Last night

>last night
>get completely drunk
>decide to make pork roast
>pass out
>wake up
>realize pork has been sitting in cold oven for like 8 hours
>it just smells like garlic and peppercorn

Any chance this meat is ruined or will it be fine when it's done cooking?

Attached: drunk.jpg (620x465, 27K)

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Who are you quoting?

If the ambient temperature is reasonably cold, it should be fine. Otherwise don't risk it.

room temp, bummer

Serves you right for using air conditioning.

Where do you live? Do you keep it hot? Also, use your nose man.

It's a roast. Bacteria isn't going to get deep inside. COOK IT FAGGOT

I did smell it. It's heavily seasoned with garlic and peppercorn so it smells terrific and it's currently cooking. I know bad meat smells worse when cooked so I'll see when it's done.

The potatoes I had in the slow cooker are tender as fuck at least.

>8 hours
Back when i was late teens i'd cook meals, leave them out overnight and then reheat them the next morning. This is on a counter, not closed in an oven. Never got sick. If you don't have pest (cockroaches, heaps of fly, rodents), you'll most likely be fine. My father and I have rep for having strong stomach but even then i don't think it'd matter. If you cook it probably so it kills most of the bacteria you should be fine.

Good choice op, garlic and pepper are both anti-bacterial and I think pepper is anti-inflammatory so you should b gud.

Okay naw dude its one thing to cook an entire roast thats only spent a total of 4 hours outside the danger zone. But an entire cooked meal? That's just silly. Sure you're gonna kill all the bacteria, but not the bacteria shit.

I mean I guess it also depends on precisely what you're making and leaving, and maybe your gut bacteria is something like a horde of mongols at this point just fucking ravaging foreign bacteria but that's just not safe man.

Nah, just throw it in the trash and take the loss. Next time ask in al/ck/ instead of starting a new thread; some of us are actually real cooks.



You fucking faggots need to fuck off and die of liver poisoning al/ck/ threads are the dumbest, whiniest shit I've ever seen. Any other drug board out there everyone is all gung ho and FUCK YEAH DRUGS/ALCOHOL.

Cry in a corner faggot

OP here. It's cooked and it smells and tastes great. Just sliced it up and put it into meal prep containers.

I appreciate all of you and hope you all have good meals today.

What? Pork roast in less than half an hour? Just how tiny was this portion?


Maybe like a noodle tenderloin?

Rip op

Yeah don't get me wrong, anyone doing what i did would probably get seriously ill but i'm saying it isn't black and white. Haha yeah you're probably right man i ate some shit back in the day, it didn't even occur to me until one of my housemate pointed it out.

How warm is your kitchen OP? Is the pork sticky or does it have a film on it? Does it smell rancid?

Personally I think you'll be fine. People have survived thousands of years without fridges. It's not like a medieval kitchen would have always cooked a pig within 8 hours of slaughter in the summer.

Also like another user I leave food out all night. As long as you don't have pests or vermin you'll be fine.

We've been here long before al/ck/ was ever a dumb general, and we're always going to be here. We're the anons who answer all your newfag, basic cooking questions, because we're the pros with no life outside of work other than Veeky Forums.