Get 3+ beers in me

>get 3+ beers in me
>Immediately start being social as fuck, telling funny stories and flirting with every female in the vicinity

Anyone else?

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>get 3+ beers in me
>Immediately consume 1,000 - 2,000 calories worth of food

Anyone else?

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Wow, it's almost like alcohol lowers your inhibitions!

I remember being 18

>get +3 beers in me
>turn into hulk hogan and kill fags and hippies

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Before or after fucking your daughter with your shriveled member? Whooooooo!!!!

>get 3+ beers in me
>Immediately crap my pants

commie scum

>get 3 beers in me
>get 3 more beers in me
>get 3 more beers in me
>get 3 more beers in me
>can only think of getting laid at this point
Am I the only one?

but then you are too drunk to get it up?

I'm normally busting for a piss at this point.

I’m not too drunk after 12 beer to get it up
I usually get through the first 6 without a piss, but after that I doubt I can drink one without pissing


Besides online West eurobros, I only make friends when I'm under the influence.

Nope, I do that sober.


>get 3+ beers in me
>immediately feel the need to get another 3+ beers in me
>repeat until death

Anyone else?


>get however many beers in me
>doesn't really lower my inhibitions anymore

>get 3+ beers in me
>immediately lock myself in the bathroom, play with my phone for 30 minutes and leave without saying a word

anyone else?

>drink tons all day
>try way too hard to be funny
>see the disappointment and resentment in my friend's eyes


Except for me it's a handle of vodka and immense regret.

>get 3+ beers in me
>the only thing lowered is my desire to live
Which is really unfortunate, because I genuinely like beer.

Wow its almost like you experienced the effects of the substance you took good job

Drunchies are fun

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Three beers are cool, but I prefer 12.

Either way, I don't need alcohol to make me social or flirt. Girls don't leave me alone, I'm not anything above a 6 physically, but takes about 8 beers for me to get my balls out of my pocket to take chances on hitting on dudes.

Sorry straight guys if I get touchy and grab your junk at a bar when I'm inebriated; take it as a compliment.

> stop by the bar with a few Buddies aftervwork
> get home and find high school sweetheart I'm married neglected the kids and is drunk.
> drop the kids off at their grandparents so that my wife and I go out for dinner.
> drive three blocks to a quiet open field( not hard to find in Oregon).
> get out of the caras if I'm going to open the door for my wife.
> before she took off her seat belt, I start beating her.

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What is this from?

I only did that once and if I drunkenly recall, he did ask for it and I didn't ejaculate inside him.

Don't be so sensitive, faggot.

Newfag and a tripfag all at once.
Don’t be that guy, guy.

The original pasta is better.

>get 3+ shots in me
>dance the night away

I agree. This version barely gets me hard at all.