I'm cooking up a team

I'm cooking up a team...

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I don't feel safe when he's holding knives in his hands

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>"Count us in"

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I want to suck Jack's cum out of Tammy's pussy after a long 27 second fuck session where he JACK hammers her and they are both covered in gallons of sweat and the smell of the fact they are both too fat to properly clean their self permeates through the air

Babish here reporting for duty

Try and keep. Up sugga and. Me and the hubby. Are in.

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Count me in brother

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I'm in. After all, you are the vanilla icecream, of your secret team.

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yes he's dating a black guy

For real though she would cook circles around Jack and be so nice about it too

thank god I can rest easy now.

No. You almost choke your children to death and want to genocide Palestinians. You sucked as a DJ and gosh darn it you suck at cooking show too.
Taking your nutmeg with me though.

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So the team will be raw?

>"What..No! We can't bring them!, There loose Cannons!"

>"I know...But We Need Them..."



"The Fuck you want?"

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>I want you and all your slimey Jew friends to fucking die in a gas chamber you stupid kike

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god the periods to indicate shortness of breath hahahahahaha

>No. You almost choke your children to death and want to genocide Palestinians. You sucked as a DJ and gosh darn it you suck at cooking show too.
>Taking your nutmeg with me though.
So you're saying there's a chance?


please stop i am eating

what is the story of him strangling his son because he smoked weed?

His son started smoking weed which for some reason made his son started being aggressive, so one day he shoved his mother or something and then Jack choked him out going "never hit a woman you shouldn't do that." One of Jack's proudest moments, choking his son. Just like on The Simpsons. Just like that.