What have you asked recently Veeky Forums, did it turn out well?
Baking Thread
I guess I'm too drunk to phone post. They are, baked batch number one of two, canele.
What are they? Kinda look like tall donut palace.
I like cherry pie, wish someone would bake me one
you should bake a cherry pie user
A french pastry, they are rather tasty.
>what have you asked recently Veeky Forums
>did it turn out well
I've drunkenly started a number of threads recently, asking all sorts of different questions. Usually I wake up to yotsuba being mean again or just a red exclamation point.
I made a cinnamon strudel that also contained the souls of the damned
It got a little caramelized because the filling leaked, gonna thicken the frosting next time in an effort to keep it from doing that
Came out great though! What’s the meme? Uma delicia?
Big slop
if you want a pie, you should bake one. Like the other week on my birthday I wanted a cake so i made one. No candles though :(
I'd eat it
did you use the tinned copper molds for those?
Yeah I did, I have 6 of them because they are best fresh.
I made a matcha souffle that came out very well
Dont get to bake very often which is a shame since its so fun but I made these around the Christmas season; cherry Bakewell Tarts. Great stuff.
made breadpudding yesterday, it was really yummy
looks mighty fine, user
Thanks, I personally sort of prefer them without the icing and cherry (makes it a bit too sweet) but this was for a sale, so the toppings made it look a lot more appetizing and yummy. Without a cherry I think theyre just called Bakewell Tarts or pudding?
I ruined it like I ruined everything else.
What did you ruin?
Didn't even make it far enough to ruin something specific, was making pastry and the butter softened too much and fucked the whole thing, then I tried to make meringue from some egg whites I had extra and fucked that up too, basically flat egg white discs.
It was warm and humid today, so I have no idea what I was expecting but things didn't have to turn out like this.
I over-cooked four lambchops the other day. They were super thin lambchops and I wanted to try and sear them, then finish them in the oven, then make a pan sauce. Instead they just cooked to done and I sat around like an asshole. Although I did make a mint chutney that was great. I was getting tired of sweet stuff with lamb but mint pairs so well so I wanted to do herbal and vinegary. It's pretty fucking good.
I'm hanging out with my family and my birthday happens to be during this time. I didn't really want a cake, but when I told them that, all of them lost their shit and my mom went into ridiculous hysterics because I didn't want a fucking cake. So now I have been forced into making a cake to the specifications of the rest of the family. For my own birthday. They all want a mirror cake. Any tips for making it look and taste good?