>that first sugarless sip that makes u feel alive

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First sip of the day here m8s. I feel rejuvenated and energetic.

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>that first sip thread of the day
This will be nice until that one sperg finds it

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You chat with your monster energy drink?

Saucy little bastard just wanted to get inside me

>falling for Jewish scams
Liquid freedom here, only 80 cents

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Who /sip/ n /soy/ here?

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Need to go cold turkey on this it's probably the cause of my mood swings and anxiety.

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The absolute state of Veeky Forums shills

I wish the shop near me had a better selection of sips.

The Frugal /SIP/

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open your eyes you sheeples. Only ignorance is bliss.

*Siiip* Ahh, nothing like that first sip of the day. But remember wagies, no talkie untill ive finished all of my sip.

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>no sugar sips

So this is what the soy guys drink, huh

Rockstar rebels and sip boys unite to take down the redbullies.

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First time trying Rockstar Watermelon. Not bad.
But seriously why is there so much sugar in this thread? It is known that sugary drinks=not sips

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soyboys don't drink any energy drinks because they're "unsafe"

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Don't do drugs.

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but i like drugs.