Don’t worry guys I brought the beer

>don’t worry guys I brought the beer

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Alright then, let’s drink


This but ironically



I'm not really one to turn my nose up at free alcohol, but I do not like sweet drinks or foods.

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If this is supposed to be a social gathering where nobody in the group crosses the line as far as drinks, no.

But if you and your buddies want to get fucked up and then participate in some late night, random ethnic cleansing then this would be a good way to get there.

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Grape a Rita sounds intriguing

What, not manly enough for you?

Have you even drank them, OP? They're fucking delicious

>tfw casually dating two Navajo sisters a few summers back and getting drunk on this swill together at their apartment and having occasional threesomes while fucked up on these after they found out I was with both of them and they were cool about it

Good times. Simpler times.

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I mean, Smirnoff Ice is basically soda pop and I'd drink that because of my sweet tooth.

Did they have nice tracts of land to conquer?

I brought the finest German brews, girls!

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The sister who was a ballerina had the tightest, narrowest tract I've ever conquered in my life. The other one was still pretty tight, but more fun to fuck in the ads and watch her near perfect rear end bounce.

8% is pretty low where i live if we want to get wasted with beer we grab one of those or a bottle of wine

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>8% alcohol
>contains alcohol

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Can I get some Ass-a-Rita?

Even at 15 that didnt get me drunk at all