What is this s*y shit some anons has been spouting? Should I be alarmed with my food diet? Will I turn into pic related?
Yes, you will turn into pic related with regular consumption of soy. My transition already began a few weeks ago.
No it's a meme with as much evidence as the onion meme.
Every time you point this out nobody shows proof they just call you a jew, so this should give you some idea of the kind of people who really believe it.
sounds like you had a very rough time in previous threads
You can google soys effect on hormones yk
Pregnant morhers a told to never consume soy because of the severe imbalance it can cause in the womb. Its obviously far less severe once youve grown but i still stay away from it when i can
>No it's a meme with as much evidence as the onion meme.
Whats this onion meme?
mothers are told*
Google onion and testosterone and every article will link you to a study in saudi arabia where they gave mice onion juice
You will turn into a Chad if you eat an onion. But das tru doe.
Holy shit I see a thousand of these faggots daily... the Supreme sticker on the laptop is just too accurate.
My dad got me and my brother really into sushi as kids. So we ate a lot of soy growing up. We have both started transitioning in the last couple years, so I wonder. But I think genetics and overly-permissive parenting are a much bigger factor in creating femboys, numales, and trannies.
I wil turn into an asian if I consume soy??
>le onion is le meme
My actual experience is unbearably raised libido since I started eating diced raw onions with my food. That has to be something.
/pol/ is ruining this board. It's not even funny anymore.
>controversy among scientific scholars about whether foods high in phytoestrogens are harmful for healthy men
hey rabbi, watcha doin? nice try soygoy schlomo
It could be placebo. The placebo effect defintely causes real physical symptoms.
I don't know if the placebo effect can give raging boners from light stuff and keep me going for 3 rounds straight.
Also I didn't even remember the onion thing, I started eating it because I tried a new dish I really like and when I like something food related, I eat it for days straight.
Quiet you s*yb*y.
"It is better to be a soyboy than to be a cuck."
-Baruch Spinoza
>blown the fuck out
it's a meme, so it should go without saying that it will be heavily exaggerated. best summary i've found is over at examine.com
>When soy is used as a food product, there do not appear to be large reductions in testosterone for the most part.[41] Supplementation with Soy Protein shares this same notion, and the trend suggests that does not seem to adversely affect testosterone.[42][43][44]
>Soy does not appear to significantly affect testosterone levels in moderation (1-2 servings of soy food daily, less than 25g of soy protein from non-concentrate sources), and seems to be able to adversely affect testosterone levels when superloaded (enough so that the equol issue is moot; around 100mg isoflavones daily). Between moderation and excess, there is a grey area that is dependent on whether or not one is able to produce equol from daidzein. These numbers do not apply to soy protein concentrate, which has negligible isoflavone content from ethanol extraction.
basically, we don't know. i don't think agonizing over soy additives in various foods is worth it. just avoid soy milk, tofu, and all other soy-derived foods. the red meat you're eating (of which we know causes cancer) is probably doing more damage to your body than soy is. so shut the fuck up, stop being a faggot, and stop every fucking meme posted on thie site.
>the red meat you're eating (of which we know causes cancer)
>t. amerilard that eats bacon every day
>schlomo makes scientifcally scientifical study (the word of GOD)
>yeah, uh, so, this here says that people who eat meat (who for some reason give less of a fuck about their health, drink, smoke, etc.) have more cancer than those who avoid eating meat (who for some reason are obsessed vigorexic vegans that do every ritual under the sun to better their health).
>uh, so, yeah right, it's the meat. meat gives cancer
>god's chosen people wouldn't lie
>see goyim? don't eat meat. eat tofu instead!
>"correlation doesn't mean causation?" FUCK OUTTA HERE YOU NAZI CONSPIRACY LOONEY FUCK
There's no controversy, they found the answer years ago. It's just that your average Veeky Forums poster doesn't like answeds that don't fit his own ideas.
wew lad slow up on the memes. u ok bud?
"Given the volume of research it is understandably challenging for health professionals to interpret the soy literature, a task that is compounded by the widely divergent results from in vitro and animal studies. However, these types of studies are of doubtful relevance to understanding the effects of soyfoods in humans. Obviously, in vitro conditions do not duplicate the complexity of living organisms, human or otherwise. Also, by necessity, these studies typically examine the effects of isolated compounds, which may be quite different from the effects seen when these compounds are examined in their natural milieu. Furthermore, the biological impact of one food constituent can be affected by the presence of others [1,2]. Studies in mice and rats often have limited value for predicting effects in humans because of the many physiological and anatomical differences between rodents and humans. In the case of soy, there is an additional caveat; most animals, including rodents and non-human primates, metabolize isoflavones very differently than humans [3,4,5,6,7,8,9]."
