Al/ck/ thread

New thread.

>blacking out and calling people and painful side pains edition

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I wish alcohol overdoses would kill you in the same way other drug overdoses do. Like if I just keep drinking until I peacefully pass out and then never wake up it would be perfect.

I've been raging for over a week now and I'm hitting a wall now. The remote communications I was having with people were just fucked.

I fall asleep every night wishing for no wakeys but then wakeys and "god damnit"

Round 2.

I woke up shaking so bad this morning my ex wife even took pity on me and gave me one of her Valium when she came over to check to make sure I was still alive this morning.

Then drove me to the liquor store because I was too shaky to drive, God bless that woman.

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i feel ya, all i was doing with my "friends" was drinking and i had to invite myself everytime.

stop it okay. that vodka is way too cheap.

Why not just acquire the drugs that do give a 'proper' overdose like fentalogs or barbiturates?

whoa, keep that girl, no matter what happens, keep her dude. This is coming from a guy that could have been married while drinking heavily twice... Keep her if she'll keep you, you won't get any better at drinking.

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All of my friends and I moved to different places. So I talk to them by text and email at times. I have to try to make them not too bizarre the drunker I get. They really are the only people I have to talk to though, I have 0 friends where I live now.
Over a week ago I sent multiple messages out insulting people and disparaging them.

Sounds like she's enabling you to be an alkie

lmao drunk faggots

>party/birthday/wedding invites - bring a plus one
i brought along my liver and no shame

I obviously don't have a way to

I couldn't stop even if I wanted to

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Glad I haven't reached this point where I drink the cheapest looking shit yet to be honest. I'm still on buying Smirnoff when it's on discount

>contact women ive not spoken too in years
>no reply
>fuck it a normal person would go ok, not interested, im gonna carry on sending shit that makes me laugh until the polis say im being stalkerish

We've been married and divorced already because of my drinking.

We dated from 16/17 to (sort of) current and now I'm 28 and she's 29.

She loves me and I love her, But she can't live with me or be married to me because of my drinking. She still checks on me daily and occasionally we have sex and go to dinner when I'm not hammered drunk

She knows I will never stop, She gave up trying to stop me. An now just makes sure I don't crash cars or break the law

This is like a 3rd of my glass collection. I'm going to return them now because I just make my own.

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You can return those?

You distill your own?

Why not use them to store your liquor?

she's sounds like a good woman. and they are rare. why not get help for her?

I only need a few handles to hold my booze. Not 120 bottles.

Yes I distill my own every 5 days.

this one isn't that bad

ok... my old laptop's keyboard just shat out on me the day i was planning to sell it. i am broke until this thing is gone and need it off my hands to make rent in a week. i just wanna catch a fucking break.

Why would he get help for her when he is the alkie?

>ooh fancy

i think i just burned my lips. i squished on the cigs filter and breathed bunch of still burning tobacco.
at least i doesn't feel too painful

She's an amazing woman, I love her very much. But I have issues man....I have PTSD and PTSD takes a toll on a man. I need alcohol, It's my medicine

Seeing what I had to see and doing what I had to do for almost 600 days (3 tours)....I don't blame anyone who's a combat vet for drinking or using drugs.

It's hard to do that job, Then come back to civilian life. You question your decisions and to be honest and I'm not being edgy...Killing people is not easy. It haunts you daily

People make it seem like waxing a dude is no sweat, Well... if you have feelings and aren't a psychopath...You can't kill people and just never think about it again. Even if those people chose the wrong side to fight for, It haunts you.

Don't join the military folks, Your just fighting a rich mans war and it will only make you a bitter, mean, paranoid, alcoholic.

I thought it was a good career choice, Like a naive fucking moron. And look at me now...

Plenty of vets get pstd help but it's your path, man.

The point is to get help for himself, for her sake.

Have you considered a different drug? I have two friends who served and have PTSD and they both have had great success with weed. I'm not claiming it's a perfect solution, but it's a hell of a lot better than alcohol from a safety/health perspective.

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>Have you considered a different drug?

I tried marijuana, It's OK.

I smoke it sometimes when I'm drunk, But by itself it kind of makes me more paranoid and doesn't help with sleep or feels.

I've never tried any other drugs besides taking benzos occasionally for the shakes. I

Honestly man...

Every VA is a year plus wait to be seen, A lot of people like me are not living well because of the things they had to see and do. Plus the ones who have physical issues as well...

Also if you've ever been to a VA, There kind of a pussy mentality about it. Like other service members are judging you for being weak. It's fucking tough going there...

