How was this madman able to come to power?
How did he take a democracy and turn it into a Hitlocentric dictatorship?
How was this madman able to come to power?
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Germans are sheeple.
This. Europeans are all cucks who like a strong leader to shepherd them
>Alright, you can be Chancellor, but you're forming a coalition with the conservatives and Hindenburg remains president
germans are naturally subservient
t. charlemagne
Feudalism and the middle ages will come to you but only if you post "stay valuable, Charlemagne" in this thread
Anger. Perceived marginalization of the blue collar working class. A feeling of a diminished international position of antebellum Germany. Great Orator. Loss of meaning in life of the average person, that was able to be returned by "violent struggle".
TL;DR just look at the Trump campaign.
Because despite all the weird Weimar apologists that have for some reason sprung up lately, Germany was a poor shithole before hitler.
Is it that surprising that when people are desperate they follow extreme leaders?
Honestly almost done reading Mein Kampf, and it's truly amazing to see how smart and loyal he was to the nation.
Unlike what you learn in "holocaust muh 6 GARILION" from grade 4-6. You must understand that nothing happens without a reason. Everything we see, we do, etc is "action and reaction" or " cause/effect".
The German nation was losing in all senses after WW1. Whether it was an economical collapse, a loss in their sense of pride, an increase in a degenerate way of life or even the in amount of Marxist idea being pushed through a virtue of lies and non-sense.
Unlike what you learn, Hitler truly stabilized and gave back the honor to the "Father Land".
However one must recognize he wasn't 100% of the Golden league (this is a reference to Plato's Republic); hence, his fall and his final rise of ego that destroyed him.
Note: he could have easily won the war; however he declined the use of jet planes and declined the use of many high tech weapons. Leading to his demise. His general of defence (Herman Goring) urged him to use them however he declined.
The Jews didn't get blamed for no reason. They had controlled all the media and were using to slowly destroy the unity of the German people. They even repressed the victory and destroyed the Germans moral during the end of WW1. (Which according to Hitler who was on the front line says, "we could have won the war".)
In conclusion, that is why he was viewed as a hero to many. Nevertheless, you must remember that "history is not written by those who who are right, but by those who are left".
Note: that I'm not saying Hitler was right;however, I still believe that nationalism-socialism is the right way to go. Even though I am of Arab descent and was born and raised in Canada (I'm not white). I still think that skin heads and other nationalist parties have destroyed the image of nationalism.
They should simply rethink controlled immigration
massive economic depression.
germany losing ww1.
and getting stabbed in the back at the treaty of Versailles
oh, also night of the long knives where they killed all the cucks and jews holding them back
"You must understand that nothing happens without a reason."
I... The killing of 6 million people that could potentially work as slaves instead is really a bit of a head scratcher. The very rounding up of 6 million people and having to actually dedicate parts of your army to keep them in line really leaves a person wondering his motivations.
So actually, yes, I'd argue that the holocaust happened for no reason. It's one thing to be anti-semetic, it's another thing to be so blind with hatred that you make your war effort weaker in the name of just killing Jews. Instead of simply expelling them, he put a strain on the German economy in the time it needed to be strongest.
Truly an incompetent fool. Likely was just the mouthpiece for Goebbels.
"The Jews didn't get blamed for no reason. They had controlled all the media and were using to slowly destroy the unity of the German people. They even repressed the victory and destroyed the Germans moral during the end of WW1."
Yeah the whole "destroy the unity of the German people" thing is wholly subjective. What the hell does that even mean?
At no point was it possible for Hitler to win WWII. Had he taken power in the 20's he might've been able to strike the Soviet Union and decisively defeat them, but the likelihood of that after WWI is slim to none. He had lost the war before it even started, he should've kept his annexations and waited for the Soviets to attack him.
"I still believe that nationalism-socialism is the right way to go. Even though I am of Arab descent "
Mmhmm have fun in the gas chambers my friend, now is a bad time to be an Arab Nazi in a Western European country, seeing that YOU'RE now the one they want to gas. You've fallen into a bad trap, hopefully you can make it out.
>all these spooks
>"hitler could have easily won the war"
>blogpost is somehow about immigration
Haven't kekked this loud in a while
It was either going to be the Nazis or the Communists.
Germans picked Nazis.
he was the greatest propagandist of all time
it was his one talent
You lost me... Could you elaborate on your green text
You mean Joseph goebbels big talent
How new r u?
