Which goes best on a burger?

Which goes best on a burger?

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Depends on the other toppings.

Yellow if youre cooking them
Red if you're eating them raw

You literally can't get any more true than this.

the american dream

All three of them at once?


Onions dont belong on burgers prove me wrong

Fuck off faggot. No one gives a shit about the opinions of people who don’t like onions.

I love onions they dont belong on burgers though

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Celery is pretty good on burgers.

Anyone who loves onions would never say they don’t belong on a burger. Kill yourself faggot


yellow if carmelized or grilled
white finely diced and raw
red sliced in rings and served raw

None. I hate onions. I don't get why fags hate on people that don't like onions when taste is subjective and there are plenty of things that they don't like but I do. Everyone has to like onions though because they're in everything LMAO.

They are in everything because most people love onions. Go back to your tendies and mayonnaise thread.

I'm going to list off some ingredients and you tell me what belongs and what doesn't belong on a burger.
bbq sauce
hot sauce
huckleberry jam

Huckleberry jam

>first reply is wrong

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Huckleberry jam it up your ass.


More like cuckleberry jam you faggot.

All of those are fine except the last two wtf are you doing

white and raw.
red onions are for tryhard faggots and yellow is for roasts.

nailed it

raw tomatoes are never fine, anywhere, ever.
cheese is an ingredient when it comes to burgers.
>bbq sauce
a waste, but fine.
fried is ok.
>hot sauce
feta is never fine, anywhere, ever.
>huckleberry jam

Have any of you ever tried it?
And how about pineapples then?

Huckleberry jam is a bit strange but I can see it possibly working. As much as I love olives I wouldn't want it on a burger unless it was basically a glorified taco.

I only know about the Elvis peanut butter and banana burger. What does a huckleberry jam burger taste like?

you're not supposed to eat those.

That sounds great and I don't know why I never thought of that until now.
It's kinda like any burger that plays with sweet and savory burgers. But with like blueberry syrup

I eat at least one raw tomato daily. Sometimes sliced over an omelette or piled high on a sandwich, sometimes I eat it like an apple. Try to stop me, faggot.

What about white onions, what are they good for?

enslaving the other onions.

Onions look good on a fried hamburger youtube.com/watch?v=cdvZC91YpMs&t=175s

yes. caramelized onions are terrible though


only if it's not american

>bbq sauce

>hot sauce
can be okay in small amounts

only if you're doing a weird Middle Eastern style thing

>huckleberry jam
what the fuck are you even talk about wigger

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Is huckleberry jam dank in Burgs? I suspect you have insider knowledge that you are concealing.

Baking things or if you just need a lot of onion because I seem to notice that the white onions at my super market are bigger than the other ones

Pineapple needs to go with pork not beef. Too sweet

I'm gonna go with this
And this

>caramelized onions are terrible
You neck yourself right now, nigger

user, you can't do that. It's forbidden.

But I want to.

To a degree, if you eat plenty of onions, your risk of heart disease will decrease.