Retarded misinformed shit people say about food and beverage

I'll start

>diet coke is worse for you than regular coke

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My ex was fat and she would only drink diet soda and it annoyed the fuck outta me.

Diet coke IS worse for you than regular coke. It tastes like ass why would you do that to yourself.

Diet Coke is 10X worse than regular. What kind of bro science are you on? I bet you even voted for Trump.

it is

The only time I've seen this statement is when discussing aspartame, which has so many people paranoid that you'd think it's made out of radioactive waste.

My mother is on such a witch hunt for the stuff that she thinks anything that lists "natural flavors" means aspartame or fake sweeteners, and insists that she can taste it.

My severely diabetic mother blows through resting blood glucose tests with like 15 to 19 mmol, gets chewed out by the doctor and refuses to switch to diet coke because its "got that artificial sweetener crap in it"


Has she tried not drink soft drink?

>used to drink 6+ cans of diet soda a day as a kid
>totally oblivious to potential health risks
>did this until 17
>still drink a soda or two occasionally
>currently 29
How long have I got?

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no matter what you may tell yourself, the fact is you're fat
>b-but I
you're fat

Holy shit most machines don’t go past 14

How the fuck is she alive?

Am actually underweight.

Nigga is her blood maple syrup at this point

This, but the exact opposite.

>Sugar in liquid form, all of it rushing into your blood all at once. Your pancreas has to counter it all with high levels of insulin
>people say Aspartame is "bad lol" when it's the most studied food additive ever

90-100 years at most

My ex only drunk it because it's what she always drunk and claims that normal soda has way too much sugar in it and it made her sick. I can stomach diet coke but the rest of the diet sodas tastes nasty as shit. I prefer juice though.

Can someone explain this? I prefer Diet Coke cause it doesn't leave a slimy aftertaste in my mouth

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It's a meme, it's better for you if your goal is to take in less calories. Aspartame passes right through you, you piss it out, it has no way of dealing any damage.

yeah on rats, it has nearly no study in people.

I consume massive amounts of artificial sweetener. Absolutely nothing has happened to me.

Maybe quit believing what your auntie posts on your Facebook wall, son. As far as artificial sweeteners go, aspartame has had many studies and tests, and it's not as harmful as what others want you to believe. It's only known to cause cancer for rats, not so much humans.

Unless you think consuming corn syrup is better than "le scary cancer sugar". Also Diet Coke tastes like ass. Diet Pepsi tastes much better.

>8 glasses of water a day
>your daily water intake must all be plain water
>you're better off drinking water when you're thirsty
>water tastes good

It's not better for you either

>literally the dullest soda ever made
"""diet""" anything is 100% always objectively shit. not to mention it's not even fucking good for you. if you're gonna drink soda, drink the real fucking thing or just drink water.

Rats are closer to humans than chimps my dude.

>All these people saying it's not good for you but not providing any info to back up that claim.

Why would anyone drink diet coke now that coke zero exists?

On the one hand, it actually is slightly worse for you since it has more caffeine than regular Coke. On the other, it doesn't have a shit ton of hfcs which is way worse.

I have less respect for people who drink diet soda. It says you are weak willed because you can't just give up shitty disgusting soda. You need to drink this shitty preservative soda to be get your fix. Pathetic

t. water cuck

Fuck I do this

What should I drink maybe some tea also?

I unironically enjoy diet dr pepper better

Long as you don't go dumping shit loads of milk and sugar into it, then it's just as bad as soda.

I do the same and Im far from fat how do you know their weight based on this

1 more hour.

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aspratame and sucralose have a VERY evident flavour. I dislike no food I have yet been exposed to but when I taste either of these in a drink, I find it disgusting. I have some miso with sucralose as an ingredient but its not evident. I'm always label hunting for these too when I buy drinky dranks. I hate buying something and then refusing to drink it.

>MSG gives you headaches

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Why do people drink sodas so much, even when the doctor says it's fucking your health up?

Lmao enjoy being fat and dying at 40


French food is good

Tea is good. Coffee is good. Iced coffee is nice in the summer. So is ice water or seltzer water with a little lime or lemon juice squeezed into it. Also, what said.

So retarded shit people say about food?

The dumbest shit people say about food is that a tomato is not a vegetable. How can people be so fucking stupid? I was on another board too with some retards who were saying a mushroom isn't a vegetable.

The huh poster is the biggest faggot this board has been. Kys my dude.

>which has so many people paranoid that you'd think it's made out of radioactive waste.
It's become the soda version of fluoride.

I've found these people are either fat, recovering fat or have a serious phobia of becoming fat to the point that assume holding a Dr Pepper is enough to gain 20 pounds and nobody can manage bad food and being thin.

Soda is far worse for you beyond just weight gain you invalid.

fungi arent plants senpai

>Sugar in liquid form
You mean HFCS

The aspartame meme is literally just idiots going off their vague feelings of "it's not natural so it must be bad!!1!"

Scientific illiteracy is going to be a major contributor to western society's downfall

Fuck off CIA

It is the same with GMO.

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Because they are addicted to it.

