>that first sugarless sip that makes u feel alive
First sip of the day here m8s. I feel rejuvenated and energetic.
>that first sip thread of the day
This will be nice until that one sperg finds it
You chat with your monster energy drink?
Saucy little bastard just wanted to get inside me
>falling for Jewish scams
Liquid freedom here, only 80 cents
Who /sip/ n /soy/ here?
Need to go cold turkey on this it's probably the cause of my mood swings and anxiety.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums shills
I wish the shop near me had a better selection of sips.
The Frugal /SIP/
open your eyes you sheeples. Only ignorance is bliss.
*Siiip* Ahh, nothing like that first sip of the day. But remember wagies, no talkie untill ive finished all of my sip.
>no sugar sips
So this is what the soy guys drink, huh
Rockstar rebels and sip boys unite to take down the redbullies.
First time trying Rockstar Watermelon. Not bad.
But seriously why is there so much sugar in this thread? It is known that sugary drinks=not sips
soyboys don't drink any energy drinks because they're "unsafe"
Don't do drugs.
but i like drugs.