Seriously, green text is your friend, your post is an unreadable block
People are sheeple.
>"The Jews didn't get blamed for no reason. They had controlled all the media and were using to slowly destroy the unity of the German people. They even repressed the victory and destroyed the Germans moral during the end of WW1."
>Yeah the whole "destroy the unity of the German people" thing is wholly subjective. What the hell does that even mean?
No thanks.
No, it was his. He was creating propaganda and unifying people long before Goebbels came around. His speeches were also much more renowned than Goebbels'.
No matter what you think of him, you have to admit he was one hell of a talented man. There is a movement now to try to cover up that fact, but it is indisputable to anyone who is honest. Literally one of the great geniuses of the 20th century, right there with Tesla.
Long story, but in a nutshell:
>WW1 is fought
>Allies put the majority of the blame on Germany for escalating the conflict, though they didn't actually start the war
>Allies cuck Germany big time. Like deep-dish, Louis CK cucking, taking shitload of their land, crippling their economy, downsizing their army, forcing the Kaizer to abdicate, etc.
>Massive depression Germany, new government totally shit
>people understandably pissed
>Nazi party begin to get some support in certain areas
>Franz von Papen gets kicked out of government (iirc)
>Convinces President von Hindenburg that letting Hitler become Chancellor would be fine, as he'd be easy to control
>Nazis win election, Hitler appointed Chancellor, forces through the Enabling Act, allowing him to rule by decree for four years
>Pretty much cucks Von Papen, real life version of this:
>actually does an amazing job with the economy. Goes from like 3 million unemployed to full employment in SIX FUCKING YEARS (or possibly 6m in 3 years, I forget). Gets back territory peacefully, rebuilds the army, errthang generally goes well
>unifies Germany with Austria by getting Nazi supporters to make the place ungovernable, then swooping in to save the day by popular acclaim to stabilise the place
>All well and good until he wants the Sudetenland. Chamberlain basically bends over and lets him take it without even consulting the Czechs, against Churchill's advice. This was on Adolfs golden promise not to take any more territory
>Hitler then invades Poland on some meme charges he invented, and WW2 kicks off
And that was that. If he hadn't invaded Poland he'd probably have been fine tbqh. Didn't even really need to invade it, but muh lebensraum (and the fact that he'd relieved unemployment by putting a shitton of people into the army)
>So actually, yes, I'd argue that the holocaust happened for no reason
>>Allies put the majority of the blame on Germany for escalating the conflict, though they didn't actually start the war
>>Allies cuck Germany big time. Like deep-dish, Louis CK cucking, taking shitload of their land, crippling their economy, downsizing their army, forcing the Kaizer to abdicate, etc.
>>Massive depression Germany, new government totally shit
this is not a good representation of the postwar treaties and situation, including outright falsehoods
>>actually does an amazing job with the economy
this is not a good representation of the economy of early nazi germany
>this is not a good representation of the postwar treaties and situation, including outright falsehoods
Explain how the Treaty of Versailles differed from that account
Not him.
But the Germans themselves deposed the Kaiser, so that's just plain false.
I'm imaginign a hitlocentric solar system now
Germans hate freedom and love being told what to do.
Gold is a very valuable commodity
same forces we are seeing in America, but not a economically bleak as Germany at the time... yet.
the german economy was not crippled by the required reparations
in fact, germany was fully capable of paying them if it had the good will to do so
(let alone the fact that the vast majority of the reparations were cancelled even before hitler took over)
see sally marks: the myths of reparations
available for free on jstor i believe
also someone covered the kaiser bit as well
also "shitload of land" is perhaps debatable, given the absolute gutting that happened to A-H or russia with the B-L treaty, but that is perhaps semantics
>the german economy was not crippled by the required reparations
except one of the conditions in the treaty of varsilles was to shut down german industry basically reducing germany to farmers.
Indira Gandhi used emergency powers without being LiterallyHitler(tm) sooo....
one man , Himmler. the real killer.
Kind of? I mean when has doubling down on a populist rabble rouser ever worked out?
He came into power through a fluke. The nazi party was losing sympathy which made the conservatives think that it would be harmless to invite them into an alliance.
Despite what your high school history teachers told you, the Nazis was never even close to reaching majority and they didn't come into power through democratic elections.
