ITT:Post a better ‘za than the one above you
Starting with a shitty one so we can keep improving as we go.
ITT:Post a better ‘za than the one above you
Starting with a shitty one so we can keep improving as we go.
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that one looks pretty yummy tho op
that looks good but you know it tastes bad.
>cheese on toast with ketchup
Anything you can do America can do better!
Honestly that looks lazy. The mozzi should've been grated and spread evenly. Or at least cut into smaller pieces.
And it's basically just bread.
2/10. needs side salad.
>grated mozza
what a rotten post
sort yourself out
That literally is the epitome of pizza perfection. Nothing can be really improved upon it.
do airline passengers really eat pizza with a butter knife and fork?
How pizza should be. Thin and crispy. Not soft and doughy like most of you faggots
>Being a doughlet
>being a dough head
>no anchovies
>Enjoying pockets of air and pic related
>not Sicilian
I mean this pizza is perfect barring the basil. Fucking look at it, the leaves are two and a bite each. Why have them at all? lol......
Make way for straya
based meme holy fuck
It looks raw, under cooked and absolutely shocking. Quite frankly it's an embarrassment, and you should be ashamed of yourself. I mean honestly, I wouldn't even serve it to my dog. It's garbage, it's trash. It's fucking abysmal. Is that really the best you can do? Is that the kind of quality you're aiming for? Really? I don't know why you even post here. Why do you even bother. You might as well give up. Though based on this monstrosity, you've already given up, haven't you? What is it, are you depressed? Are you done? Just look at the pepperoni, it's not even cooked. The raw fucking onions. They're not even sliced properly. I mean come on, you know this. You know this isn't good. Yet here you are, posting this shit again. Have you even looked at the crust? Or the cheese? I mean, what is that? They're snow fucking white. The dough has barely been cooked. Did you even put it in the oven? Did you forget to turn it on? It's just sad. This isn't a fucking pizza, it's a travesty. An absolute shambles. I don't know what else to say. It's just not good enough. Throw it in the fucking bin, and just stop. You can't cook. You're useless. Utterly useless.
Aussie pizza best pizza
You're a cunt if you disagree
I'm Italian, fuck you. Napoli pizza is the only pizza, you filthy amerimutt 56% nigger, I bet you cook your pasta in the same pan as you cook the sauce. Your mother was probably some eurospic/la(ctating)tina rapebaby who was too incompetent to properly layer a pasta dish, or bread a cutlet. I swear to lord jesus christo, you filthy italian-diaspora niggers let these amerogooks ruin our food. Desert pizza, sushi pizza, deep dish, boiston, calzone, cheesestuffed FAGGOTRY. My grandfather served on the fascist side in WWII. We still have the bayonet he used to gut Africans and send kikes to the ovens (properly seasoned, unlike you ameroniggers). He was fed on a proper diet, like a good bambino. Italian soldiers had the best food in WWII, and complained the most when shit went wrong. You fucking niggerloving traitors, who defected and immigrated, you were the pussies who didn't complain. And while the Americans bastardize our cuisine, you will still not complain. I thank god that you interbred with the irish potatoe niggers, because at least you can't claim to be one of us anymore. And another thing about mixing with the irish, I once saw someone put sliced potatoes on a deep dish pizza in a bar, in boston. You filthy niggers add starch to your starches diabetic shits. I hope that Kenyan nigger you have in office, Donald "Worcestershire Sauce" Drumpfth, gets fucking parkinsons, so he can never hold a knife and fork again - LET ALONE EAT A PIZZA WITH ONE. I will show you what happens when you mess with an Italian. We were whipping niggers milennia before you mutts came onto the scene, and we'll be whipping niggers for another thousand years before we decide to switch to your style of cooking. God, you deserve a wall, cause you'll ruin )))mexican((( food as well - if you can even ruin that portuguese/spaniard deepfried debauched enchiladadingdong. I was molested by a catholic priest, and his cock was more tasty than mutt-za.
