
Attached: 70081000.jpg (2448x3264, 591K)

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It was awful

trips is right

>Meme Excellent

More like rest in squeeze


Do leaflets really do this?

My mom used to put the purple butter one on my ham and cheese sandwich in my lunch

Attached: 1412647071039.gif (357x238, 2.2M)

I come from a family of classy and sophisticated people so I never even tried that shit. Same with the peanut butter and jam in the same jar meme

>Mème Excellent Ketchup
What did Canadians mean by this?

I forgot about those disgusting mix jars. My dad bought one once and it was terrible.

What about Mayostard? Saves so much time.

what did they mean by this?

That's just meme excellent asparagus.

I miss the Sour Beaner candy bar, it had a purple marshmallowy filling with jelly beans within.

Attached: CC_Canada-Cadbury-Sour-Beaner-candy-bar-wrapper-1990s.jpg (1024x898, 365K)

>sour beaner
my sides

I remember asking my mom to get that shit because ithought it would taste better.

Never even knew it was going for this long I always thought it was just a tie in for the first Shrek when that was in theaters,

>hehehhe racism funny xDDD

Grow up, douche.



>i'm thinkin about thos beaners

Sometimes I dream about finding a cache of these candybars and then eating them even though they would be almost thirty years old now, I do remember I had this one bar I kept unopened until a few years ago, I really should have kept it in the freezer and eaten it bit by hit but I finished it in one go, old obviously, but GOOD, the flavours go so well together!

I would be so mad if the reason Cadbury discontinued it or didn't bring it back was because the name may offend someone, the beaner refers to the jelly beans for christ's sake!

The best candy bar I have EVER had, this, perfect mix of sweet and sour and different textures.

The last one ;_; in 2014, I'll never taste it again!

Attached: Sour Beaner 2014 Dec 21 - Photo0403.jpg (1600x1200, 575K)

It's not like it's something I could ever make myself, this is what it looked like on the inside after over ten years lol:

Attached: Sour Beaner 2014 Dec 21 - Photo0402.jpg (1600x1200, 479K)



that's disgusting. how can anyone eat that shit. chocolate and candy don't mix.


>those ingredients

holy fuck

RIP funky fries

Attached: color-fries.jpg (525x640, 88K)

Lmfao what the fuck my nigga

Sounds like a nickname to our deported friends

Fuck, I remember seeing ads for these in Nick Mag ages ago.

gross lmao


Heinz Ezee Squirt-kino