who are some Veeky Forums approved /ourguys/? Pic related
Who are some Veeky Forums approved /ourguys/? Pic related
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What do you think it's like to have Brad on top of you ploughing away?
Steve is our guy. This attention whore chink is not.
Nope, Emmy's /ourguy/ Steve belongs to /k/.
She's our queen. If you say otherwise... Well, that's just you opinion.
hi vinnie
t. amiel stanek
is it just called “cooking” now?
Chef John from foodwishes.com with...!
Get a gf in real life. Waifufags are pathetic.
Cooking without dog
I have a wife, we watch Emmy together.
>and fuck while watching Ratatouille
LARPing is unhealthy
LARPing as what?
Where do Brad's aprons come from?
>worshipping some youtube bitch who would never give you the time of day
user. You're not being the kind of man Steve knows you can be.
It still hurts
The Chad Brad vs The Virgin Babish
Still cooking with dog.They replaced the dog with a cartoon.
Speaking for all of Veeky Forums we only have one /ourguy/ and that's this guy
>*sniffs her butt*
Steve wants me to be a homosexual? Sounds like Steve.
He kind of projects a homo image, but that just goes to show there's room for all gender identities in the US to contribute quality.
our new king