What is the best brand of bean coffee to drink without milk? I like my coffee dark...

What is the best brand of bean coffee to drink without milk? I like my coffee dark, and the coffee ive got now only tastes good with milk in it.

Attached: dark.jpg (1080x1080, 77K)

get out racist

Uhh, are you comparing the person of color's skin to a dark coffee?

Racist much?

its literally just a pic of a hot girl, wtf is wrong with that?

>It's the same thread again
Oh good it wasn't that funny the first dozen times, maybe it'll be funny now.
I swear to god, nobody even tries to be clever here on Veeky Forums. They just literally repost memes as lazily as possible.

Attached: 555.jpg (600x375, 15K)

This is a cooking board. Rare or medium is the only acceptable meat.

I dont understand? Im just trying to get some damn opinions on coffee I thought this was the cooking board ffs.

get out racist

Wtf, does she work in a mine all day?

That's not even well done man.

Attached: 1522030427005.png (842x792, 82K)

Niggers aren't human

Fuck you lefty pol

wow, this level of racism is unacceptable, the thread is about coffee, but the Veeky Forums racists just cant help themselves can they?

We're kidding, we love the pretty female niggers and and all the slanty eyed fucks out there. We just front because not being a racist nazi who demands the day of the rope everyday isn't the norm here.

why do you use the n word so flippantly? don't you realise its racist?

Sorry, I'll rephrase.

We're kidding, we love the pretty female niggers and and all the slanty eyed fucks out there. We just front because not being a racist fringe culture politician inspired by German history who demands the day of the rope everyday isn't the norm here.

>pic related

Attached: 1520287542452.gif (319x400, 247K)

Remember, there's a cadre of adolescents that rove the boards and post "muh lol edgy" racial tripe for the lulz. Why it's permitted on a food board is anyone's guess.


Attached: 1449524378386.jpg (500x375, 51K)

>Why it's permitted on a food board is anyone's guess.
You can thank Hiroshimoot's "hands off moderation to increase page hits" approach

Just because you're a fit in try hard larping 56% abominacion mutt doesn't mean we all are. Again for posterity:
Niggers aren't human, but unironically.

get out racist

Damn, one of my posts got a based "huh" post, I'll have a dram of scotch to that achievement!


Thx again!

Why do the black women I've dated look nothing like this?

Not enough aids

reverse search image: google thinks its Noob saibot from mortal kombat, is google racist? pic related

Attached: noobsaibot.png (1261x754, 147K)



Shut up porch monkey LOL

What's the matter? lose your woman to a superior breeding monkey which you profess to defend?

Everyone is welcome here, bigot


That fucking scared the shit out of me


if you had a woman you wouldn't post on the mcdonalds aisle of an anime imageboard

Playing with fire 2 was absolute kino