Both are bad for you idiot.

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man this website is truly mentally damaging

diet coke is good for you, aspartame is a stimulant.

It’s literally the same shit, just that it’s branded for men as diet coke is mostly drunk by fatties and women

Aspertame fucks up your gut microbiome worse than refined sugar does.


Provide evidence or get the fuck out

Peer reviewed studies only

I didn't mean to tag you, my bad

humans have been known to live on garbage and junk.

We are hardy rat-like creatures in the face of tough circumstances and can live like cockroaches...

This doesn't mean that we should. Put good things in your body and you'll feel better, in more ways that one. Sounds like hippy bullshit but I'll believe it.

>counting calories doesn't work
>losing weight requires 'giving up' foods you like

And re: diet soda, the only way in which it's 'worse' than regular is that people take it carte blache to chug it 24/7 and end up destroying their palates and losing all ability to appreciate anything except extremely sweet or salty food.

And nuclear and race

All soda is fucking terrible for you but diet soda tastes like shit so if I'm gonna slowly kill myself I might as well drink something that actually tastes good.

And you eating frozen pizza/fast food with malt liquor daily

i usually drink 2 cups of coffee, 1-2 glasses of water and a beer per day (makes about 1.7 liters in total). how fucked am i? I'm not dehydrated, but i think i should drink way more water.

Seems excessive considering no one's backing up the other side of the argument with evidence.

>still trusting the peer review standard
It's meaningless. The review process is frequently lubricated with money. A study that isn't peer reviewed is just as trustworthy.

Do you see a fungus category anywhere on the food pyramid you stupid fuck? There is no rule that says a vegetable has to be a plant. It just can't be an animal product. Edible protists are also vegetables.

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I'll happily admit that alcohol's dangers are understated,

But there's nothing wrong with cape cod frozen pizza

>Bread, cereal, pasta mushrooms are mostly made of carbohydrates or they would be in the proteins category with nuts and meats as some are high as fuck in protein like legumes and beans.
Fun fact: They are closer to animals than plants genetically


my weight loss diet is literally the opposite and im dropping 2 kg a week, whats the deal here? is being a fat fuck and increasing your chances of cancer actually the healthy option?

>35g of sugar
yum yum
>0.03g of aspartame
oh no it'll give me cancer

Getting the right nutrients doesn't matter much for losing weight, it's all about the calories.

Yeah but you're gonna run into problems if you're insanely malnourished. Being starved of nutrients at a normal weight is arguably worse than being overweight (not deathfat) with a healthy balanced diet.

The amount of people who believe this is actually scary. Don't even get me started on the HFCS vs "natural" sugar idiocy.

Oh of course, I should believe some random fuckhead on the internet instead of scientists who study this shit for years on end. Great advice.

Not all rigorous studies get peer reviewed, user. Maybe you don't know what it actually means.

My dad drinks 12 cans of diet coke a day (at a minimum) as well as a few beers every night. He's mentally retarded at this point. He also used to hit me growing up, I think all the aspartame may caused some of that. He doesn't understand why he's always injured and why despite losing weight he still has bitch tits.

That pyramid is outdated and wrong. It's actually less carbs and more fats for weight loss now.

The Diet Coke thing really bothers me because you actually did used to hear it all the time. It must have been some popular news soundbite, or in a movie or something, because lots of sane minded people would respond to seeing any diet soda by telling the person drinking it that it will give them cancer. I don't know where it came from, but the eagerness with which so many people started treating diet sodas like cigarettes, while turning around and saying a 300 calorie soft drink is the natural and healthy way to go, is really confusing to me.

>Drinking soft drinks

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>People unironically buys sugar jew water which taste like shit when they can make any drink they want.
I never understood this, you are able to cook food, why the fuck dont you make something to drink too ?

it most definitely not the same shit, they use different sweeteners in each
I'm used to regular diet (type 1 diabetic for 10 years) and zero tastes a LOT sweeter

Have you ever made soda yourself?
It's a huge pain in the ass and requires you have a whole CO2 setup.
Sodastreams are fucking dog shit, btw.

a LOT of fat people only drink diet soda. Theyre still fat because they also eat a lot fo shit too

Yes I do. On regular basis. You need flask and co2 cartrige.

sodastreams work just fine desu. more expensive than buying seltzer tho

can it make me only appreciate spicy and salty food? i hate sweet food

>kuso manga reaction image
Opinion discarded :^)

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But this makes sense. She would be even fatter if she had been drinking regular soda. The diet soda is not what's keeping her fat, it's all the shit she's washing it down with.

Diet drinks don't even taste sweet to me. It's a totally different, almost bitter flavor and that's why I like them, I fucking hate sweet drinks.

I try to explain this to my brother all the time.
He says "We just don't know if it's safe yet"

motherfucker, YOU don't know that it's safe yet. But you work at Walgreen's. You don't fucking know anything

some people atcualy like the different taste of diet coke

I would post tbat picture of the kidney filled to the brim with stones but its too gross.

I like the taste and the aesthetic.

Assam with a drop of milk and two teaspoons of sugar is about 30 calories or something.