Why? Why these things? They are not edible. They are tougher than plastic. They cannot be chewed. What could possibly possess Chinese across America to leave these in their food?
Why? Why these things? They are not edible. They are tougher than plastic. They cannot be chewed...
>They cannot be chewed.
you can chew and eat those
about as much as you can a bay leaf
>wahh it's too spicy mommy
>wahh it's not soft wike my appwesauce
it's easier than a bay leaf
>soyboy tries his first pepper
They marinate them in lead.
t. spicelet
Eat around them, autist. It's there to flavour the food and look nice.
awww poor little baby waby can't handle a little spicey wicey?
The combination of the capsaicin and rough edged particles produced by partial teeth grinding act as a great colon cleanser scraping the accumulated nodules of tendies and ranch dressing fat deposits off of your colon walls resulting in an exquisite bowel relief.
>They cannot be chewed.
What a soyboy.
If you can't handle the heat you should drink some milk or something. It's okay not all of us wanna feel pain when we're trying to enjoy food
How much of a puss do you have to be to be burned by these things? They're not even that hot. Eat around it or whine to the manager if you're that much of a spicelet
>waaah waaah my poor little jaw can't handle anything tougher than mommies milkies
He's just afraid of mildly hot foods
They aren’t even that spicy, dude. Don’t be such a fag.
do you have teeth?
>they cannot be chewed
I bet you need help from your older brother to open bottles and jars too
Aw, does baby still have his milk teeth? You'll grow up some day, kiddo.
who knows with gooks
>milk teeth
Do Americans really use this term?
rubber is organic material
it's processed from the sap of a tree
I get them in my Kung Pao chicken and I have no problem chewing them and eating them. Stop complaining like a homo
If you expose yourself to more hot food you will find yourself better able to handle it over time.
>its organic
>its processed
l m a o
we use that in dutch too
this has to be bait
Organic compound, any of a large class of chemical compounds in which one or more atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, most commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen.
aka, natural rubber is an organic compound, you dumbass
They are dehydrated/roasted. You need to rehydrate them so you can chew them, but grinding them and using them as seasoning is better.
>nitpick through the dish picking out large pieces of colorful spices before plating rather than letting people just eat around them
Jesus you autist. Do you try complain that KFC doesn't tear the meat off the chicken thighs for you too? You don't have to eat everything that's on the plate.
Do you try to consume doilies too?
or as i like to call it
"Spring Cleaning"
ITT Laowai who are so fucking stupid that they eat the la jiao.
all those cuckface selfies oxidized and softened your teeth
>Do you try complain that KFC doesn't tear the meat off the chicken thighs for you too?
there are faggots in this world who eat boneless wings, so yeah I wouldn't be surprised
nobody actually eats those, it's for the trash can
>eating food with bones
wtf, i bet you lick the bone clean you slob
People are saying you can't handle the heat instead of you being unable to chew through them because literally nobody have that problem and people just think you are a dumb fuck that can't handle a little bit of spice, soyboy. Either way, OP is a faggot once again.
You're not supposed to eat them, they cook with it for flavor and just don't bother taking them out
those poor boneless chickens, science has gone too far
If the seeds aren't exposed to the dish, it literally adds no flavor. The case of the pepper is like a shell
They do taste really wierd to eat though. A bit spicy, but also very bitter. And the aftertaste just doesn't go away.
yea no, retard
Sorry man its the truth. If they aren't eaten it's just a garnish.
One time I ate some of those and they got tangled up inside me and when I was taking a shit at work it clogged up and go stuck halfway out if my anus. After an hour of trying to reach my hand to my ass hole I had to surrender and ask my manager to pull it out. She used a pencil to pry it out and all the backed up shit poured out onto the floor. It was so embarrassing having my coworkers know what happened and having to clean the shit up off the bathroom floor while they watched and cackled. I'll never eat those again
When you make steak you cook with a sprig of thyme for flavor and sometimes serve it with it as a garnish.
Thyme is completely different than the chilis OP is referencing
What now round eye?
Plz give to this round eye. I will eat till red in face with fire and diabetes. so deleeshus.
I love those, I'm disappointed when they don't come in a dish. I'd snack on them if I could
It is for flavour even if it is unbroken, try frying it in any dish without chopping and tell me there is no spice or heat from it cause the "seeds are still inside lol"
Whats all on there anyway? Is there some tempura fried deleeshousness in there?
Looks like fried diced chicken to me
>t. Spicelet
There would be zero discernable difference if placed side by side in a dish that was made without them.
Could be chicken, maybe squid too? Or just squid. I salivate so maximum right now. Plz make for me asian overlordz
Oh that's rich, I have a collection of hot sauces I put on literally anything.
Stop lying and go fry chillies into a cream based pasta and tell me there is no spice. Less than cut chillies yes. But none? You are delusional.
>Frying a chilli doesn't add heat, m-m-muh seeds contain the capsaicin.
>t. Spicelet masquerading as a big boy
You literally can not tell the difference in a Coke v Pepsi style challenge
Lmaoing @ the amount of nu-masculinity in this thread. You're just a faggot if you think the amount of capsaicin you subject yourself to determines how mature or manly you are.
It's not about being tough, it's about the pleasure you get from the burn.
theres always one
i wonder what Froot Loops and soymilk would taste like.
They have a nice toasted flavor like chipotle... and yes, you can eat them. what's the big deal?
>he picks out the bay leafs
Exactly, I work with a ton of Chinese people and I've never seen any of them eat them.
I assume they had a new person in the kitchen
One time I got takeout from my go to chink place and they fucking diced it up and mixed it into the general tso's instead of leaving it whole
It was still edible but not nearly as good as it usually was
They don’t leave them in the food directly. They shove them down the cat’s windpipe and it just ends up in the food.