Low carb chips?

Been goin Keto for a while, and the biggest thing I miss right now are nachos, so I'm trying to find a replacement for tortilla chips. I read that cutting up beets thin and baking them are a good replacement, anyone else got any suggestions?

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Keto 9 months.
I've made heavy duty ones out of pork rinds. But it's little bang for your buck.
Recently made cheese it's by... melting and cooling shredded cheese.
I recently had success making taco shells the same way (pic related)
Can be baked or pan fried.

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pork rinds dipped in chili and cheese sauce is the closest I get

>pork rind chips

Not exactly nacho-ish but kale chips are a great snack.

Costco sells parmesan chips that are as addictive as cocaine.

did you have like, shells/outlines to mold the cheese to shape?

thanks for the suggestions!

Use beef jerky as chips

great, ive been looking for something to quit the coke

>did you have like, shells/outlines to mold the cheese to shape?
No. That pic is from provolone slices. But a mound of shredded cheese produces a reliable shape, no prob.
I hang the melted cheese around the lip of a mixing bowl. When cooled, the shells stand in a pleasant looking circle .

Let's do this.

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You like breakfast tacos, right user?

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i said SEXY, bitch

Browning that provolone.

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I tried this before with shredded cheddar. Would not come off wax paper and I had to toss it.

Time to wake Mrs. user from her nap. Thanks for watching.

Use parchment paper, not wax paper. Cheese should be oily enough.

oh yeah final product

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>Keto 9 months
Isn't this supposed to be short term? If you're capable of that kind of willpower, I would think you'd be better bulking up a bit and putting on some more muscle.

twist ending

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what happened to the arm

>keto diet
>pork rind chips
you should just stop being a fag and deenz

huh? leprosy!

nice oven burn, mama

she's black, user.

Is there something I'm missing that people on Keto are that concered about Tortilla chips? Like do you just not learn about the concept of Net Carbs? Assuming you're not on Keto for anything medical related you should be fine counting Net Carbs and the amount of Fibre in Avocado is probably gonna ensure that eating a reasonable portion of Tortilla Chips will be fine, and recent research suggests that concerns about soluble fiber inducing IGN increasing blood sugar are unfounded

You can make this then cut it up into chips.Great replacement for noodles in pasta dishes too.

Attached: cheese-crust.jpg (640x480, 90K)

this 1000000000000%
9/10 people who do this diet are faggots/will do it wrong and don't know the diff between healthy fat and bad fat
keto is good for people that have shit like epilepsy
see: fucking pork rind tortilla chips as a substitute for reg-ass tortilla chips
dream, but don't become the meme

crispy bacon

I guess that settles it then

>t eating a reasonable portion of Tortilla Chips will be fine
This goes for almost anything carb related. Thanks for stating the obvious, retard. The point is these are fewer carbs they consume they can then use on something with some nutritional value.

They're going in my Caesar dressing tonight.

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>recent research suggests...
derp post confirmed

But really,
why not just take a cheat day?
I probably take ~1 per week.
You KNOW it takes a few days to get in ketosis,
Do you think it takes fewer days to get out?
It's interesting, and I've been off and on for a few years. At this point what I've gathered is that no one really knows what will and will not kick you out.
Take a carb day once a month. It's good for the soul.
I miss bread and rice and corn. It tastes good.

t. Fatty who fell off keto day 3 because he couldn't have his tendies

Type 1 diabetic here. My fasting basal insulin requirement is 33% lower in dietary ketosis than in glycolysis. If higher insulin levels indicate insulin insensitivity, and higher insulin insensitivity is strongly correlated with visceral fat and heart disease, how can this be a meme? Not gonna say carbs are all bad, but sugar certainly is. Guess what though? They put sugar in fucking everything pre-made now. The keto fad is a reaction to that bullshit.

dude just use pork rinds