You mongrels still cooking your eggs with pans? Psht

you mongrels still cooking your eggs with pans? Psht.

Attached: fire egg.jpg (2048x1366, 716K)

that is a pan user
you ok?

Attached: 1520831200483.gif (245x180, 967K)

it's call a spoon


Attached: 1517284550801.gif (315x236, 1000K)

I cook my eggs with honey bee wings.

Its going to be rubbery and disgusting

>not ovening your eggs
I call them 'oven eggs'.

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oven < fire

Looks like a pan what do you call it?

it is a long and wide spoon

It's a Hoboken Nipple Chiclet, or a Squash Racket Skillet.


that is a pan, you fucking faggot

it is not a pan, it's called an egg over fire spoon



That gif is a treasure.

‘Alice’s Egg Spoon’ is a hand-forged iron spoon perfectly calibrated for frying an egg in the fireplace or over a gas flame.

Okay then pic related is the spoon I use to cook my eggs in

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Yeah, but is it hand made by a vagina owning blacksmith?

where did u buy this amazing black egg spoon?

I use this spoon to cook eggs in

Attached: IMG_3381.jpg (3264x2448, 1.39M)

Blacksmiths can't own vaginas

no, a black owning vaginasmith


but what if someone who already owns a vagina becomes a blacksmith after-the-fact?

>not cooking your eggs on your tank


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>Alice’s Egg Spoon

Wow. I just realized how out of touch I really am with the contemporary food scene and food criticism. I always wanted one of the omelette pans from La Mère Poulard, on a different note.

Attached: OMELETTE-6[1].jpg (640x427, 40K)

are spoons just small pans?

Really makes you rethink Alice Waters and farm to table/organic/slow food movement.

Attached: 151228-heroin-cape-cod-spoon-1920[1].jpg (1920x1080, 531K)

ahem, I believe you mean omelette spoon, no?

that spoon is the perfect size for a quail egg

i just looked up that restaurant, looks cool.