The Communist party was incredibly unpopular in Germany at the time. In fact, in the Nazis early on tried to market themselves as a Communist party for the German people and soon abandoned the idea.
Oh please.
Arab fascism is no surprise. Muslims are all fucking nazis.
All those people required food
1,000 men starved or froze to death on the eastern frontier
Not really.
He was pretty good at economics/industry
>"I still believe that nationalism-socialism is the right way to go"
>not national-syndicalism
Because the democratic government was incompetent and shitty.
1000 men starved or froze to death every day*
The 1600s called...
t. Schlomo Goldberg
>What the hell does that even mean?
Jews dominated banking, the media, academia, and publishing. Then as now, they often pushed a leftist, Marxist, and subversive narrative. The leaders of the November Revolution were thought to be either Jews or led by Jews. The loyalty of the Left was always suspect, usually for good reason. Extremely Jewish over-representation on the Left seemed to confirm at a lot of fears. Jewish involvement is Bolshivism made people even more paranoid. The later KPD revolt was led by Jews. Where your average German was barely getting by, your average Jew was doing better.
Hitler flat out said that wanted revenge for the November Revolution, which he blamed on Jews. German military people genuinely believed they were winning or, at least fighting to a stalemate. They weren't off course, but ethnic pride is a powerful thing.
Anxiety over the Jewish influence on revolutionary activity was legitimate concern, the same way the Turks were concerned with revolutionary and subversive activity on the part of Armenians. But in both cases, it was an overreaction inspired by extreme ethnic nationalism combined with desperation brought on by losing a war for survival.
I bet he thought the same about the Gallo -Romans who were cucked so hard they even adopted the name of their Germanic masters
Because le hitler did le nothing wrong
>He was pretty good at economics/industry
Germany's economic boom was based off nationalizing Czech industry and Austrian gold
the issue with nationalism is almost every example we've seen in the modern age develops a blame for an ethnicity for the nationality's issues
This is wrong, now matter how hard they pandered to the working class the middle class was always the Nazis core demographic.
Centre right, Centre left and commies all hated each other, the only way to form a majority government without Hitler would be for ALL THREE of them to join in coalition.
A lot of people in Germany bought into to Hitler's rhetoric in some form or another, but many more who didn't still pledged support by rationalising that he couldn't possibly mean some of the things he said in his book, or that being in government would moderate him.
Eventually the Centre right entered as a Junior partner into coalition with the Nazis under the assumption that they could act as a moderating influence and that Hitler couldn't possibly be as crazy as he acted. And then they were wrong on both counts.
In the subsequent election the Nazis engaged in widespread voter suppression, but still failed to achieve a majority, so they cut the pretence and essentially staged a coup, abolishing parliament. They were able to get away with this because they had the support of the German upper class and had a large paramilitary force.
How did they get the upper class? Essentially they promised the leading industrialists that they would crush the Trade unions and keep the lower classes pacified.
How did they get a paramilitary movement? The Versailles treaty meant Germany had a very small army and a weak police force, essentially there was no one able to stop them from gathering that force. And during the German revolution the government was forced to rely heavily on paramilitary groups due to its small army, further emboldening them. And of course there were vast numbers of bitter military veterans in Germany, so there was no shortage of recruits.
>This person is serious
If you're in the east, frère, the nationalists aren't as bad as the media tell you they are, do not trust their lies.
Wanna know how I know you're from /pol/?
This pretty much
Read Ian Kershaw's abridged one volume version of his bio.
Or try Richard Evans' Coming of the Third Reich.
really good post
>Lose a shitload of "their" land
>Land that almost exclusively lacked a German majority
>A majority the Germans earlier often persecuted
Why do people always bring up that as a part?
So Nazi Germany was caused by the threat of communism. Just like apartheid.
>he could have won the war
Well you're either a master baiter or delusional, either way thanks for saving me some reading by putting that near the front of your blogpost.
Hitler couldn't have taken the lead if it wasn't for the stupidity of Weimar.
Also he received massive amounts of financial assistance without which he couldn't even participate in elections.
He formed the Gestapo
USA, while selling weapons and doing lend-lease to allies, also sold weapons to Germany.
Part 1
Once again you aren't understanding what I'm saying.
It's very hard to understand because of everything you have been taught and have had stuffed in your brain.
