Historic keks thread

Historic keks thread.

What moments or events in history make you laugh the most?

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a few weeks


The thousand flowers campaign in China

>yeah it's cool intellectuals you can critiscise the CCP
>jks lol now we know who doesn't like us we can just purge you all enjoy self denunciation

1940 invasion of France.
>builds wall
>they go around the wall
>surrender in 2 months


This will go down in history.

>1 civilian killed, 1 wounded by the British Army

why tho?

19 days to be exact
As a comparison, France lasted 45 days in 1940

>one of the greatest generals of the period charged his cavalry straight into a pike formation and lost to a bunch of uppity spudniggers

France is quite a bit larger and more populous than Prussia though. And if the war of 1871, WW1 and WW2 have proven anything it's that France alone has no chance against a unified Germany.

Prussia started the war m8. And France still won in WW1, shouldering most of the burden.

What won WW1 was the British naval blockade and the fact that Germany was fighting a two-fronts war for most of the time. Even with Russia on their side they would have lost. It was the British Empire that made the difference. France alone wouldn't have had a snowballs chance in hell.


>France is quite a bit larger and more populous than Prussia though

Doesnt matter much when reaching Paris means beating it
Not to mention that Napoleon's soldiers were on foor, while WW2 Germans were motorized

Taking Prussia is easy because it is completely indefensible. That is the primary reason for Prussia's militarism. However, they had become lazy after Frederick's death though and stopped learning. Napoleon had to teach them a lesson. And they learned well from it. Clausewitz studied Napoleon intensively and what he learned was going to mark the end of French dominance on the continent in the war to come.


Mexican Empire

>PS, France, HRE, Spain, and Ferrara vs. Venice
>PS, HRE, and Spain switch sides to Venice
>Venice switches side
>All that in 8 years


>months of sailing
>bunch of fuck ups
>get slaughtered when they finally battle the Japanese

And then Ataturk happened

What's a kek?

Have you ever tried to fight with or against the pope?

>deadliest IRA attack ever
>British lose nearly half their men
>still manage to murder and maim civilians

power balancing theory

An Egyptian god.

this can't be real. its so damn stupid

Is there any consensus whether Mao planned it to root out dissidents or if he actually believed in it?

Modern Syrians still claim the parts of the French mandate that ended up in Turkey. Irredentism is so retarded.

Either way it's funny.
If Mao planned it, then he's a first class troll.

If he didn't plan it, then he purged thousands of people because of sheer butthurt

It's real.
Just another glorious example of why Russia can't ever rule the world.

They did well under Stalin


>purged so many officers that instead of being 5-10 years ahead of the Germans in military tactics they were 3 years behind.
Russ were on the verge of developing schweterpunkt before anyone had begun to play around with mechanized or armored divisions
>said officers/tactics could have decreased the Russian casualties substantially

>hey france was more populous
>ahah stupid france couldnt do anything against a more populous germany

post 1945 they had the initiative in the Cold War until his death.

TOP kek



Is this why that French faggot hates the >HRE so much?

The French weren't the ones switching sides though.

>half their men
50 troops, not 50 men

Why they would hate the >HRE for that ?

>The stoic Chrysippus who is said to have died of laughter when he saw a donkey eating his figs.

What a guy.

It's like in RTW where you have an archer unit and keep waiting for them to shoot down that one last peasant who keeps running around until you run out of ammo and get stomped by barbarians.

Never trust the Floating Merchant

WHen I impregnated your mum

t. Nigel Farage

Greece lost its right to talk after that war kek

Why ? >HRE was our punching-bah, buttfucking some Germans is always a good thing
