Whats the catch?
Whats the catch?
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It uses 3 different types of artificial sweetner in order to lower the calorie and fat count in each pint. These sweetners are relatively new and usually the side-effects don't come out until years later.
You're basically eating something made in a lab to resemble ice cream rather than actual ice cream.
they're not that great
This aside, I appreciate that they make the calories big and upfront on the packaging, it's like when author's put their names up huger than the title, except it's actually useful in this case.
Epic b8
this and also 15 dollars a pint
They don't taste very good
Red velvet and cinnamon bun are best flavors. Don't usually find time to add in my meal plan but they are great for filling the ice cream urge.
Stay away from pancake and waffle, it really tastes like fake as fuck and chemically
bASed huhposter
the flavor and texture is markedly inferior to real ice cream.
Post a source.
They all taste similiar but it isn't bad. Don't go dairy free and I find it thick, creamy, and smoother than most other ice creams. I'm not a fan of it being airy/cotton like.
you'll look like a faggot buying it
Thats fine, because I am oned
The catch is that it isn't healthier, it's just whipped more.
Pick one up, and then pick up a pint of haagen dazs. The halo top will be like half the weight.
You're just paying for more air, with these.
I like strawberry. It tastes just like frozen strawberry yogurt.
Haha, you're a funny guy!
I was surprised how bad it was. It's basically repackaged Hood-tier ice milk sold for Haagen-Daz prices
Its a low calorie junk food product. What did you expect?
I assumed they would be using science and shit to at least make a reasonable simulacrum of premium ice cream. Maybe we need to bring back Olestra.
I just had the rainbow swirl. Tastes like fruity pebbles and is sickeningly sweet/rich
man, Breath of the wild is a great fucking game.
That's No Man's Sky
it's a sl0p of shit
breyers chocolate version is creamy, not poorly textured and over sweet like halo top. not bad, but not good, all of them.
Halo Top gives me diarrhea. Pic related (30 mins after consuming halo top).
the catch is only fat women in yoga pants give a shit about calories
I think olestra is still used in a few things. If 'guilt-free' junk food with anal leakage is your thing, we now have those Alli pills.
Only good for chicks following a super caloric restricted diet. As men we shouldn't even worry about the calories that we eat. Unless we see our bodies start becoming too fat. Then we just eat less of what we are already eating until we are better.
Oh wait Veeky Forums is like 90% female
tfw you're a perm-skinny and you avoid all low calorie stuff because you know its not gonna taste as good as the unhealthy shit.
Terrible slimy texture and not much flavor.
>see breyers 350 kcals cookie and cream ice cream, picked up two 500ml tubs since it was reduced by like 60%
>ice cream is basically frozen cream and theres virtually just half a small cookie sprinkled into it.
Felt like a rip off even when I got it for like 2.50 instead of 6 quid a tub desu.
Its expensive, doesnt taste as good, and its not good for you anyways. Best just to abstain from desert if youre trying to lose weight.
Fuck off viral marketer
>too poor to pay $4 for an ice cream
They keep fucking with the calories, eventually they're going to come out and confess they're like 800 calories a pint.
Just in that picture:
>rainbow swirl is now 280
>lemon cake is now 280
>pistachio is now 280
>vanilla bean is now 280
Not in the picture:
>chocolate has gone up once from 280 and then again to 320
>sea salt caramel went up to 320
>mint chip went from 240 to 320
salted caramel is fucking disgusting! caramel didnt need salt.
unless your a weirdo why you you want a icecream that tastes like green tea?
>>FUCKING HIPSTERS ruining ice cream for everybody.
We got several cartons when we started our Keto diet. The first time we were stoked. The second we were stoked. After that it went downhill. I can't really say why.
If you stick with it, you will start insufferably posting on reddit.com
On the downside you will be rightfully mocked by reddit.com
"I just came up with a new, 205 calorie recipe for swiss fondue! You just replace each of the cheeses with a different flavor of Halotop, the Kirsch with melted cherry Halotop, and the bread with hard-frozen Halotop. Here's a picture! A+++"
the fucking price dumbass
It has the texture of wet sand
It doesn't taste good
Diabetes from excessive sugar intake.
Oh noooo, reddit will be upset. I really care about what those people think.
This is the only ice cream I care to eat these days. Those thick strips of peanut butter are just right.
Its the most vile tasting simulacrum of ice cream possible, it tastes markedly worse than the lowest quality generic bargain ice cream, and if you dont leave it out to thaw before eating it has the texture of sand from all the ice crystals.