>they found the answer ages ago goyim, do not research
It's cute you decided to act like this when you got absolutely rhetorically destroyed.
Poor arguments make for short debates.
Why would you link an article that argues against the point you were making
>There is evidence, for example, that they reduce risk of coronary heart disease and breast and prostate cancer. In addition, soy alleviates hot flashes and may favorably affect renal function, alleviate depressive symptoms and improve skin health. Much of the focus on soyfoods is because they are uniquely-rich sources of isoflavones. Isoflavones are classified as both phytoestrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulators. Despite the many proposed benefits, the presence of isoflavones has led to concerns that soy may exert untoward effects in some individuals. However, these concerns are based primarily on animal studies, whereas the human research supports the safety and benefits of soyfoods.
tldr there's plenty of trustworthy evidence for soy being beneficial for your health and none for it being negative. If you think that studies in animals can be conclusive for this matter, read the passage you posted yourself.
>mfw soy posters have so little evidence they post studies that disagree with them in hope no one will actually read it
Alright, let me tell you why you are retarded.
>There is evidence, for example, that they reduce risk of coronary heart disease and breast and prostate cancer. In addition, soy alleviates hot flashes and may favorably affect renal function, alleviate depressive symptoms and improve skin health.
Whether this is true or not, is not being discussed or relevant to our concerns.
>Much of the focus on soyfoods is because they are uniquely-rich sources of isoflavones. Isoflavones are classified as both phytoestrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulators. Despite the many proposed benefits, the presence of isoflavones has led to concerns that soy may exert untoward effects in some individuals.
This is the actual problem, phytoestrogens are hormonal disruptors and foods such as soy and flax have insane quantities on it, and sadly, soybean oil is being added to many processed stuff plus soymilk is being touted as le epic healthy beverage since ages ago. Being marketed to MEN and LITTLE KIDS aswell.
Now, why would you eat food that hold great quantities of phytoestrogen, an hormonal disruptor that works as regular estrogen being a man that isn't into transexuality?
Should I really give a fuck or two about MODERATE soy consumption having positive effects on menopausic WOMEN or women in general and eat it as a MAN?
Why should I eat a weaker version of a literal hormone replacement therapy for transexuals? Why should I eat something that will turn me into a SOYBOY, a low testosterone, pushover, femenine """"""man""""" that can be hardly called a male? Why should I purposefully give myself the watered down version of the cognitive state of a woman on the rag? (Yes, the male and female brain is different, this is a scientifical fact, and what makes them different is hormones, specially testosterone and estrogen)
I'm not interested in being feminized.
I'm not interested in hurting the development of my future male children. I don't want soy, I'm fine, thanks.
Mate the article says
>some people think soy is bad
>however there's no proof
Your point is that there was proof. That is false.
My point is that soy has health benefits and we've known this for a while, and your article states this in the first paragraph.
Find me some actual proof of soy disrupting a man's hormones in a significant way, because the article you posted basically says there isn't any. As for the rest of your post you're just talking out your ass.
>Find me some actual proof of soy disrupting a man's hormones in a significant way
>As for the rest of your post you're just talking out your ass.
Care to point our where? It's a pretty clear cut reasoning.
>My point is that soy has health benefits and we've known this for a while, and your article states this in the first paragraph.
So it can't have any drawbacks because it has "benefits" (mostly for women with hormonal problems, but I don't feel like doing more sourcing for you so let's not debate this specific thing).
Well, heroin certainly has a benefit people will die for, but harsh drawbacks that make it not worth it.
Also, a quick IQ test:
Phytoestrogens bound to human estrogen receptors because of their similarity with estradiol, performing the same functions while being slightly weaker. For all intents and purposes, it is the same as supplementing yourself with estrogen, as people who seek feminization do (transexuals).
Can you connect the dots and see how this could disrupt the natural balance of a man's hormones? Solve this in less than one minute.
You can't seriously think a clickbait article with no studies qualifies as proof.
Also your statement is completely wrong since it ignores the different forms of phytoestrogens and their receptors, the type in soy doesn't bind to estrogen receptors.
>show me someone that had problems with soy
>that one doesn't matter
>isoflavones don't bind to estrogen receptors
Every phytoestrogen binds to human estrogen receptors, specially isoflavones.
I don't think you are arguing in good faith now, so I'll stop, it's not worth the effort. Let's conclude in that you can make a buttplug out of soy and ride it 24/7 for all I care. It's natural selection after all. I won't risk my virility for something I don't need. Don't bother replying.
I asked for proof not anecdotes, if you weren't able to provide the former it says quite a lot about what you're arguing for.
