Carnival Cruses, sucks. Then again it's cruise food so I don't expect much.

i dont think any one dislikes him. hes just easy to make fun of cause of his tv personality and style.

I don't know anyone hating on guy.
DDD is the only show on food network that I'll watch. makes me wish I had a great diner of my own or at least one in a town nearby to eat at



he's redpilled in the jews, he's ok in my book

Triple D is top-tier 2am comfykino

>Watch Triple D at 2am
>get the munchies
>end up eating like 2k cals

thanks Guy

I was just about to post this.. when I was a weed smoker, I would watch triple d reruns until like 3am then start cooking all the leftovers in my fridge. RIP being a teenager.


He's good for laughs.
Remember the fight with the hairdresser?

I hate on him because he is a fucking retard.

I've also been to one of the places I saw in his show and it was a major disappointment.

This guy has it partially right but he is forgetting that while everyone wants Guys job it is extra painful to watch because he is such a fucking moron

I think triple D is pretty entertaining, albeit for reasons not related to food or cooking. But his restaurants seriously fucking suck.

What? What kinda retard hates Guy Fieri?

>A rep for Guy tells TMZ, "A bunch of guys were messing around. Things got a little out of hand, but they're all good now."
how do we know who was in the wrong here?

I don't really like watching any American food personalities but I kinda like Guy Fieri.

Looks like the hair dresser is the one being an asshole.
Wonder if they were buttbuddies.

Coke Guy. Guy Fieri is an anagram for Coke Guy. Loud, always hyper... empty. Coke Guy.

He's really easy to make fun of, but he's such a nice guy and every now and then he reveals that he does know a thing or two about actual cooking (though I doubt he's really that good of a chef). I like his shows.

Hey, I used to work at a restaurant that was on DD&D, and my head chef had been distant friends with Fieri for quite a few years. We were a slightly upscale Mediterranean bistro but the area was so isolated that they were just trying to fill up the season.
He's honestly pretty nice in person.
He had weird gay sexual tension with my boss when they got drunk.

>hate on
Why is Veeky Forums so popular amongst blacks?

I cannot stand that faggot hairstyle. Otherwise I'm lukewarm about him.

I don't think people hate Guy. He's entertaining. But people definitely look down on him. And that's not too hard to understand. His show is basically food porn for fat guys (or wannabe fat guys). His restaurants are weak, overhyped and overpriced. It's kind of cool that he takes such an unapologetic stance against the zeitgeist. When so many celebrate local, organic, carefully sourced ingredients presented in beautifully plated modest portions his unabashed love of overkill seems like a breath of fresh air. But the shtick wears thin really quickly because there's no substance behind it. He doesn't give a fuck about good cooking, good ingredients or even good food. All he's doing is raising a middle finger to how people think they're SUPPOSED to eat. Which is fun for a minute until you realize that more bacon, cheese and BBQ sauce isn't really going to make whatever abomination he's jizzing his pants over all that delicious. It's just a celebration of dumb, reactionary food. None of it is any more interesting than what any fatty with a $20 bill could put together at a Pizza Hut, Carl's Jr, Denny's or Taco Bell. He's just romanticizing the hell out of it. If you don't find that kind of food romantic watching a smart guy playing so dumb for the camera over and over gets old real quick.

>I've also been to one of the places I saw in his show and it was a major disappointment
that's no reason to hate on him. I don't really care who is going to these diners, I just like seeing all the foods put out, and it's great that they show how to make some of the most popular dishes. I also wonder how so many failing restaurants fail when they could spend a weekend binge watching triple D and probably turn their business around.
>I hate on him because he is a fucking retard.
excellent point! Example?

Why does his restaurants suck so bad?

Why does they tho?

Because they celebrate excess and his TV celebrity over the quality of the food itself. He knows the food doesn't HAVE to be good as long as the rubes find the idea of eating it exciting.