NY style.
it looks like abject poverty on a plate but because it's from yourup I'm suppose to think it's refined and cultured somehow even though the poorshits that eat it are poorer than niggers are here. lol.
I'd pay $2 for it
(cont'd) You must have evolved to only have pleasure centers for fats, sugars, and Isreali cock, if you think that excessive amounts of cheese and breads make a meal - it doesn't, it makes you a fucking manchild, with the palette of a manchild. Stuff your fucking mongoloid maws with that sloppy greasy shit elsewhere. GREASY. True italian breads have flour on it, not grease. We can flour our fucking pizzas because we don't roll them up like a corndog and deepfry it, you whore. I swear to god, your ragu sauces make me rage. I bet half of your population can't even tell what a tomato is, let alone a san marzanno tomato, let alone Italian red sauce. YOU HAVE NOTHING. You are being replaced right now by the Jews, rise up and spit out your pizza. Put the fake-za out of the oven, and put the JEWS into it. DO IT OR YOUR CHILDREN WILL BE MENTALLY CASTRATED BY FATTY FOODS AND GAY PORN. The pope has done many things wrong, and worst of all was forgiving all the homosexuals in Rome, by publicly sucking them off - to show humility, like our lord and saviour Jewsus Christ. And as shameful as that was, you are infinitely more cucked, with your population percentages. There will come a time when taco pizza is a thing, and GUACAOMOLE (aka JEW-acamole) sauce replaces the tomato sauce, and on that day you will know you were duped by the food-jew. Generations will rise and fall before you ever recover from the indignity. I will tell you this, I am onto your lies, amerimutt. I know it wasn't really the Canadians who invented pineapple pizza (spit), I know it was a CIA psyop to infect Nixon with the gay, and I know you did the same with Caesar (not my emperor) salad.
Hey what is this tomfuckery where pizzas are just amorphous blobs of dough with a few toppings thrown on at random? This isn't the modern art gallery okay. Pizzas are circular or they are rectangular and the toppings are dispersed evenly across the surface. Fix your shit.
>I'd pay $2 for it
Pretty sure they don’t use dollars in Europe, fuckwit.
This person is... actually right!
wow you are so cultured knowing that
Underrated post
Alright smartass, whatever money they use in Europe.
fuck off poorass have fun spending 4 hours making your poverty meals while a destitute mississippi nigger eats more than you from shit he picked up at a gas station today
All the money in the world can't replace the soul in your cooking. Italian food is meant to be cheap and simple, it is the combination of ingredients and their freshness that matters. It is streetfood, peasant dishes, and ingenuity.
You don't understand the importance of oven-roasting your pizza crust. Italian cooking is like a musical staccato; sometimes you get a mouthful that is a little bitter, other times a little sweet. The combination of flavours will always play off one another. Using a real flame, rather than an electric heater, gets a wabisabi into the crust that you simply cannot understand.
A fresh basil leaf is worth a ton of FDA regulated oregano.
A dusting of aged parmesan wheels are worth a pool of Kraft(TM-oy-vey) (((cheese(kek)))).
A slice of tomato or fig is sufficient, and a stroke of well-made pasta sauce is worth all your ketchup-tasting nonsense.
The Amerimutt will never understand that sometimes - LESS IS MORE.
marinara > napoletana
Looks like an alsatian pizza, those are really good. They kind of look disgusting at first though.
>"There will come a time when taco pizza is a thing, and GUACAOMOLE (aka JEW-acamole) sauce replaces the tomato sauce, and on that day you will know you were duped by the food-jew."
If only you knew how bad things really are.
taco pizza is bretty gud
>if only you knew how bad things were
I wish I could bring people back from the dead that had to eat fucking hardtack all winter in fucking tents with no shoes on to listen to you consider this a "problem" so they could make you eat your teeth
>You don't understand the importance of oven-roasting your pizza crust.
Probably not because it's not fucking important lol
>posts gay as fuck pizza
Disgusting subhuman retard.
jesus christ