You're Not Yourself When You're Hungry

>Police say a 37-year-old man was far from lovin' it when workers at a McDonald's restaurant in Oregon refused to make him 30 double cheeseburgers and tried to destroy the golden arches.

Honestly I could see 90% of Veeky Forums doing the same thing, but thankfully they don't have enough money to order 30 burgers

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Why didn't he just call ahead?

Why did they say no to 30 double cheeseburgers? Doesn’t seem like an unrealistic order. I can see 100 being rejected, but 30 just seems like niggers being lazy.

this desu, my friend and I get high and order 20 cheese burgers.

Hope he gets the death penalty

wait for the libtards to come pouring in screaming about how he might have shot up the place

He literally did nothing wrong. Depriving an american of burgers is a crime and the institution should be punished as such.

Because an order that large would take 10+ minutes and piss off other customers and if it's late at night they're probably not staffed to make that many burgers at once.

They might have run out of cardboard filler.

When the aliens finally come they will look in horror at the fact that we turned one of the three things that keep us alive into an addictive money machine.

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50 is the limit where you need to call ahead but its fucking Oregon commie fucks

Because it was probably a known local schizo who has been terrorizing the place for years and they would deny him service anyway.

Imagine not being able to read a story about a retarded guy throwing a tantrum without reading in some political subtext. Just kill yourself.

for reference

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>Demand $15/h

>Outright refuse to do job

The west coast was a mistake.

I did that, but then before I drove off I drank 3 cups of fireball and smoked a joint on the way home. Then I smashed everything myself

I think you mean mexicans were a mistake

Nevermind I'm illiterate.

looks like a cool guy desu

>they're probably not staffed to make that many burgers at once.
The process is so streamlined one person should be able to crank them out one by one. It's not as if they're preparing all the ingredients fresh.

>one of the three things that keep us alive
Food, water, and masturbation?

>Jedediah Ezekiel
What the fuck did he want with 30 cheeseburgers?

I could literally make 30 burgers on my own no problem if all the ingredients were there and prepared as they are in McDonald's. There I literally nothing wrong with a 30 burger order, just tell him it'll take a bit longer than normal to get it done and if he agrees then I don't see the problem.

I successfully ordered 20 cheeseburgers while drunk in the drive thru and i got the drive thru girls number with my signature line. Ive got two drive thru ladies home from that same mcdonalds location.

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Three wives, eleven kids.

30 cheeseburgers.
That's as many as three tens!

he might have been acting like a retard or drunk as fuck when he tried to order and the workers didn't take him seriously and justifiably told him to gtfo

Yeah, I'm thinking there has to be something more to this than just the employees not wanting to make 30 burgers.

So tell they guy it'll take 10-15 minutes and server other customers inbetween.

You tell them to drive around and wait out front. Wow, SO fucking hard.



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Doesn't McDonald's take the money before preparing the order in America?

90 second rule. McD's franchises have to be able to have orders up in 90 seconds. No way they could do 30 burgers in 90 sec.

Isn't that only for when they drop it on the floor?

i’ve waited more than five
minutes at a mcdank’s drive through before, that’s bullshit

I’m 99% sure fireball put me off alcohol for 5 years, that shit is so sweet good lord.

In the 1980s, when on trouble calls fixing buried optical lines, we'd order 200-300 burgers for the entire work crew. Managers were always involved, but we always got out food. God, I fucking loved doing those food runs. You don't know what it is like being in a big van full of hot cheese burgers. And, that was the 1980s when they actually had tooth to them, so there was an actual texture and the flavor was far better. I miss those buns so much. Today's crap just doesn't compare.

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Woah dude you’re so smart you must work for nasa.

that shark hates that thing

Sharks hate him!

the 2nd amendment was just in case this scenario occurred

30 *double* cheeseburgers. He should have just ordered 5 burgers, each with 12 patties.

>he actually believes this
I have never gotten an order at McDonald’s in 90 seconds, even if I only ordered a coffee and a muffin.

luckily so many people at Veeky Forums have experience working at mcdonalds, so they can explain this stuff to the rest of us

there was a big hootenanny planned back at the homestead

>oh no the other customers are gonna be mad I'm sure they'll boycott fucking McDonalds

If it's a legitimate order, it's 30 fucking burgers, you honestly think they're gonna move that much product in the one or two orders they MAY (they won't) lose?

I can't tell if I love or fucking hate the caveman meme


It's not about having experience. You can do as many burgers at once as you can fit on a hot skillet, as long as they have the work area you can do a lot at once.

It's McDonald's, it's not like they're cooking everything to order.

When I was in high school, and they had 29 cent cheeseburgers, we used to do a lunch run for our friends during our free period and order 20-30 cheeseburgers all the time.




This was in Miami

There patties are cooked 12 at a time. From frozen to ready in 80 seconds.

They're just lazy nigs

huge difference between "have to be able" and "supposed to be able"
middle management and corporate geeks can try all they want but there's things that happen that they can't account for and they know it



You have to call ahead for large orders so they don't have a store full of angry people waiting while you order holds up the entire kitchen

Did everyone clap?


Dumbass, just do a few separate orders, 5 cheeseburgers at a time, get back in line.


Isn't it common courtesy to call a restaurant in advance if you're catering for a large group of people?

the first words in the article are citing it from oregon

>far from lovin it
fuckin lmao, is carlos working for time now?

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