Who are some Veeky Forums approved /ourguys/? Pic related

who are some Veeky Forums approved /ourguys/? Pic related

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What do you think it's like to have Brad on top of you ploughing away?

Steve is our guy. This attention whore chink is not.

Nope, Emmy's /ourguy/ Steve belongs to /k/.

She's our queen. If you say otherwise... Well, that's just you opinion.

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hi vinnie

t. amiel stanek

is it just called “cooking” now?

Chef John from foodwishes.com with...!

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Get a gf in real life. Waifufags are pathetic.

Cooking without dog

I have a wife, we watch Emmy together.
>and fuck while watching Ratatouille

LARPing is unhealthy

LARPing as what?

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Where do Brad's aprons come from?

>worshipping some youtube bitch who would never give you the time of day
user. You're not being the kind of man Steve knows you can be.

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It still hurts

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The Chad Brad vs The Virgin Babish

Still cooking with dog.They replaced the dog with a cartoon.

Speaking for all of Veeky Forums we only have one /ourguy/ and that's this guy

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>*sniffs her butt*

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Steve wants me to be a homosexual? Sounds like Steve.


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He kind of projects a homo image, but that just goes to show there's room for all gender identities in the US to contribute quality.


our new king

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