I quit going and just use alcohol

Can you post pics of your still?

>Also if you've ever been to a VA, There kind of a pussy mentality about it. Like other service members are judging you for being weak. It's fucking tough going there...

>getting pissed on alcohol isnt weak

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what kind of mash are you using?

do any other alchies have a consistent bad cough? when i'm not drinking i tend to always feel a bit nauseous, and i gag-cough all day long. it sucks.

I don't get any physical withdrawals except for constantly shaky hands so I'm not sure if I'm even actually an alcoholice desu

oy vey

I've lost a couple of those. One was the best friend I ever had and now wont even talk to me.

i take it you have a decent paying job and can manage to take care of yourself decently well for an alchie. i'm sure a lot of my issues stem from/are compounded by a lack of any nutrition whatsoever. i'm one of those skinny alchies who loses weight when they up their drinking.

feels. only woman i've ever really loved was visiting my city a year ago exactly with a couple of her friends. she invited me out and all was well until i learned she had a boyfriend, and i just got depressed as shit, clammed up, got shitfaced, and left in a huff and puff. she accepted my apology, but hasn't talked to me since and probably never will. cheers

>tfw got laid off today

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>i take it you have a decent paying job and can manage to take care of yourself decently well for an alchie
not at all. i quit my job last november and while i've passively been looking for a new job I really would just rather die.

Have a drink, man

sorry user. at least it's a valid excuse to drink. join us unemployed alchies.

did they at least give you two weeks notice?

Tourist here. These threads are a fucking disgrace. You might treat it like some form of 'Alcoholics Anonymous' but it doesn't read that way. It reads like any other /r9k/ thread where people bask in each other's self-loathing to point of romanticising it. Absolutely disgraceful. That's where this sort of shit belongs, /r9k/. I'd say 'seek help' but I'm sure you're all bloody aware of the fact that you need help but you're certainly not going to find it here.

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It's a lot better than /r9k/. /r9k/ is mostly about sex, where this is definitely more about empathising with fellow alcoholics.

It's like /r9k/ in that it's an echo chamber of self-loathing that people get mired in it and make no attempt to improve themselves. Whether it's sex or alcohol is irrelevant.

This isn't anything near AA

Yeah no fucking shit. Read the post. Everyone who seriously posts in this thread NEEDS AA, or some sort of rehab. I've known alcoholics, read ones, the kind that drink so much they shit their pants (in the prior thread we had people go on about shitting themselves as though it were a laughing matter). That's all you can do for these people. Drug addicts, that's all it is. Just because you can buy it at the store doesn't make it any nicer.

It uh...actually can kill you bro. Try harder I guess.


It kinda does sound like AA to me. Bunch of drunks who romanticize drinking and revel in the self loathing and pity, they're just not drinking.

Being able to laugh about shitting the bed is kind of the point of al/ck/ threads, dum dum.

I was talking to a vet buddy about this the other day actually. I made the comment that he joined the military because he despised american culture, couldn't see himself as a part of it, felt like an outsider, so he joined the military in search of identity and glory, then just got shot at for years, and came back to the exact same world he hated and didn't feel part of, and now he's got to live in it, plus with ptsd and bullet wounds and all that shit too. He started crying.

I know it's cliche but you have to stop for yourself

cut way back the same way i did cigarettes getting mad at all the money I was blowing. but sometimes you need a drink, I understand that. sometimes you need a lot of drinks.

1 Month on the wagon and I'm more high strung and stressed out than ever. Just beat the shit of of my kitchen because a recipe wasn't working for me lol

Small question,
What's the most respectable/dignified way to dispose of 20+ spirit bottles and 100+ beer cans in a single night?
I live in an apartment complex that requires each individual bottle/can to be deposited one at a time through a whole in the bin but I can't be arsed (and it would be noisy as fuck)
Also don't want to just chuck the whole load in general waste though, my crappy habit shouldn't make somebody else's day crappy sorting through that

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It's a misery loves company sort of thing. You say they need AA but most of these people have no desire to quit. Also, some of the stories are funny and others can be related to.

crush the cans with your feet and maybe break the bottles if you possibly can.
don't do it drunk though you will fuck yourself up for real if you do.

Sure, sure, sometimes you need to be drunk for six months and live in an abandoned grain silo.

I don't really like the term "Dry Drunk", because dickfucks in AA throw it around so much that it's meaningless, but this is kind of the definition of it.

