Why again is this man credited with defeating Napoleon when he was one of the more incompetent military leaders and...

Why again is this man credited with defeating Napoleon when he was one of the more incompetent military leaders and didn't even contribute much to Waterloo?

eternal anglo, etc etc

>Didn't even contribute much to Waterloo

No, the meme is that only 1/3 of the army was British but he still commanded the entire army (except for the Prussians, who are always counted as a separate army).

He wasn't incompetent, although we can agree that British propaganda propped up his image.

Why do you say he was incompetent?

Everyone back then saw it as an Allied/Alliance victory but Brits slowly turned it into their victory over the course of the 19th century.

so like the US with WW2
eternal anglo indeed

But Anglo's actually won WWII

Battle of Britain
Battle of the Bulge etc etc.

If there's something worth praising historically about the British and "the eternal Anglos" is their success at propaganda.

Stalingrad was far more pivotal

The US won the Pacific single-handedly, they did far more than the British and the French.

>muh Australians

Do you think the Soviets still would have won if there weren't thousands of Germans manning the Atlantic Wall and billions of dollars flowing in from the Lend-lease?

Yes. The Western allies just sped up the process of Germany's fall.

>But muh trucks
>Muh Italian front

Soviets did the most legwork on the battlefield (their winter was pretty key too). Although the pacific front took up a lot of USA's resources. Also, I'm American.

Why are Anglos so fucking Insecure about themselfs?
Isn't having the world's Biggest Empire in History and starting the Industrial Revolution enough for them? Why do they literally have to discredit everyone else?

>didn't even contribute much to Waterloo?

come on.

Iberian campaign

>muh trucks don't matter meme

Trucks matter a lot, and the Soviets literally didn't have any.

>also I'm American
>where you live makes what you say more or less valid

This isn't Facebook, berniecuck.

Why are mainland Europeans always so buttblasted?

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Are you implying that if anyone else was in their position they would be humble and magnanimous?