Apologize Veeky Forums

apologize Veeky Forums

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Apologize to me for posting reddit screencaps on my board.

I'm sorry you went on reddit. Are you ok?


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I don't get it

But you did get it.

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I would say you getted it. Here have a top quality beer.

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its a le craptitalism post

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the guy's mad that people can make salad dressing more cheaply and accessible than whatever medication he happens to need

That's some nice zoning. Who zoned this aisle? I want the rest of the cap team to learn how it looks when you don't fuck up.

I zoned ur mom lmao

Not sure I agree. While most procedures are stupidly expensive, hospitals will always work with you if you can't afford it.

Please clarify what you mean you mean by work with.

get them enough Ranch and they'll do you over right

>This bag of saline is $1500 plus tip
>Nigga Im a dude not an insurance company
>Alright its $4

Will this fat fuck fucking shut up about “muh bills for health problems caused by me eating to become a fat fuck” when he is a YouTube celebrity who earns over $9000 a month? Does he spend that much on food?

What’s with this “bankrupt from medical bills” meme? If you’re poor the hospital, insurance company, or some random charity will find a way to let you off the hook without paying much. I’ve gone through this several times throughout my life being poor with a chronic condition. Sometimes I wonder if the people making these claims have never even been to a hospital.

They are autists who hate confrontation and find filling out paper work to be a form of confrontation.

The banruptcy implies they had money and the hospital took every penny and saddled them with an insurmountable debt. So they weren't poor to begin with, but after treatment they were destitute and overwhelmed by debt. Stop getting your news from fox and the alt-right propaganda machine.

They're statists who need to force others to pay for their charity

If they had money why the fuck didn't they have insurance?
Maybe just don't be a stupid, blithe fuck for once?

you can literally call a hospital after getting a 80k bill, say you literally will not pay them more than 2k of that, and they'll probably end up charging you only like 6k. do you not know how health insurance companies work? hospitals get jack shit from them so they're used to people not paying up for their insanely overpriced shit (google "charge master"); ZERO difference if you do it as an individual.

>he got his surgery
>started losing weight
>looking forward to fucking his own wife
>she divorced him

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>you have to haggle for your medical care
the absolute STATE of americans and ontarians

Yuropoor here. In one form or another over half of what I earn end up as tax. Not saying I prefer the murrican system but we're still paying the same stuff in the end.

Anything is better than the NHS I assure you.

The company you work for provides insurance at group rates. My friend pays $120 a month, while mine would be $400 for instance

That's 48 different types or ranch dressing not 20. BPOPR deserves to go bankrupt for being so stupid

so-so zoning, the thousand island at the top shelf could be pulled forward, and the box of hellmanns on the bottom shelf could be pulled forward or a few jars taken out to eliminate the gap. A decent fast zone, but a few too many noticable spots for a deep zone.

Holy fucking shit I hate this retarded commie argument so fucking much. HURRDURR WHY ARE THERE MANY COMPETING VERSIONS OF A GOOD I DEEM UNNECESSARY WHILE AT THE SAME TIME OTHER SERVICES ARE EXPENSIVE? How about learning how supply and demand works before you run your stupid mouth.

Checked. It's faggot commie bullshit.

She knew it was only a matter of time before he weighed less than her

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I saw this earlier this morning on the late capitalism board over on reddit and thought it was pretty dumb. Why are you posting reddit here?

It's almost like the demand for living necessities is higher than the demand for all possible combinations of mayonnaise and granulated garlic.

This didn't deserve a response, but try to put some effort into your next shit post.

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>wanting to pay the insurance company a premium for their insane overhead and marketing expenses for the PRIVILEGE of having them haggle for you

just epic

>20 types
That's all just the hidden valley section. Go to walmart and there are seriously like 100 different varieties of ranch to choose from, not even kidding though I wish I was.

times i've needed important medical attention: 0
times i've "needed" ranch dressing: a lot

from my perspective ranch dressing is infinitely more important than healthcare

What the fuck does one of those things have to do with the other? In what possible way are his medical bills related to the salad dressing aisle?

Zoning is for faggots

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>bankrupt from a simple medical issue


you were most likely born in a hospital

Underrated post friend.

>not playing footsies

what are you smoking negus?

Its a bernie "why do we need 20 types of deodorant when we dont have universal healthcare?" Post

You understand commies factor in supply, demand and competition into their theories right brainlet? Orthodox economics is fucking fortune telling tier and supply & demand curves are unscientific nonsense. Read a book nigger

Why are you visiting reddit at all? You're just as bad as him faggot

>commies factor anything into their idealistic bullshit dreamworld
Delusion, pure and simple delusion.

So they had a job but no insurance? Premiere Obama wouldn't allow that and fined alot of unemployed people who lacked insurance for not having any now keep telling people that Trump is Hitler but you should surrender your guns and rights anyway because some high school kids told you too

>Having to wait nine months for a check-up
Cuz Europe is so much better rite?

plz kys so i can kms

You sound a bit ignorant. Whether or not communism is a sensible system, it's clear you know too little about it to have an opinion on the subject.

>u dunno real communism
>reel comunism hasnt hapnd yet irl
>but it werk, never faild, cuz comnist countrys aint real comunism

Believe what you want, but there is literally no difference between believing in communism and believing there's a flying dick behind the moon. The reason communism never fails is because it never gets implemented for "real". And the reason you don't ever see the dick behind the moon is because it doesn't want to show itself.

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If you can't afford health insurance just get medicaid. ffs

Stop just saying things. You have no arguments. You're just spouting rhetoric. Do some actual research into economics.

Yurofag here. True. I had a digestion issue and didn’t want to wait 7 months before getting an appointment with the best specialist out there. You basically have to shell out 200 euros cash if you want an immediate appointment.

>It can't be proven to not work because when it doesn't work, it's not real communism
Doesn't even get past the scientific method, sorry, it's on the same level as schizophrenia or a cult.

>spouting rethoric
Yes, debating is a method that tries the validity of arguments and ideas. Shocking, huh.

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my man if youve needed ranch dressing a lot i can assure you you will need some medical attention at some point

reminder that 20 types of ranch dressing collapsed the soviet union

*welfare statists

a few ivory tower dorks completely detached from reality planning a wildly diverse societys economy with all the absolute power that entails will never work. The more a state controls it's economy, the more corruption it breeds. Youre wildly naive of human nature to think concentrating that much power will ever work.

Shit! You beat me to it!

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All states redistribute income through welfare

>Buying a jar of mayo every week for 50 years /> Having gastric bypass surgery once in your life

It works out

But they can't get certain medications or go to certain doctors and specialists on medicaid. These people are entitled to the best, for free.

>complaining about the free market


supply & demand curves were in the book

Explain why I can have multiple people tell me that they eat value menu items daily because it's convenient and cheap.

Oi I dint renew moi health Care loicense now oim really innit

Tripfag talks nonsense