I. Jesus
II. Marcus Aurelius
III. Diocletian?
IV. Constantine
V. Attila
VI. Beowulf?
VII. Muhammad
VIII. Charlemagne
IX. ?
X. ?
XI. Leif Erikson
XII. ?
XIII. Genghis Khan
XIV. ?
XV. Christopher Columbus
XVI. Shakespeare
XVII. Isaac Newton
XVIII. George Washington
XIX. Napoleon
XX. Adolf Hitler
Most Recognizable Person in the Western World by Century
Only us Canadians know about Leif Eriksson
>Not Luther
IX might be Alfred the Great, though I'm not sure. That's a bit too western.
VI. Is either Theoderic, Justinian, or Boethius
X. Will be Otto the Great
XI. Is William the Conqueror you dumb idiot
XII. Would probably be Henry II or Barbarossa
XIV. I'd give it to Chaucer for later influence or maybe Edward III
XVII. Is easily Louis XIV
XVIII. George Washington? That's only like the last bit. I'm not sure who to answer myself, maybe another French King, but I don't know.
recognizable not important. Everyone knows who Shakespeare is, Martin Luther isn't as well known.
Maybe among hobby historians
Anyone who has ever been a vikingaboo knows Leif Eriksson.
He was mentioned in a Spongebob episode so I'm sure there's a bunch of Americans aware of him too
The question is, do Icelanders know about him?
qeq, PBOH
VI. Justinian
IX. could be Charlemagne again
X. is maybe Otto the Great?
XI. for Billy the Conqueror
XII. for Henry II or Philip Augustus
XIV. probably Edward III
>Martin Luther isn't as well known.
The fuck? School history in Europe represents him as the man who created the protestantism and as the sole man behind protestantism. Calvin is probably mentioned in some picture caption or something. Luther is well known.
Make it Jeezus all the way until the XVIII or so.
Who's the most recognizable as of right now, about 16 years into this century?
Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, JPJ2
Probably Obama
top tier: obama
2nd tier: messi, ronaldo, trump, putin, merkel? (well maybe not her, not hitting asia/SA much i imagine)
What do you mean by recognizable? As in Physically? like an Iconic image?
Only Jesus, Napoleon, Hitler, Isaac Newton, and/or Shakespeare have meme distinguishable images.
The rest aren't
>Marcus Aurelius
Popularly depicted as Meme Roman Emperors in Togas n shit.
>Genghis Khan
Let me guess: popularly depicted as men with furry hats with stringy moustaches.
>Leif Erikson
Men with furry hats...with horns.
We don't even know what Muhammad looks like.
>What do you mean by recognizable?
Whether or not today's average Joe on the street would know who this person was.
I think your underestimating how ignorant the average person it. Shakespeare is so infused in our lexicon that everybody knows him.
XXI: Bieber
It'll be Putin, or Trump if he can pull the election out of his ass. Putin will probably be president or PM until he dies, the tandemocracy is too stable, and since he likes foreign intervention, he'll make his mark. Trump will be a liberal boogeyman and the next Hitler, in that he will be considered the greatest evil imaginable, even if he doesn't do anything
Meaning what? You mean the most 2016 Americans recognize their names? Because someof those people you listed were not very famous in their own times, and we don't know what they look like or even much about them.
No one reads Shakespear but everyone read Luther, what the fuck are you on about.