Why is it when I go to a real restaurant, I don't get plastic forks and knives, but if I go to an Asian restaurant, I get these piece of shit splinter delivery mechanisms?
Why is it when I go to a real restaurant, I don't get plastic forks and knives, but if I go to an Asian restaurant...
Metal or wood chopsticks are starting to be more common in restaurants around me. Can't speak for the rest of the world.
Where from? Are the Asian restaurants owned by appropriating white folks that know how to wash cutlery?
every good chinese restaurant i know gives you reasonable re-usable plastic chopsticks
korean places metal
upper end japanese places lacquered wood
>tfw can't use those things no matter how hard I try
I feel legitimately retarded.
Atleast in a big chink city it's like this. In the NZ equivelant of flyover country the bar dramatically drops for asian food, because it's no longer immigrants with experience in the restaurant industry in their own country, making food for other immigrants/foreign students with discerning tastes, it becomes immigrants with no experience making food or running restaurants scamming white/brown locals with paint by numbers garbage, often not even from their own culture. Those places use disposable chopsticks in the restaurant.
>what's the best utensil to eat rice?
>I know, two thin sticks
>ching chang chonging intensifies
This is why Godzilla hates orientals
It is not so bad with rice that sticks together. It's better for some things too
If you would ever prefer to use tongs, rather than a fork, then you've just justified chopsticks.
dem is jes food eatin sticks
It is more civilised not to fucking stab your food
>scamming white/brown locals with paint by numbers garbage, often not even from their own culture.
This is what basically every chinese food place in 'murrica is, which is probably OP's experience.
>hundreds of years of European dining rituals and evolved fine dining etiquette reduced to "food stabbing"
so this is the power of weeaboos
>>hundreds of years of European dining rituals and evolved fine dining etiquette reduced to "food stabbing"
You mean like, with a fork?
Dude most people in amerilardistan weren't using forks until the end of the 19th century they were eating with their hands like filthy barbarians. Meanwhile even the lowliest peasant in asia was using chopsticks.
tbf a lot of authentic Chinese food is really just quite gross. They have a massive hardon for slimy/ chewy/ gelatinous texture & foods like sea cucumber, cold fat, jellyfish, non-fried tofu & chicken feet. A lot of their delicacies are aspic tier.
Japanese food is bland and autistic. It doesn't work at all with poor ingredients or badly executed.
Rotting garbage is in many ways like Korean food. Gooks and Nips will both give you a million tiny bowls of things. It's disorienting.
Can you really blame Amerisharts for just wanting everything deep fried, covered in sugar and served to them in troughs?
It's not long ago forks were considered unchristian and people just mashed and skewered everything with their knife.
>Can you really blame Amerisharts for just wanting everything deep fried, covered in sugar and served to them in troughs?
Apparently, your american niggers can't be blamed for anything, since they're not responsible for anything they do. lol
Good job white people.
okay meanwhile jappoland was behind america and the west in basically everything else. they realized this and dropped a lot of their culture to emulate us and play catch up. then got btfo and made into a glorified US proxy state anyway. But you win cuz mah chopsticks
>tbf a lot of authentic Chinese food is really just quite gross. They have a massive hardon for slimy/ chewy/ gelatinous texture & foods like sea cucumber, cold fat, jellyfish, non-fried tofu & chicken feet. A lot of their delicacies are aspic tier.
Don't forget their love for crunchy cartilage.
Don't see what you mean about korean food though, most of north and eastern europe have pickled and fermented... everything for centuries.
the average chink makes like $5 a day, of course i don't want the authentic versions of their shit lol
>Don't forget their love for crunchy cartilage.
haha yeah, i'm actually almost sold on that one now though. I eat wing tips and keep finding myself breaking open bones for the marrow. I think they do it as a source of calcium and the collagen from it is also good for your joints.
Damned chinks, slowly indoctrinating me.
I don't even give a shit about the fork v. stick debate. Just but some goddamned laquered wood sticks or some actual bamboo. I buy nice chopsticks for my home, but my Viet wife insists on bringing in disposable wood shit, like it's some epoch of Asian culture. Just wash the fucking dishes.
so are you saying forks civilized American dining or are you saying that asian peasants are civilized for using chopsticks?
>not long ago
source? European aristocracy have been using forks for a while. And what does that have to do with forks being civilized or not? People in the past ate like animals, I'm aware of that.
Well forks pretty much followed the rise and movement of pasta, staying almost exclusively in italy untill thy 16th century, only branching into neighbouring nations.
Forks looked like pitchforks, the symbol of satan were barred from many courts and were considered "unmanly", not seeing widespread use in northern europe until the 18th century.
eh, lots of poor people food is good, like coq au vin
i bet you think really poor chinks eat/ate rice too, they don't, they ate millet
The gross shit i'm talking about isn't even an inpoverished chink thing either, shit like sea cucumber is expensive banquet food. When you discover real chinese food it blows your mind and then when you discover really real chinese food it feels like these slant eyed cunts are just fucking with you.
>It doesn't work at all with poor ingredients or badly executed
How is this different from every other food?
Say with an indian meat curry, you can't really overcook the meat because it's the cheap cuts with loads of fat and connective tissue and you heavily spice/season everything to disguise poor ingredients. It has a lot of ingredients and strong punchy flavours.
Same with a european stew.
French is loaded with butter to make it taste good.
Much Italian food, like much Japanese food, on the other hand, has very minimal ingredients, and focuses more on showcasing them, and their freshness, rather than obscuring them. It's not heavily seasoned. The line between 'best thing i've ever eaten' aglio e olio and boring mush a 8 year old could cook is very small, as is the line between perfect sushi and fucking raw fish on rice. You can make good Chinese food with oil refined literally from gutter sludge but you cannot make good Italian food without good olive oil. Japanese restaurants also are highly specialised, they perfect their area and serve only one thing. That's totally different to what most of the rest of the world expects, and so when you take that food based on refinement and perfection and make a chef deliver 15 different kinds of things, serve sushi & yakitori & tempura all at once, it becomes boring food.
Why do the ones that know nothing about history always talk the most?
To further explain why Japanese food is like this, it's related to their sense of aesthetics. Nips transcended gaudy shows of wealth and elaborate beauty. At the highest levels of their society, they came to value most; minimalism and simplicity, also the beauty of imperfection and flaws. Japanese emperors at times have coveted the hut of an old peasant, for being the peak of beauty.
It's diametrically opposite to the upper echelons of almost any other prosperous society's beliefs.
BASED huhposter
I have never in my life moved food directly into my mouth with fucking tongs
So what's your preferred method for cleaning the dripping, coagulated grease from your hands, lardistani?
Because Chinese restaurants are primarily takeout places, so disposable chopsticks are far more common than any other kind, idiot.
As someone half Taiwanese, this is true and appropriately, I only like about half of these things.
>I don't even give a shit about the fork v. stick debate. Just but some goddamned laquered wood sticks or some actual bamboo. I buy nice chopsticks for my home, but my Viet wife insists on bringing in disposable wood shit, like it's some epoch of Asian culture. Just wash the fucking dishes.
You eat off of metal silverware in restaurants that do wash their dishes in high pressure/hot steam sanitzing dishwashers, with real bleach. None of those things would be done to lacquered wood, nor bamboo. They simply wouldn't be hygienic after Mr. Hep A. and Mr. Norovirus and Ms. Listeria got done with those chopsticks.
Oh koreans like metal? Well, that's nice, but when the patron chips their $3000 veneer on it and threatens to sue, they're happy to have paper splinter disposables instead.
You have shit taste, flyover friend.
>Metal is harder in stick form