I urge you to read the book ( it starts off as boring and then gets better). I was insanely shocked to learn that Hitler was not ANTI-Jew (I don't use anti Semitic because then that would include all Arabs even Christians). He despised those who used to throw the blame on minority groups. Nevertheless his ideas where formed by reading on them and seeing their actions.
Paraphrased from Mein kampf: "for every German author of a news paper article their were 20 Jews writing."
He was so unbiased that he used to read his enemies news paper to understand their arguments and their way of thinking.
Part 2
Jews are very smart people especially when it comes to the "Ashkenazi race" read about how the Jews are divided into two kinds. Also you must note that the jews are a race.
Additionally, I don't want to call you sheeple and start throwing /pol/ words at you like "red pill", but look at today's CEO's of 75-90% of the companies in the United States, and how they support particular politicians to keep an agenda running. Look at the monetary system after Andrew Jackson and during. (Andrew Jackson is the guy on the 20$ bill)
All the aforementioned was stated to show you how they manipulate the public with entertainment. (Now slowly even trying to make weed look good and legal, when if you look back at it what will do to people you see their is no good in it. It's going to destabilize life, and they push those ideas all under the banner of freedom, but notice how only something's are pushed under the banner of freedom and others are hidden. This idea that we are equal or smart enough to do what ever we want is ridiculous. The fact that we have no respect to our parents and no discipline is what destroyed society, no more etiquette... We are losing are humanity all under the premise of absolute freedom controlled by the media.
Yes, but how many untermenschen?
Part 3
In conclusion not all Jews are bad and even Hitler himself admitted to this because he made his doctor a honorary member of the Fatherland. (His doctor was a Jew that used to cure and take care of his family when they where very poor... And Hitler recognized that. He wasn't the monster at first they showed you in grade 4-5. He had the first anti smoking campaign, he urged the English and the French for several peace treaties that they ignored ( his speeches show that and history ignores that ). He banned the slaughter of animals (look at how KOSHER MEAT IS MADE) literally ISIS killing of an animal. And if you look deeper you will see that it was Jews who raised war on the nazis and not the other way around
Finally don't you ever ask yourself why the Jews are always kicked out of the country they live always persecuted. Even after ww2 the Brits didn't want them; hence, kicking them to Palestine. Did you notice how all shit went loose when they came to the Middle East.
>Hitlocentric dictatorship
Hit lo
Hit lo, hit lo, hit lo
From the Channel to Sibir (to Sibir)
Till I conquer land from dir
Aw reich, reich muh fugga
Aw reich, reich g d (g d!)
You read this in Lil Jon's voice
Not a mudslide nor where my parents.
You know Jesus was of Arab descent... Jesus was a sand nigger.... Not all Arabs are muslims.
Can you elaborate on what that is...
Who the fuck is "lil jon"?
Unfortunately you are right but I'm working on system where this is fixed... We must go to the roots of the problem and not blame everyone for their belief. We must reform oppressive religions such as Judaism and Islam. Just like Christianity changed they will have to change and believe me I don't blame Muslims but I blame the parents for not truly understanding and teaching the faith correctly because if they new the truth about the "Serra, hadeeth, and the Quran" they would have left or lived in disbelief...
People do dumb shit when they're angry and a loud voice tells them it's so and so's fault.
Why did you call me frére are you from France... ? And is that what you call your commarades there
Yea pretty much
He was literarily saying the following:
I have made the first jet powered war plane, but I'll wait till they use discover it.
I have made the first stealth fighter undetectable by radar but I won't use that yet.
I have made the first ballistic missile but we will wait and use that by the end
I won't listen to Herman and just attack the east side
I have made the first ak-47 (stg-44) but I won't mass produce it even though the SS loved it and said its far more superior to the mp-44
What else do you want me to list they were using psychological warfare with their five bombers...
Saved buddy... (Screen capped)
Holy shit this thread smells of shill
Shoo, go away, try reading some real history and stop paying attention to the indocrination.
read mein kampf and compare it to the history of europe
I find the most disturbing part of this thread the question itself.
Surely anyone who had a basic knowledge of history or the ability to conduct a google search would be able to find the answer.
Hurr Durr, Killed 6 million Jews, Started world war 2, case closed. Remember the old saying, History is written by the victors.
he's Quebecois, and presumably talking about their nationalist movement
did you just move to Canada? because you should've figured that out