Daily reminder that the Germans are not only guilty of crimes against humanity in warfare, but also in cuisine.
A fine example of this is Sauerbraten, the national dish of Austria. It is in this dish that the true disgusting culinary tastes of the German is revealed, for it is a PICKLED beef roast.
Post more German food atrocities.
Daily reminder that the Germans are not only guilty of crimes against humanity in warfare, but also in cuisine
I like a lot of german cuisine stuff
Sauerbraten, Tellerfleisch/Tafelspitz, Klopse, Spaetzle, Lapskaus, Scheuferlä, Kasseler, Lachsschinken, Bratwurst, Schnitzels, Schweinshaxe the list goes on and on.
German food is incredibly simplistic, unrefined and greasy
t. German
It can't compare to Italian or French cuisines.
I think Italian is pretty great and I guess some french dishes are as well. Dunno guess I prefer simplistic and greasy, plus you people are so nice.
>PICKLED beef roast.
You say that like its a bad thing. Corned beef is pickled, as is pastrami. Pickled and canned fish is a thing for centuries. Pickled pigs feet and pickled sausages, along with beet juice pickled eggs is all kinds of delicious. And, anyway, it's a little more spiced as a dish, than just pickled. It's got a intense flavor profile full of wine, cloves, bay and juniper, and the sweetness of gingersnaps, raisins, carrots and brown sugar. Mimi Sheraton's is not a bad recipe, if you want to know a quality recipe...
But, if you want to pick on German food, one doesn't have to look further than raw curry powder thrown on top of ketchup covered hot dog and called it "currywurst." Nothing is more awful than curry that is uncooked or not softened in a little oil first. No indian would use it like powder like that. Germans who love pork so much should be ashamed for not competing with rotisserie pita business and allowing the inferior halal version of the gyro sandwich, the popular doener kebab with its ketchup sauce. Ick.
Americans are better with German food than actual germans
german cuisine is pretty good
germany was poor for a long time
before we tried to take over, twice, actually
now its better
Hofer Schwaaß
Bremer knipp
I've seen a documentary about a Brit living in Germany for a week. He literally could not handle the average german's amount of pork per day.
Fucking weaksauce ´cunt. They should shove their disgusting beans and half-cooked everything into the netherhole from which it came.
German cuisine is like the german people: plentiful, practical and huge in the meat department.
French keep shitting themselves about their superior kitchen, but everything the real world values, they come crawling back to us.
You can do bread, sausages, and picked stuff. That's it.
And beer
and some of the most kickass meat dishes in the world
i like the fact that not much spices are traditionally used, it makes you actually taste the ingredients
Please post. I want to like German cuisine but it's hard
my favourite are oven baked meat dishes, its a shame there isnt more lamb and goat
bread here is the shit and ive never been to a place with better, tastier bread
the bakery and tarts is french inspired but then again france and germany is basically the same culture
I've traveled around Europe a bunch. The German speaking world was a surprise for me. I expected the food in southern Europe to be good, and was rarely let down in Spain, France and Italy. But I had zero expectations of Germany, Austria and the German speaking parts of Switzerland. But I ended up in those countries a bunch of times for work, and was pleasantly surprised. You have to go with the flow - breakfast might be bread, cheese and cold cuts - but it will be good. The cooking is northern, so it's not going to be as light or fresh tasting as what you find along the Mediterranean. But a lot of it is totally delicious.
They have arguably the best bread, no question. Not a huge fan of dark breads and rye, I usually go to the French bakery in muh city. German store has neat meats and cheeses tho.
>Sauerbraten, the national dish of Austria
hey, blame us for Hitler all you want, but that shit is something the Germans managed to come up with on their own. Our national dish would be Schnitzel or maybe Schweinsbraten.
I'd eat that for breakfast, looks like corned beef hash
>france and germany is basically the same culture
It is in Alsace.
>german breads are french
The germanic barbarians were taught bread making by their Roman conquerors so if anything they're closer to italian.
Theere's a historical difference. In France the early 20th Century saw the elites leaning toward baguettes made from refined white flour. The classic sourdough wheat and rye breads got looked down on as sustenance for poor country folks. That didn't happen as much in Germany, where the good classic breads hung on. At street level the bread is better in Germany than France, overall.
im half portuguese half german
its not prejudice, its observation
sour dough got that street cred
Not even gonna lie.
Would eat, and happily.
There really isn't a true "German" cuisine as Germany itself didn't really exist till 1871. Before it's been a giant cluster fuck of medium - small states & cities in various alliances. The food reflects this as there are many old dishes only prepared in a very small region.
What most people consider German cuisine is a small selection form all of this that became popular partly pr and post-ww2.
so youre saying that other countries dont have regional cuisine just because they happen to have a king? sorry, but the point youre trying to make isnt really a point
My maternal grandmother’s family was from the Alsace-Lorraine area. It changed hands so much the whole family spoke both languages and just changed their last names based on who was in control at the time.
When the French were in control they added a “La” prefix to their surname; when it was the Germans, they took it away. At that, life just went on.
