Is there a more comforting drink than black tea with just a few drops of whole milk?

Is there a more comforting drink than black tea with just a few drops of whole milk?
I appreciate quality loose leaf tea also, but I think you'd have to be fairly elitist to snub black tea with milk, entirely.

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>single bag
am i just using shitty tea, or what, because i always need to put in at least 2 bags to get it dark enough for milk, but then again i am also putting in more than just a couple drops of milk.

the brand of black tea i get claims to be from ceylon

Are you using boiling water and steeping for at least 3 mins? It's probably just your brand. Try Yorkshire Gold, a tea that's made for milk.

I got a bag of Earl Grey from Davidson's, a pound for about $15. Pretty good with some milky drippies.


yes and yes but will try YG with less milk, thanks.
pic related is what i currently drink.
5 usd for 100 bags, probably not the best quality.

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>I appreciate quality loose leaf tea also, but I think you'd have to be fairly elitist to snub black tea with milk, entirely.

... are you trying to say that black tea only comes in bags?
Gas all britfags pls.

No, but are you really going to add milk to loose Darjeeling?

Darjeeling's more of an oolong desu senpai


>>single bag
>am i just using shitty tea, or what, because i always need to put in at least 2 bags to get it dark enough for milk, but then again i am also putting in more than just a couple drops of milk.
Teabags of most brands are less filled than ever. People used to steep 2 separate cups of tea from teabags. There was more in a teabag to allow people to brew it strong (or not, and therefore get a second cup like in a diner in that metal pot of hot water. Switch brands until you find one with the flavor and strength you like. Or do loose tea and use as much as you want.

Black tea with a little milk is by far the best morning beverage ever. It's a necessity in my house. I can't start my day without it.
The only time I use bags is at work, because it's easier (and there, I drink Yorkshire Gold or Red), but at home I always use loose leaf, preferably pic related.

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i drank strong black tea for year, then one day it started to make me feel ill. within minutes i would break out in a sweat and get stomach cramps that last up to half an hour.
now, i can only drink black tea if the bag comes out after 30 seconds.
i just drink rooibos and other herbal teas now.
coffee is good too.
wierd, huh?

A british girl visited me once and she made some tea in the morning.
She boiled the water (complaining about the stove top kettle), then when it was hot, dipped the bag (which she had brought from England) in the water for a second and swirled it around the water, pulled it out, then put in the milk.

The tea bag was in there for literally less than a minute. Is this how you brits make tea? She thought I was talking crazy when I said we leave the bag in there for a minute or two. Who is wrong?

>swirled it around the water
i fucking hate when people do this.
squeezing the bag out is another thing that makes me cringe.
clearly not a true anglo, or some subspecies at best

A scouser

I like chocolate milk personally

Tea with Lemon or nothing.

Well the average size of a "cup of tea" is like 6-8 oz of water.

If you're using a huge, american 16-20 oz mug like I do, that's gonna take 2 bags to steep right.

I wonder if it's a reaction to pesticides. Try an Organic one and see if it's the same deal.

Tea bags or loose leaves? I can drink black tea made from loose leaves just fine even if I brew it for 10 minutes but back when I was a simple plebeian I'd get nauseous to the point of almost vomiting if I brewed my tea made with tea bags for too long.