You're not dealing with the issues that are causing you to drink, you're just not drinking (and it probably won't last that long, even when I was a stone cold hopeless drunk I could muscle out a month of sobriety without that much difficulty).

Find some kid, say you'll give him a few bucks, or beer or drugs or something, to get rid of them for you.

I've been spending way too much money at the bar and liquor store recently. I'm about to go down to the bar now to have a drink. It took me a while this morning to even remember if I went there last night (I did). Is there really anything wrong with loving to drink? I just wish I could stop drinking at work.

I cry too, Man.

I try to not make a habit of it and/or do it alone because It's ultra shameful.

how long have you been drinking?

He wants to dispose of it properly, not just "just get rid of it" by any means necessary

The kid will most likely just chuck it in general waste, which is what that user doesn't want

no no I wish I could, my point was that the only access to the bottle/tin bin is a little bristled slit; they've locked the door shut
They all have to be inserted by hand, I can't do that.
I have three bags full of cider bottles, four bags full of cans and two bags full of spirit bottles. It's 1am. I would piss off EVERYONE

>Is there really anything wrong with loving to drink?
I don't think so. But my health is suffering because of it so I cut it out for now. Take it easy with it and enjoy the long game of drinking for decades, user.

Do you have a car? Load up your trunk and drive to the recycling depot.


How bad are your teeth guys?

Mine are pretty fucking bad.

If the guy was 20 and said he loves drinking, I might believe him. Everybody really loves it at first. But if you 35 and drinking at work, I'm almost positive you don't do it because you love it, you're doing it because you fucking need to do it, seeing how you're completely addicted to it.

Once you become an addict, it's not really fun at all, it's just a shitty wreck that you keep dragging out because you can't find your way out.

After a binge I'll get that weird off-set coated feeling across all my teech; feels fucking disgusting. Generally that ends up to a 3 or 4 day run without brushing.
But no, no actual dental problems so far. Only a matter of time though

i brush my teeth no matter how drunk i am, unless i pass out and vomit. vomit actually damages your teeth quite a lot.
still i have to get fillings every year or so.

sober me said to diet BUT PISSED ME WANTS FOOD!
Going to order me something at the glorious hour of 2am, what culture of food would other al/ck/ys recommend?
I'm thinking Chinese, but I don't know any good Chinese foods (could use help in this area as well)

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order food at 2AM? huh, what do you know?

I legitimately don't get it

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i usually get pork lo mein and some egg rolls

One time I was shitfaced, and I called this chinese place and said, "Hey, I want some dick lo dick, get over here and let me suck your dick!" and the chinese guys just goes, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, sure, I be right over." and I was just like cool, and hung up.

The fucked up thing was a chinese delivery guy did knock on my door a few hours later, but he just had the wrong house. Wierded me out though.

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This is the alky thread, you want the meth thread.

>t. someone who's never drank longer than daily for a year

Come back after you've been drinking daily for a solid decade, Soyboy.

Vomiting and alcohol are not good for your teeth.

i was a regular al/ck/ poster for years.

I'm one month sober now and I come here to remind me of what happens to me if I ever go back. Al/ck/ is the best.

Most sincere people on the fucking site.

What I do in this town is I leave my bags of empties in the back alley for whatever bum picks cans. Usually it barely takes an hour and it's gone.

Lately though my deadbeat roommate has been bringing them in since I don't give him smokes mo more and he's rolled all the buts I had accumulated outside.

yes, they're going to pay me for a week and pay me out all of my vacation time. which is honest and fair. after that i'm on my own.

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She deserves better than you. Get your fucking life together, man.

My body is crumbling beneath the weight of my crippling alcoholism. Send help.

>in the prior thread we had people go on about shitting themselves as though it were a laughing matter
but it is a laughing matter. Poopie is funny lol

may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest

Jesus even the superspergs at work have a wife and kid. I mean I don't want to pass my horrible addict and possibly bipolar genes on but these fuckers manage to get women and build a life with them for at least a short time. Fuck.

Throw them at muslims.

eh i was in rehab and the fucking opiate addicts had wives and girlfriends and shit. was kinda reeeing until i saw that most of them were fat and ugly and i would rather fuck a goat.

my man

Got a bottle of Jack to celebrate 2 weeks sober.
That's not cognitive dissonance, is it?

i suppose that depends on whether you drink it.

I am currently drinking it

>tfw every time I have a place to stay I end up getting drunk until I lose everything
>tfw camping out like a hobo and I don't touch the stuff even when I still work and have more cash than before due to no rent

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