>posts starving Hindu kid to discredit German cuisine.
>I wonder why he doesn’t use starving German ki-
>Oh that’s right! There aren’t any!
If anything, the little Pajeet should be eating MORE meat dishes of the type served in Germany. That would put some meat on his bones.
All this and not one single mention of the national dish of Germany, the doner kebab.
I really enjoy German food, the problem is that it's pretty one note. None if their food is bad but there's just no variety. It's all meat & potatoes.
back to your shithole trumptard
>A fine example of this is Sauerbraten, the national dish of Austria.
What? I have read about Sauerbraten a lot in various cooking forums, but never really looked into, so I just googled it to check if it's perhaps known by another name here and found this: A thread from a German asking if Sauerbraten is known in Austria and all the replies are basically "nope". chefkoch.de
So it's not just not a national dish, it's not even an Austrian dish at all is what I'm getting at.
t. Austrian
thats not true!
some serve prok knuckle and other meat dishes with bread!
It's actually raw pork
my girlfriend has been begging me to take her to this new german buffet that opened recently to rave reviews. ive never been to a german restaurant or eaten german food aside from sausages, sauerkraut, and schnitzel. it looks like they serve a wide variety of head cheese(?) and cold cuts, cakes, and pickled veggies.
tips? what are must try foods? what should i consider avoiding?
Learn to handle the bants, reddit snowflake.
>Austrian dish
>somehow Germany's fault
amerifat education strikes again.
Anyway, German food is nice. Not as light or refined as Southern European foods maybe.
Also, as in many other areas, South Germany is equated with all of Germany and stuff like pigs feet is considered to be eaten all over the country.
You are neither, mutt
well, a buffet would also you to sample a tasting of various things on the same plate, so try everything.
I think some of chafing dishes might soften up some crispier crusts of made to order food, so just realize it won't be the hot off the grill stuff. I am sure there should be two types of sausages, and some schnitzel, maybe a roast, nice soup of the day, and some fresh sliced bread and butter to go with it all. There should be some kraut to have with the sausages, and a choice of starches, from mashed potatoes to spaetzel or dumplings or something with gravy. Even though it is a buffet, you might order something extra off the menu like a bread basket, or fresh pretzel. Get a beer you've never had before, or maybe some schnapps if made there. Don't skip dessert. If there is one thing homemade, that will be it.
Post the menu of the restaurant if you want more specific recommendations.
Sounds delicious. You should fuck off desu. This isn't a place for picky kids.
I forgot to mention I live in Asia and its ran by an older german chef and his wife. No website or menu but it's quite expensive. We actually stopped by just to look and the food looked great. The bread and pretzels looked better than any I've seen since I moved here and you're spot on about what dishes they had.
I guess the one thing that im really confused about is the platters of what looked like balogna which has always been a bad word in my house. Also curious about what looked to be butter/cheese/eggs? creamed spinach dish. I'm pretty happy about going except it's 2-3x the cost of an average buffet here
Austria is literally a German nation. Translated from German - which is the language they speak - Austria means "Southern Kingdom." Their very name is a reference to where they exist in relation to other German people. Austrians are German.
doner kebab is the shit
Get out, you heathen.
Sauerbraten is amazing. Most German food is amazing, but ignorant people like you will never know.
>guilty of crimes against humanity in warfare
Such as what? You're full of shit.
Just FYI, not all currywurst is just curry ketchup. My mom is from Dusseldorf, and she (And my Oma) make currywurst by making an actual cooked curry sauce, with a base of onions and curry spices cooked in fat first. Best currywurst ever. I need to call her and get the recipe, because now I want to make some.
Deal with it, puss.
that would be Mett.
you made me look it up.
Not german, but old-high-german, the word root means eastern, not south-kingdom.
Fitting, because in german Austria= Österreich, coming from the german Osten= east and Reich= realm.
There's nothing inherently wrong with wanting to exterminate the Jews
Okay, so I got the exact cardinal direction wrong. My point stands.
Germany and America are my go to for meat dishes
Tacitus is fake news. Don't believe that liar. Just the Roman's cowardly revanche for Vercingetorix.
Sure thing since the germanic barbarians provided such a plethora of written counter aguments about their food. Oh wait - they didn't even have a written language, lol!
italian is leagues better than french cuisine. both can be pretentious but italian actually brings flavour to the table.
Sauerbraten is fucking delicious.
Stop being such a faggot OP.
French cuisine is actually amazing.
It’s been so assimilated that we take it for granted, but lots of the shit we think of as just “we’ve always done it that way” is usually a simplified version of a French recipe that is actually stupendous when done all the way right.
Take steak for example. The way everybody recommends to cook steak (salt and pepper, seared extra hot to med rare, let rest with butter melting on top) is actually a French recipe.
I think germans make awesome breads. Not fancy but nutritious stick to your ribs bread.
French cuisine is also mostly stolen
The only thing that turns me off Sauerbraten is the name. "Sour" is not a quality I want in my meat. The pictures of it always look good, but the name makes me think it's going to be sour and gross.
Oh my bad