Name a more terrible vegetable

name a more terrible vegetable

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Yes, so bad of a vegetable that it's a fruit

Iceberg lettuce.

Green leaf is infinitely better for sandwiches and burgers.

Every vegetable is more terrible than the fruit that you posted. Same with every fruit.

It is a culinary vegetable, but botanically a fruit. There is no "vegetable" in botany, so there is no contradiction here.


It's disgusting and doesn't even provide you with energy.

>B-but muh crunch
There are otherways of adding crunch to something.

It imparts flavor when cooked.

I never have celery when I need it. I think I can go without it, but the recipe falls flat. Celery is important.

>It imparts flavor when cooked.

Yes, gross flavour

Attached: fazolis.png (1024x629, 64K)

Tomato's a fruit


eggplant is disgusting. the only way i can eat it is in babaganoush

How come the daily fazoli's bot never even gets dubs? Is that the joke?

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this is why I have celery salt
you never use up a whole thing of celery and then when you need it you never have it and it stinks up the crisper when you do have it

I am the bot, and am rarely lucky.

Attached: bath_time.webm (1280x720, 1.46M)


He's saying that he's an autistic, serial shitposter who fails at his one job.


Attached: baguette.webm (480x480, 350K)

celery is the ideal peanut butter vehicle
all those monounsaturated fats and protein

Green Bell Peppers

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Gross, but useful.