Also here's some actual proof in response to your statement
>The estrogenic activities of these isoflavones were also investigated by the growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Isoflavone glycoside binds weakly to both receptors and estrogen receptor-dependent transcriptional expression is poor
>The concentration required for maximal gene expression is much higher than expected from the binding affinities of the compounds, and the maximal activity induced by these compounds is about half the activity of 17 beta-estradiol
Still think phytoestrogens and estrogen are comparable?
>tfw baited into replying
Exactly as I said, they BIND, you said they didn't. I already said they acted as WEAK estrogens.
What you need to tell me is why would I want to eat that shit at all, why should I want to eat something as unnecesary and foreign to me as a white man that is controversial and which is being (((pushed))) as "healthy". When pic related is a reality and a concern.
Do you also consume aspartame despite the controversy surrounding it?
I have no need for any kind of xenoestrogen no matter how weak or strong. The enviroment is already feminizing enough (google xenoestrogens in the enviroment, plastics, pesticides, etc.) It all adds up, I don't want to put another brick into the fucking wall by eating soy.
>inb4 hurr durr le conspiracy looney
I bet asbestos being bad, lead pipes being bad, and lead in paint being bad were le epic lunatic conspiracy theories too until they became mainstream.
Have another wonderful picture.
This guy probably had pure soy running through his veins (hyperbole, duh).
You won't eat any soy because any amount of phytoestrogens is bad, then I take it you don't eat any animal products because they contain actual estrogen?
Yes, many plants contain phytoestrogen, but out of all of them, flax and then soy are the king if we are measuring concentrations. And these foods add literally nothing to me, I don't like their taste, I don't want them.
>I take it you don't eat any animal products because they contain actual estrogen?
That's a necessary evil, I can't afford proper meat, but I do enjoy the taste of meat and it gives me worthwhile nutrition. It's not about cutting off everything, this would be hard, it's about minimizing the exposure. If I could, I'd eat traditionally farmed and fed meat and same deal for vegetables and fruit.
That wasn't the point of my statement you spastic. You would have to eat ridiculous amounts of soy or dairy for it to have any effect at all, which isn't the case for anybody other than a few freaks who couldn't care less about their hormone imbalances.
You're just an insecure person who also happens to think the jews are trying to ruin his life.
>pregnant mothers are told to avoid soy
asians are soy boys by default
>That wasn't the point of my statement you spastic. You would have to eat ridiculous amounts of soy or dairy for it to have any effect at all, which isn't the case for anybody other than a few freaks who couldn't care less about their hormone imbalances.
You are conveniently ignoring every other xenoestrogenic influence we face as of today, soy consumption is just another brick in the wall.
>you spastic
>you're a freak
>you're insecure
Alright I guess, but you forgot to call me an incel rapist shitord, if you had done that you would've won the debate, too late now.
retards ITT claiming soy feminizes you when actual peer-reviewed meta-analysis shows otherwise. maybe stop getting your sources from retarded non reviewed studies and idiots who can't even spell properly. just eat whatever the fuck you want in moderation. if you like soy eat it, if you don't then avoid it. easy as that.
kys faggot
all these tldr diatribes missing the point of the soyboy meme holy shit
>I have no real response to an argument so I'm just gonna call him names. that'll show him!!!
classic right-winger response. oh and fyi I don't even like soy. I avoid it because it tastes bad to me, not because of paranoia created by some alt-right idiots who needed a new slur after cuck wore off.
i'm antifa you faggot. meet me anywhere and i'll blow you to prove it.
you fucking wish
I'd drink soylent every fucking day, every fucking meal if it guaranteed I'd turn into some hot asian twink like that
You could just work out for 1 hour a day, which, regardless of your soy consumption, would easily negate any negative consequences correlated to estragine levels in males as a result of consuming soy.
Alcohol is much more detrimental to your health than soy in any level
it's just some meme that got started because apparently we needed yet another synonym for cuck and numale. they're the same god damn word, they mean the same fucking thing, i don't understand why we need to push out new versions of the same word, are we marketers now?
you're out of luck since soylent barely contains any soy anyway
Because modern /pol/ is normie as fuck and their memes die really fast now. That's why they're always looking for a new word they can use to throw around at things they don't like.
>thinking cuck wore off
not on watch friend
Most reasonable post ITT. How will wh*toids recover?
You can blow me you cute soyboy ;3
You will not turn onto a bumblebee
I ate 3 soybeans for breakfast
This is a picture of me now.
I buy into the onion meme and am not afraid to admit the potential fallacy of it, but I still believe in onions as they give me strength.
If you served me a drink in a red solo cup I would be able to tell that you keep them in the onion cabinet.
>No it's a meme with as much evidence as the onion meme.
That's wrong though. The onion meme is based on a single study, soy has countless studies proving its negative effects on males.
Care to post them then?